Several far-left congressional Reps. have expressed a bizarre level of support for Hamas – almost as if radical progressives are on the same team as the terrorist group that chants “death to America” any chance they get.
Not excluded among those that support Hamas is squad member Rashida Tlaib, who you may recall was BANNED from Israel along with fellow Rep. Ilhan Omar after being deemed too radical.
After releasing a statement implying that Israel got what was coming to them, reporters confronted Tlaib to ask her how she felt about the fact that as part of their attack, Hamas was severing the heads of BABIES and recording it for the world to see.
Her reaction was sickening.
The Democratic congresswoman REFUSED to condemn this vile act which, regardless of political affiliation, should be something that ALL Americans can easily denounce.
When asked repeatedly to comment on these heinous acts committed by the terrorist group she supports, Tlaib simply ignored the reporter and ran away from them.
Sadly, she is not alone in doing this.
Another Democratic Congressman by the name of Tim Hernandez had a similar reaction to the war crimes, but he took things a step further and SMIRKED while refusing to condemn them.
Signaling how far these radical leftists are willing to go to support their beloved terrorist group, Hernandez THREATENED the journalist who confronted him.
Hernandez said, “Do you know what happens to people who mess with me? You don’t want to mess with me. I’m a gangster.”
These are people who have infiltrated the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT.
Watch the video here to see radicals like Rashida Tlaib show their true colors.
Towel Head- Talib- An Un-American piece of TRASH-Taliban lover is an insult to the USA & Humanity.
The SKANK needs KICKED OUT of Congress, Tared & Feathered then sent on a Trash Barge to Rag head land.
Same goes for the rest of the Slimy Squad.
They should take her and give her to the Hamas terriorist!!!!!!! Hopefully they would CUT off her freaking head!!!!!!!!!!! She does NOT deserve to be in this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE IS A TERRIORIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take down that damm flag in front oif her office. I am a cutizen and taxayer this is an abomination. Has nothing to do with free speech. Her face says it all, that’s enough for me.
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The day will come that these bitches will regret the rest of their disgusting lives. The burning flames of hell will consume their souls. And oh yeah, they deserve to be hanged and stoned to death for the public to see and maybe even participate by getting to throw some of those stones. Lol Hell I’d pay to see that!!
Why is she even allowed to be in Washington..worthless pos should be where her mouth is.. standing side by side with Hamas as Israel bombs the hell out of them..the mob guy might want to watch what he says..they don’t take kindly to pretenders