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Expert Doctor Warns COVID Vaccines Have Led to “Turbo Cancer!”

Coinciding with the mass rollout of the experimental mRNA injections, there has been a disturbing phenomenon dubbed by experts as “turbo cancer” – and it’s getting worse.

Dr. Harvey Risch, a renowned epidemiologist with a professional background in cancer, has been warning that the COVID vaccines have led to a massive uptick in excess cancer rates.

An expert in his filed, Dr. Risch notes that the injections are responsible for new “turbo cancers” which are very fast growing and aggressive cancers.

“We know that the COVID vaccines have done various degrees of damage to the immune system in a fraction of people who’ve taken them,” the doctor said.

“And that damage could be anywhere from getting COVID more often, getting other infectious diseases, and perhaps it may also be cancer in the longer term,” he continued warning.


He points out that typically this deadly disease takes a long time to manifest from the time it starts, but the injections have been rapidly accelerating the process and literally killing people.

Dr. Risch goes on to say that the data is obviously not their yet because, “The idea that a new product like the [COVID] vaccines could cause cancer is not something that’s going to be observable overnight.”

And of course the government and others who have tried to convince us that the jabs are “safe and effective” will do everything in their power to make sure we NEVER know the truth which means we might never see that data – but it’s happening, and it’s only getting worse!

Watch the video here to see this expert expose what the COVID vaccines are really doing!

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24 thoughts on “Expert Doctor Warns COVID Vaccines Have Led to “Turbo Cancer!””

  1. Isn’t it about time that some serious investigations are begun into these apparently “Untested Vaccines” before administering to any human just because Biden illegally mandates what his handlers dictated totally without forethought or maybe with hopes that it will “Work as Intended” Causing Chaos, Quarantines and Lockdowns

    1. Evil Hitlerites Jokementia Bribery and Fauci got so much money from Big Pharma that they’re never going to stop mandating these fake flu ‘vaccines’ as much as they can get away with from the courts…

  2. Omg I took two shots when they first came out . Great now there causing cancer and heart attacks and god knows what esle. And now big pharma has a whole new level of shots to give out , Don’t thank-so big pharma ths cdc and big pharma don’t have my trust anymore I used to get the flu shot every year but now I want take any more vaccines. There more dangerous than the covid and flu..YOU CAN KEEP YOUR JAB. WANT GET RICH FROM ME THANK YOU.

    1. I stoped taking Vaccinesany years ago, I have not taken a vaccine since I was in grammer school, I am 71 now, mom did not beleive in cdc

  3. I think as most of America has now figured out, the real killer of the covid scam is the shot that Fauci pushed on the country. Fauci should be hanged for murder.

  4. I had Covid in 2021, got the J&J shot then in Dec. 2021 received the J&J Booster – because I have asthma –when they came out with the 3rd shot I told them NO if I wasn’t protected after all that I never would be. If you don’t know the mRNA vaccine 1. Unlike other vaccines HAS NO DEAD VIRUS in it. Flu, Chicken Pox, and measles all do, so they are TRUE Vaccines. 2. This so-called Vaccine, per a published article by the vaccine creator, does NOTHING to prevent COVID-19. What it does, per the creator, is OPEN YOUR DNA which makes it accessible to anything and CAN NOT BE CLOSED. That makes the JAB even MORE Dangerous than you thought. I personally won’t take any more than I have. You might note also that the Johnson & Johnson jab had the least side effects of any but they don’t brag on any but the 2 largest Pharmaceutical Companies, & the CDC

    1. Never took any of the killer jabs and took one flu shot in 2019, had respiratory issues for 3 months after getting flu shot. Hadn’t taken any shots since retiring from USAF in 1993 until 2019. Won’t take any jab for any reason. No trust in the medical community. If they know you didn’t get covid shot and they insist you get a pneumonia or shingles shot, how do you know what you are getting? My husband has rushed to get evey killer jab as well as flu shots annually. He has been dealing with prostate cancer since 2009 and it was always contained in the prostate until he took the 1st jab and 4 months later (2021) he had spots of cancer in his chest. He gets one radiated and another shows up, had 3 so far. I will always believe the killer jab caused the prostate cancer to metastasized away from the prostate and the oncology couldn’t even determine what caused these cancer spots until they could reach one to biopsy which was the 3rd one that showed up, removed lymph node. There are many that should be shot by firing squad for crimes against humanity. If you want to live stay away from the doctors who are beholden to big pharma, which many are.

    2. The 2nd vaccine killed my fiance I told her not to take it as I am allergic to so many drugs I go on the internet and study everything about a new drug and discovered the 2nd vac caused blood clots and my bride to be expired one week after taking the vac that I warned about.The doctor said her lungs were so full of clots there was nothing to do.I often wondered how many people have died from the jab and they say it was a covid death

  5. Well, the Government was successful in scaring the hell out of my wife!! After agreeing to take the first two, I said I was done. 50 years together, THIS was almost a big enough reason for her to talk divorce!! As of this writing, I’ve now taken a total of FIVE!! Recently, she has asked the pharmacist when the NEXT shot will be available…she’s 79 and I’m 74, so our end of life view is a little clearer than younger people. Am I worried now? OBVIOUSLY, it’s a little late for that.

    1. Am 75, have had the real vaccines, but never the fake flu ‘vaccines’… expecting to live to about 150… or so… keep in good physical condition…

  6. Got my info from Clay Clark of the Thrivetime Show. He had Drs who were very much against vaccines. I heeded their warnings and sent the info to all family members. Clark also did the tour of America meetings. He had Drs and other medical professionals give lectures about the virus, vaccines and treatments. The treatment given killed many and then were reported as vivid deaths. All meant to scare the hell out of people. I will never believe the CDC ever again.

  7. Can we get the truth anywhere? I also have taken all the vacs and my Dr said I should take this latest one but I’m not so sure. And I do not feel we are getting the true story.

  8. *I am in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I received the second shot at 9am on a Monday morning. Bu two 0; clock pm my legs felt peculiar by five 0’clock pm I was in the hospital. I could not walk.After extensive testing, it was determined this was the result of the vaccine. After months of rehab and physical therapy I can walk a little but must have someone with me because my legs give out. DO NOT GET ANY not trust what this guy in the white house is telling you. He is a first-class liar.

  9. If they really want to convince people…let us take the jab you’re about to give us, and let us inject THAT specific injection into biden,fauci,and the rest of the politicians etc… I bet $1000 they refuse it because the jab they’re getting isn’t the same jab you’re getting.

  10. these vaccines made by our top two companies used protein in their vaccines and it seems that what is causing heart attacks and blood cults in the younger generation. When will people realize that many elected officials is no longer concerned ? about our safety.

  11. These vaccines made by our top two companies used protein in their vaccines and it seems that what is causing heart attacks and blood cults in the younger generation. When will people realize that many of our elected officials are no longer concerned about our safety.

  12. Depopulation by vaccination was born 2013 but they had to find a “pandemic” that would fit their agenda,there comes Fauci and Wuhan to the rescue.Covid-19 was born in Wuhan and sold to the public .People are to gullible and listen to the to the WH liar over and over.Covid wasn’t at all as bad as the convinced the people.I never bought Biden’s lies,researched mRNA and it was a No -NO

  13. My Commanding Officer Ordered me to get the Covid shot in march of 2020, I Told him NO, I refuse to have an untested “vaccine”. I was a Navy Captain and he was a Rear Admiral and he asked me if I was Refusing his Order and I replied ,I damn sure am. I stayed in the Navy 2 more years and never got the shot and I retired in 2023 after 32 years and I still haven’t had a covid shot. After a team of lawyers filed every lawsuit in the books on the Navy they finally gave up and left me alone.

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