Fewer Penalties = More Crime

America is suffering a violent crime wave not experienced in decades as law and order advocates draw connections to Democrat-led Defund the Police movements. Honest, hard-working community members were shocked when riots, looting, and murder were shrugged off by progressives who responded by targeting police officers.

Although the connection between anti-cop rhetoric and patrol officer reductions has emboldened criminals, more insidious factors are making big cities unsafe. On this Prager U report, deputy director of legal policy at the Manhattan Institute, Rafael Mangual, pulls back the curtain on what a small number of powerful progressives are doing.


It’s essential to understand that the Defund the Police movement was but a single prong of the left’s attack on law and order. Along with fewer officers to enforce statutes, a seemingly small number of progressive prosecutors are thumbing their nose at laws on the books. Cities such as Boston, Portland, New York, Baltimore, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and others decided to mete out justice only to some, and let many criminals off the jook.

By sidestepping the penalties that elected officials wrote into the laws, progressives are putting the interests of violent offenders ahead of honest citizens.

Mangual proves this trend is not another piece of conservative versus liberal propaganda. Instead, he rolls out statistical evidence that indicates fewer penalties and bail restrictions orchestrated by progressive prosecutors have a disastrous effect on public safety.

One of the things everyday people love about educational videos such as Prager U is that no one is force-feeding their opinion. By watching this fact-driven report, you’ll be able to make informed decisions for yourself.

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10 thoughts on “Fewer Penalties = More Crime”

  1. By the George Soros backed Prosecuters not pushing back against criminals , refusing to prosecute in many cases , along with less police presence and low moral, the left are on track to destroy America as it is known. They bend and allow groups to dictate to them what laws they will no longer punish people for committing and allow destruction and murder in many large cities and communities, all in order to garnish votes and to H with everyone else’s concerns , we’ll being and safety. Soros and His gaggle of Senators, Representatives and Prosecuters need to be removed from office, jailed for not upholding the offices they were elected in to and a Warrant issued ( as many countries have already done ) for the arrest of Soros and those that agree with his ideology.

    1. Absolutely! In fact, those “Woke” Prosecutors/Persecutors have decided that our God-given Right To Life goes out the window any time a criminal wants to take that life. And they expect you to kneel for execution instead of fighting back. Sounds like Nazi Germany and/or Soviet Russia to me. The latest example is Kenosha, WI.

    2. This is no longer a Republican or Democrat issue People, OUR CHILDREN ARE DYING EVERYDAY!!! Every American should expect and receive SAFE STREETS AND NEIGHBORHOODS, RIGHT? But it seems that the Democrats have to continue the lie…. So the Biden Administration goes after Gun Manufactures but allows the CRIMINALS WHO SHOOT THE GUNS FREE TO WANDER NEEDLESSLY IN OUR COMMUNITIES, DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE???
      IT’S BECOMING THE NORM TO WAKE UP ON MONDAY LOG INTO THE INTERNET AND READ STORIES ABOUT ANOTHER INNOCENT MAN, WOMEN OR CHILD CAUGHT IN THE CROSS FIRE OF IRRESPONSIBLE CRIMINALS….. THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE NORM PEOPLE!! So what is the ,” ROOT CAUSE” of this? Could it be the De-funding of the police movement championed by the Democrats throughout the SUMMER OF 2020??? BAIL REFORM???? ALLOW CRIMINALS TO GET OUT OF PRISON ONLY TO CONTINUE THEIR LIVES OF CRIME??? All of a sudden the rise in Crime; shootings, is on the NEWS!!! RIGHT ,, BECAUSE VIOLENCE CAME TO WHERE THE MAIN STREAM AND CONGRESS HANG OUT!! But burning down and killing innocent Americans last Summer was fine after all those were “Peaceful Protests!! What a crock of crap!!! It’s time to elect folks that will keep their promises and protect the American People ,,PERIOD!!!

      1. The democrat party, along with their rino whelps, KNOW full well that they are able to cheat in elections, control ballots with ballot measures that scam, con, grift, bully, and restrict voters; count on the media, academicians, corporate ceo’s, cartels, communist nations, islamist nations, with all their thugs, punks, and terrorist criminals to terrorize and bully opponents. Throwing these so-called peaceful folks out of office, clearing them off the streets, and prosecuting them is near null and void; 19-23% control, oppress, lie, steal, cheat, rape, pillage, riot,and murder at will- all for their overlord tyrants, tycoons, and terrorist masters!

  2. Yet infractions by those “criminals” associated with the right are vigorously prosecuted. The first conviction against a “rioter” at the Capitol building for taking a selfie photo in the building was 8 months in prison. But hundreds of identified and charged BLM and Antifa arsonists and looters have been let off the hook.

    1. January 6 was not a riot or “Insurrection.” People were allowed into the Capitol by police and one peaceful veteran, Ashli Babbitt, was murdered by a Capitol cop. Innocent persons have been arrested – including almost an entire family for no reason, leaving a grade-school girl without parents and having to fend for herself. And prisoners have been tortured without mercy. In fact, some residents of WDC were frightened at the possibility of the FBI arresting them because of where they live. The FBI has gone rogue and needs to be abolished.

  3. Yep this is true. Even those drunk drivers who gravely injure or even kill others are let off easily while those injured are forced to pay copayments and coinsurance amounts they which they never would have paid otherwise. Those drunk drivers are allowed bail even when they commit their crimes especially if their mommy is an Assistant Attorney General who left the keys so her 20 year old drunken daughter could get them but excluded her from the insurance. Crimes are not just theft fo TVs like the cartoon image shows, but also drunk driving that causes wrecks that include grave bodily injury and death. LOCK UP CRIMINALS FROM THE DAY THEY COMMIT THEIR CRIME, DON’T ALLOW BAIL.

  4. Do you suppose that ANYONE who breathes does not realize that the entire bunch of left wing retards supposedly running this country don’t realize this! It’s the sheeple who have forgotten that they have any intestinal fortitude that these brain dead so-called judges and prosecutors continue to punish those who are innocent by turning these ignorant assholes loose on a daily basis! GUTLESS PIMPS…that’s who’s running the show!

  5. If it’s liberal it’s part and parcel of the crime waves throughout the country since they fail int heir elected duties..

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