FACT: Democrats, Not Republicans are Responsible for Spreading Election Misinformation

The fake news media can shout at the top of their lungs all they want that Republicans are trying to suppress the vote, but that will never make it true. The facts are that Democrats and their co-conspirators in the liberally biased media are engaged in a massive misinformation scheme to encourage election fraud. On this Forbes Breaking News report, one GOP Congressman says enough is enough and unleashes a fact-based barrage that mows down Democrat lies.

Illinois Rep. Rodney Davis delivers a powerful message that recent Republican-led efforts to ensure voting integrity benefit everyday Americans. He points out that temporary measures put in place to navigate the pandemic made sense only in an emergency. But procedures such as 24-hour voting crack the door for scammers to tip the scales in sometimes tight elections.


What patriotic Republicans are tasked with accomplishing in the waning days of the pandemic is closing loopholes that make it too easy to cheat while creating expansive opportunities to vote. Davis does not make such statements lightly or without strong support from impartial leaders such as U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

What’s unfortunate is that we live in a country where the media mob uses its platform to spread misinformation that dismantles the confidence in elections good people deserve. And what may be even more troubling is the fact misinformation is being manufactured by Democrat politicians who hold the nation’s highest offices.

If you want to know how high this election disinformation conspiracy reaches, watch this fact-driven exclusive right now.

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15 thoughts on “FACT: Democrats, Not Republicans are Responsible for Spreading Election Misinformation”

  1. Whatever the Rats accuse honest people of? you can be sure the opposite is true! Russia collusion? Democrats (and Uranium 1), Disinformation and misinformation? Democrats and their media buddies. Election fraud ? Democrats. Shootings? All Democrats. Trying to lead children astray from an early age? Democrats. Covid and fake vaccines? Democrats! Badly run Cities? Democrats. Taking bribes an blackmail and quid pro quo and wasting money? Democrats (And some Rinos) Rioting and looting and destructive behaviour? Democrats and the list goes on. Admittedly some Rinos too.

    1. The thing I’m more worried about is the election fraud…they are bringing in all these illegals so they can ram them through and let them vote and do away with the Republican Party and they don’t care if they are vivid sick or not…
      And they are releasing them in America so they can spread the sickness around in our
      Population …
      And we aren’t fighting back as much as we should…

      1. The only election fraud is Trump’s . For 3 months now some company that does not have a clues has been messing with Votes in Arizona. a 3 week audit is going past 3 months now Has yet to show anything. Those votes are now shipped off to Montana. Maybe, they will replace Ballots to try to claim their fraud1.And Kevin McCarthy is now warning of a civil war.Good bye USA Trump Flees to Russia to avoid Prsecurion


  2. The commie democrats are the worst thing that has hit America in over 100 years. They are out to destroy every American and transform America into a communist state like no other. The commie democrat mob will be eating out of garbage cans. CRT has taught us how evil and dangerous these commie democrats really are, they include their enslaved blacks, the muslims, they have recently imported thousands of illegal aliens to help them and of course the gay transgender freaks are at their disposal.

  3. there is only one way to stop this. we must all get the message out via word of mouth, and printed methods. the MSM is a joke. I don’t subscribe to any newspapers, as they all report the demon rat agenda. we must volunteer if able at the polls. we have to defeat these “rats” there. write or email your reps. stay on them to do the right thing. primary out all the rinos. we dont need them taking money from such funds as WINRED, and then voting the demon rat agenda. send money only to the candidate of your choice, not some super PAC. we can dry up their funds. every city that the pResident visits, be there on the streets to “greet” him with indicators of your party preference, ie. signs, flags, banners etc. same for JILLDO. let them see the strength of the people against communism. be PEACEFUL. anything else deters from our messages. we do not want to sink to the rat levels. use facts whenever you can when talking to people. avoid innuendos. your proven facts are what we need to stop this misinformation campaign. ( dont fall victim to the rat traps by being aggressive). you can prove more by speaking, rather than arguing. the left are deaf when it comes to rationalization. we will win. America will survive this onslaught. we always have.

  4. @ Southern proud…..I’m with you all the way and think jail without any means of communication is the only way to get rid of their lies.

  5. The only election fraud is Trump’s . For 3 months now some company that does not have a clues has been messing with Votes in Arizona. a 3 week audit is going past 3 months now Has yet to show anything. Those votes are now shipped off to Montana. Maybe, they will replace Ballots to try to claim their fraud1.And Kevin McCarthy is now warning of a civil war.Good bye USA Trump Flees to Russia to avoid Prsecurion

    1. Hey Fredrick take your LGQ alphabet and your rainbow flag and troll elsewhere. This site is for actual American patriots. No commie lib opinions matter here!

    2. Wow! You must watch MSNBC non-stop to come up with their agenda verbatim. The actual evidence is overwhelming. It’s the system that’s flawed… when no judge in the nation will view the evidence or take the case… because of the threats & intimidations of Antifa/BLM.

  6. The daddest thing for me about the Biteme biden presidency besides the fact that he stole it from Trump, is that he is an absolute liar. He has not told the truth about any thing in the last year. It is a true crime when an American citizen can not believe anything his own president says. That is where we are at plain and simple! Wake up America, you need to stop this old demented lying asshole!!

  7. Biden has been an absolute dirty politician for nearly half a century. He won’t change! And since he is incompetent and incapable of making valid decisions, he makes for the perfect “puppet” for 0bama. In fact, he might have thought Hillary would finish the job of shifting to a Marxist govt, but clearly, Biden is a better tool. Of course the Democrats are guilty of massive voter fraud & stealing the election. They used the 2010 Census figures for their mail in ballot fraud. But when there is not a single judge in the nation willing to stand up for the TRUTH, for our Constitution, for LAW & ORDER… there is no one who will stop the Deep State COUP and Election STEAL.

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