Residents of Chicago’s South Shore neighborhood – a predominantly black community – are LOSING it on Democrat politicians over a proposal to fill their neighborhood with illegal immigrants, and force taxpayers to foot the bill!
“I am just outraged! I’m outraged and I don’t understand why our community was chosen!” said one resident during a local forum.
City representatives told residents that their neighborhood would offer free food, facilities, and shelter to illegals.
At a time when Americans are struggling immensely to make ends meet, the vile Democrats are making it evident that they care MORE about illegals than they do about American taxpayers who voted for them!
“It is a slap in the face that we as citizens of the United States of America do not have the resources and support but you’re gonna bring people who are not citizens here in our community in our buildings that we pay taxes for that you took away from us?” said another resident.
The migrant crisis has now grown to be such a massive issue that it’s affecting many Americans – like these South Shore residents – right in their homes.
What that means for the Democrats, however, is that they can no longer hide behind the lies of their media propagandists and will likely continue to face MAJOR backlash even from their own voters.
Watch the video here to see these angry Americans rip into the Democrat politicians that caused this!
Chitcago is a good place for the ILLEGAL Border Crossers/Invaders. The gangs there will weed them out.
Keep the busses flowing, there may be an unrealized benefit to it. (Immigration control). Hell, use the Trains to send them in by the Train Load, Dump the invaders off in the ghettos. The hood rats will steal their phones & government supplied credit cards etc. The Illegals will be begging to be sent back.
Busing all these imigrants into the country is the wtong approach. They need to be prevented from entering this country without exception.
this is why mayr adams has canceled his town meeting cos NO ONE WANTS ILLEGAL ALIENS IN THEIR COMMUNITIES!
It upsets me that our vets who put their lives on the line for our freedom are being thrown out on the street so the illegals who did nothing for our country are treated like better then the americans who pay the taxes to keep these scum in office. remember what Biden and his scum team has done to you and your family when you go to vote. You put these scum in office now it is up to you to get them out.JUst because you are a democrat doesn’t mean you have to vote democrat. only your votes will take these scum out of office. When you mark that ballot remember who put you out of your houses, remember who the scum biden opened all the borders and gave the illegals 300 million dollars for their up keep. what did he give you a slap in the face while he spends your tax dollars on the illegals. Just remember that when you vote. Democrats don’t care about you all they care about is how much money you are going to put in their pockets. How many illegals they are paying to get illegals to vote for them. If you see an illegal kick his ass and tell him to go back where they came from. Or drive them to biden’s house or the white house and drop them off. Do yourself a favor stand up to the democrats and tell them you are not going to take his shit anymore. Biden and his scum live in million dollar house what do you live in? am sure you are not in the same boat.Are you allowed to move into the white house at tax payer expense like Hunter biden is doing with his family and you are paying for him to live free. these are things you need to remember when you vote. Just because you are a democrat does not mean you have to vote democrat, you made your bed when you put these scum in office now unmake that bed and vote them out.
Our vets who put their lives on the line to defend out country, defend the americans and the hotels and motels in new york kick these service members out so the illegals can take their place. Did the illegals defend our country, did they fight for our freedoms that biden has taken away from us hell no, all they want is free money and what ever else biden will give them free even your house and you will still be stuck with paying for. stand up and fight back. Our vets deserve the best they earned it so fight for them. biden is not giving them 300 million dollars no he is giving it to the illegals. Is that okay with you well tell cockroach biden it is not okay, then we have these scum who went to school to get degrees and good paying jobs now want you to pay their student loans for them. You need to get these scum out of office and the only way to do that is to vote them out. Will you make the same mistakes in the next election and vote them back in.You need to vote and dump democrats under the bus. or they will keep cheating you out of your tax dollars and dumping more illegals on you,next you know they will be sleeping in your beds while you are sleeping on the street. Hunter Biden belongs in prison, not living in the white House on your dime. Only you can make it happen. Use your brains and common sense think before you vote.Don’t listen to these scum news people because they are Biden ass kissers and will tell you any lie to get you to make the wrong vote. Wake up america
Remember what you are saying when it’s time to vote don’t vote these same people in and maybe things might change we need as a country worry about us first and then help other people
Black people in these communities feel completely entitled to cash in welfare checks and other free benefits paid by Hard working Americans tax dollars, but the freeloading scumbags don’t seem to want to share their free space with other freeloading scumbag illegal immigrants.
It is about time! The Dems have never cared about black people, they just tell they are going to help and they do nothing for you.
What President Trump did while he was in the White House was really helping all families. He Loves God, the USA, and it ‘s people.