FBI Report DEBUNKS Democrat Lies about Jan 6th, Says it was NOT Coordinated by Trump or Anyone Else

If people thought the FBI’s despicable practices of targeting conservative Americans were the result of a few politically motived deep state operatives, you were wrong. Although former President Donald Trump purged left-wing activists such as James Comey and Andrew McCabe, the only thing that changed was the bureau’s unscrupulous tactics. It appears the FBI operates more like a criminal organization than the country’s top law enforcement agency.

On this exclusive report, Dinesh D’Souza exposes the motives behind the FBI backpedaling about the Jan. 6 overrun of the Capital.

At first blush, the information coming out of Washington, D.C., would seem as though law enforcement officials are trying to do the right thing. Anyone who watched the debacle knows that a bunch of rabble-rousers entered the halls of Congress because they were outraged Joe Biden would gain electoral college certification when there was ample evidence of election fraud. It was a riot, not an insurrection.


After Capital Police stepped aside, the mostly peaceful protesters roamed the halls taking selfies and opening Nancy Pelosi’s mail. Many agree, the image of one man with his feet up on her desk was entertaining. Although individuals who entered the building face stiff criminal charges, the FBI has gone on the record emphatically stating the incident was neither planned nor an insurrection.

Now consider the fact that an FBI agent was reportedly conspiring with militia members who allegedly planned to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. With that caveat in hand, everyday Americans need to question why the FBI appears to be coming clean on the Jan. 6 probe. On this report, Dinesh D’Souza drags their dark motives into the light.

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9 thoughts on “FBI Report DEBUNKS Democrat Lies about Jan 6th, Says it was NOT Coordinated by Trump or Anyone Else”

  1. Insurrections need to be planned and everything would need to be known about where congress people were. You’d need deadly force and you’d need enough determined fighters to over take any opposition. That did not happen. This was a bunch of tourists and patriots with smart phones and banners, taking selfies in the capitol. The government are the ones who planned and turned this into what it was by attacking grand ma. The only people planning anything was the government, democratic party and the fbi. They wanted to disrupt the opposition to the elector delegates of the stolen election. Its clear they will do anything to disqualify Trump from being president. They did from day 1 in 2016 and now. Such hate and criminal acts need to be exposed.

  2. This was supposed to stop pence from signing off on the voting process , to give in to the democrates horrifying outcome of fraudulent voting system they encouraged by mail in voting , a complete failure . The supreme Court should have recounted in obviously corrupted states , it would have settled everything , but democrates hired over 500 lawyers , which seems to an alternate objective .

  3. Very interesting opinion on this. The fbi wants this to be shut down now since they have successfully used the event for all it was worth. Half of Americans BELIEVE that this WAS an organized attack on our government. What they don’t want is further inquiry and the possibility of having to expose all the info they are hiding from the citizens that would debunk the marxist narrative on what happened.

  4. These people are wicked. They have all these qualities and are eventually going to get what’s coming to them.
    eyes that are arrogant,
    a tongue that lies,
    hands that murder the innocent,
    a heart that hatches evil plots,
    feet that race down a wicked track,
    a mouth that lies under oath,
    a troublemaker

  5. Why hasn’t Kamaltoe been held accountable for sedition,in video, during last summers deadly riots??? Demons tried to impeach Trump for the word “fight”…no way can Kamaltoe be President after committing sedition!!!!!

  6. I think the FBI’s saying what they’re saying because there’s evidence to show that they were complicit in this particular situation of events. Further investigation is only going to show that Nancy Pelosi and higher law enforcement broke the law so it’s just easier to say nothing to see here.

  7. The people of America will not stand for what is happening to good people like the ones who were arrested at the Capitol on January 6th. On a separate issue I heard they wanted to give Trump a mental test why the hell are you not giving one to Biden when he literally does not know where he is 99% of the time.

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