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Follow the Money! Hunter ADMITS He Paid ALL of Joe Biden’s Bills with Foreign Cash

Joe Biden loves to claim that he was never involved in any of Hunter’s business dealings and he’s maintained that stance even as several Biden business partners have exposed that Joe was VERY MUCH so involved.

It’s been a sore subject for President Biden who has shouted at several reporters for daring to question him over this obvious lie, but now Republicans have uncovered MORE proof that Joe is certainly not just an “innocent old man.”

According to First Son’s private text messages which have been obtained by House Republicans, Hunter admits that he was paying Joe Biden’s bills for YEARS – while receiving money from the likes of China, Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

The 2018 text messages between Hunter and his assistant Katie Dodge, reveal that Hunter had been paying nearly ALL of Joe Biden’s bills for more than a decade.


During this time span, Joe Biden was sitting in the White House as Vice President, and Hunter Biden was using that position to sell American influence to foreign countries in exchange for millions upon millions of dollars.

More messages from 2019 show Hunter complaining to his daughter Naomi that his dad had “forced” him to hand over HALF of the money he was bringing in.

The criminal family put an immense amount of work and time into covering up the connection between these foreign business schemes and Joe Biden – but it could be something as simple as Hunter’s text messages which finally brings them down!

Watch the video here to see why Hunter’s life is in shambles right now!

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22 thoughts on “Follow the Money! Hunter ADMITS He Paid ALL of Joe Biden’s Bills with Foreign Cash”

  1. Anyone paying any attention at all to the reports on the crooked biden gang know hunter is guilty of selling the big guy joe to our enemies and any other country. AND JOE BIDEN HAS BEEN AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT ALL ALONG. Joe just plays stupid because it has worked for decades as stupid democrat voters kept his crooked butt in office. All those years in office and the only thing joe did was get himself rich at our expense.
    The majority of people will soon have to admit Joe and hunter are guilty and will demand A REAL INVESTIGATION be held, not one controlled by crooked democrats.

    1. I’m sorry to say this but “good luck with that” the traitor in thief occupying the oval office will get away with all his crimes . It’s time for the people to take back our country and clean house.

    2. I don’t think Joe Biden was ‘playing stupid’. No playing here, he is stupid. What could a high profile individual think he could get away with his criminal activities and not be noticed? Stupidity has risen to a new level.

      1. He’s gotten away with it so far and no one is doing jack. Just lip service. Now all these “diseases” are appearing to intimidate people and enforce masks again. People better rise up.


  2. Joe and Hunter need to have the noose around their necks like other traitors in history e.g. Benedict Arnold, Nathan Hale etc!!

  3. Until leaders are held just as accountable for their crimes as the rest of us – they will continue to believe they are untouchable.
    First above all our leaders need to have the American citizens safety as number one on there list. Looking at this: BIDEN and his ADMINISTRATION TOTALLY DISMANTELED THE THINGS PUT IN PLACE TO SECURE OUR BORDER. The President has created the upheaval all over this country – to the point the so called sanctuary cities are screaming for help – this help comes at the expense of the taxpayer as government owns nothing. Emergencies here at home don’t seem as important to this Administration as assisting others in the world – it is a terrible thing what The Ukrainian people are going thru and assisting them is necessary – but where is the importance for catastrophe’s that occur here – Hawaii fires, the President didn’t even have time to express the countries solemn feelings when asked to speak to the massive catastrophe in Hawaii – his response basically was no comment – what about the Border – massive drugs coming across killing hundreds of thousands of our children, or the train derailment in Ohio – Biden’s illustrious transportation secretary who couldn’t find time to go look for himself but could take a 3 month leave for personal reasons – Billions sent to issues around the world but offers of 700 dollars for American Citizens needs. His son tried to scare on charges by pleading guilty to crimes other not connected citizens went to prison for until an honest judge said no – the same prosecutor that was going to allow Hunter to walk without jail time or even to prosecute him should other charges become known at a later date has been promoted to Special Council by anothe Biden pawn Merrick Garland – for the sole purpose of stopping any further questioning by The House – Garland knows a Special Prosecutor is suppose to come from outside the government – enough said as nothing will come of further examples lie the illegal Fiasa Warrents where the FBI lied to obtain them or Benghazi where Hilary wouldn’t allow troops to go and defend the Embassy – all died – or her blatant destruction of E-mails or when we could have stopped the suicide bomber in Afghanistan but our leaders didn’t want to upset the Taliban instead we ended up with 13 American Service personnel being slaughtered – when their remains were brought home Biden could have cared less looking at his watch to see how much longer he needed to be there – these are the leaders elected what a dismal joke as the world laughs at us – enough said


  4. You said it all Terry got it down pat. Wish all of the people could see this so we could come together and IMPEACH that bunch out of the White House would love to run them all out justice department FBI the whole shitload. Come on people demain for an impeachment.

    1. Exactly everyone needs to vote republican! I am serious! I know there are some rhinos but we need every conservative vote possible. We need a full slate of clean house. The House and senate needs majority to clean house in the FBI and other places. The power needs to come back to the conservative American people. If we don’t then kiss your savings bye, social security bye, your control of your own children and household. The Dems are not your friends. They are in their service for their on interest. They have been dug in their own trench for themselves too long. They are in bed with China, Russsia.
      They are trying to control us in every facet of our lives. They are trying to take your control from every parent. Look at North Korea. Children are taken away from their parents and put in school to raise. Now it might not get that bad here, but they are trying to say now that children should be influenced by the teachers and not their parents on gender selection after they poison your children’s minds with confusion instruction. Come on people. Get on your knees and pray to our God that He want turn His Head and allow evil in our lives to the HILT! He is our only hope. Even if you don’t believe in God, you better do your best if you have one dot of descency and help yourself and your
      Family and your fellow American way of life of constitutional law and order vote conservatively for our God given rights.

  5. Not just impeach this treasonous unlawful bunch, there must come Prison time for this lawless treasonous and bribery bunch. It is time All Republicans stick together and get a game plan to send all these involved in taking millions of foreign money for favors and making the security of USA formidable for take over! Every elected Congress person must stand together & make this Top priority to save our country!

  6. Joby, skip impeachment which will never happen , we need to win the 2024 election and clean house from within. The same emthod that the SWAMP came into power is the same way it must be destroyed from within the GOV. infrastructure.

  7. BIDEN was in Congress a long time installed as V.P. IS A GOFER. ”And just now” that he was installed as president! people are talking about corruption.?? This man is a manipulator, corrupt to the core WHO IS/WAS willing to be used as the enforcer ”the big guy” yes, the candy man for those who could pay him for favors and who held powerful positions. He was able to use and drop names of those sitting in powerful seats, such as president etc. HE basked in his glory and loved the title ”THE BIG GUY” he is not one to dismiss as weak, old, or forgetful… that’s his cover. he might be mean, ruthless and possibly dangerous. he was able to enforce his power of contacts to demand money, or getting one fired, because he was connected to high power corrupt so- called- leaders. pushed his way into countries willing to pay for his connections. and or selling off our land, and secrets to foreign nations. now these are just thoughts and opinions, I GATHER BY READING AND SO BE IT, PRAY FOR AMERICA.

  8. Biden lied… we already know that. He’s lied many times over. Nothing new. It’s best to believe that if any of the biden’s mouths are moving they’re lying. IMHO.


  9. Where’s the proof! Print the so called “Bombshell” emails. In Court and Committee testimony all these Hunter Biden link to Joe Biden are nothing burgers! It’s not true just because MAGA Republicans claim it to be and want it to be. Trump is a criminal and has destroyed the Republican party and the rule of law. He has no idea how to given a nation except for his own interests and vullifying anyone who pushes back on lies. Joe Biden and the Democrats know how to lead and help ALL Americans.
    Open your eyes and see Trump and the MAGA Republican party for what they are. Liars and corrupt politicians who are solely in Gov’t for money and power.

    I am a registered Lincoln Republican. Shame on the Grand Old Party for embracing authoritarianism, lies, and corruption.

    1. Get your head out of your ASS and really see what’s going on! America is going down! We have to do SOMETHING! No,1,fire Joe biden,

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