Recently we learned that a Michigan investigation uncovered cold-hard evidence of voter fraud actively taking place just ONE MONTH before the 2020 election.
Investigators discovered a disturbing operation – with a footprint in AT LEAST 20 states – when they found one of the vote rigging stash houses and it was filled with guns, silencers, burner phones, pay cards, and mountains of fraudulent ballots.
Now of course, the investigation went nowhere after local officials handed it off to the FBI. We’ve seen over the last couple of years how far the agency will go to help Democrats stay in power. The FBI swept the evidence and investigation right under the rug and not another peep was heard about it until this past week.
Estimates suggest that as many as 800,000 ballots in Michigan alone were impacted by this fraud, more than enough to hand Joe Biden the victory.
But it appears as though the FBI didn’t necessarily act alone in covering this up. They may have had some help from someone who was supposed to be close to Trump.
Then Attorney General Bill Barr, which we now know is a pro-establishment “never-Trumper,” reportedly FORCED his DOJ to turn a blind eye to not only this election altering discovery – but ALL instances of election fraud that had been brought to their attention.
One official who worked for the Trump admin at the time, recalls that Barr sent out the order – nobody was to touch an election case.
For some reason, “Republican” Bill Barr was hell-bent on LETTING the Democrats rig the 2020 election, and it worked.
Watch the video here to see this Trump official expose Barr and how the establishment puppet helped install Joe Biden as president.
Impeach jail time for all involved is treason remove Biden from office now voter fraud FBI fraud need I say more our patriots need to step forward and take control put Trump back in control in 2024 the truth has finally been revealed “Let’s go Brandon” the lies are out
All investigations were done in a week or less. Always with leftists judges or local connections to squelch asap. No follow up unless they were friends of the “court”! Fixed for us to see. Media has done this to us. AMERICAN IS DYING..Not on my watch
I knew there was fraud hell joe Biden said on tv he had put together the world’s best election fraud he said this and they dismissed this as he miss spoke and nothing become of it what worries me is the republicans did nothing if joe Biden said this they should have done research till they found the fraud remember all those thousands of affidavits people filed and were called liars throw joe out today
Republicican cant do antthing because they are just like the demonrats! They get their cut!!!!
I agree. Public hangings. But, who is going to do anything? DOJ? FBLIE? IRS? Military, who should have been on this like flies on a south African baby? No. Not one of these crooked piles of pigschitt will do a thing. I’m afraid the corruption is so deep, there is no reason to vote anymore. Mccarthy, the mute speaker of the louse, might send them a stern letter, with a few threats of impeachment and the turtle is a lost cause. And we already know what they do if we dare to disagree with them. January 6th ring a bell? And what has tough guy Mccarthy done about it? I hear crickets. Our once great country has been hijacked without them even firing a shot. Sad.
All investigations were done in a week or less. Always with leftists judges or local connections to squelch asap. No follow up unless they were friends of the “court”! Fixed for us to see. Media has done this to us. AMERICAN IS DYING..Not on my watch
I love Steve’s statement about Biden’s video where he confessed about putting together the world’s best cheaters for the 2020 election. I wish they would show that video again. People that have know Biden since he entered politics know that his nickname is “Payola Joe”. His corruption goes back to the beginning of his career. I don’t know why people are acting like this is all new business, it has been going on for years and being swept under the rug as usual for the Democrats. The Democrats tried to keep Trump out in 2016, but were surprised by the fact that he would win and couldn’t work fast enough to keep him from winning. So when 2020 came along the were more than prepared with their best efforts to keep him out of office as he knows where all the bodies are buried.
He committed TREASON and should receive the ultimate penalty – we all know what that is!!
Hang The World’s Biggest TRAITOR
There needs to be many held accountable. Also many need to be put in prison.
time to STOP wasting AMERICAN tax payers money re investigating all these bogus chargers against our President Trump who was right on from teh beginning, time to go after those that committed the crimes against Presdient Trump and go after the democrats who committed the crimes and make them do the time, and also pay back off the money that was spent on all the investigations wasting time, money, energy and continued lies being told on the media. Time for them to do TIME for all their CRIMES with money and lock up, and death.
Another example how corrupt and evil our the creatures of DC’s Swamp, be they Democrat/Socialists or GOP.
Because it’s not the dems. It’s the elite and msm driving the bus. They must all be taken down.
I dont recognize our country anymore! When did we become this evil? President Trump has surely opened up my eyes to our corrupt country! I still love it but we need to fix this so it never happens again! People need to swing from the gallows!
Thanks to Barr and others we have now lost what’s left of our Constitutional Republic. We know (and knew at the time) that the election was stolen… most likely like it will be from here on out! We cannot trust our liberal politicos anymore… actually, we never should have trusted them. I know I didn’t and don’t ever trust a liberal politico. They tell you one thing and do another. It’s all about them, not us, the people they’re supposed to be serving. Somehow, our liberal politicos seem to think WE have to serve THEM! Bullshit! Reel all of these liberal politicos who participated in this election fraud that changed our world and shoved ol’ slo’ joe biden down our throats. He wasn’t elected, he was selected and installed to be the shill. He’s as culpable as the other participants in this act of treason. Biden should be recognized as a co-conspirator in this felony election interference act. It’s blatantly obvious, IMHO! Arrest all of those who were involved and charge them all with the appropriate felonies, try them in open court and imprison them for life! Including biden! IMHO
Thanks be to God we only have 2 to 5 years left!
Washington is crooked and needs to be cleaned out completely and replaced by people who know how to work and who have integrity
I was sure trump won. Biden should not have been allowed to run. He3 is a crook a lier and a traidor to america. The money he gives to other countries, I sure they give him a cut of the that is our money we paid in taxes. It is not hard to figure out that he sold our country to china.
Pretty much agree with all comments, Trump may have opened his mouth too often, but it was clear he loved America and did what he said he would. We probably don’t have a chance in the foreign market, especially with China they have Joe in their back pocket. Not really sure the Republicans have the brass to stand up to this corruption and do anything about it. Time will tell. This time around watch out for ERIC “Electronic Registration Information Center” they aren’t really check who’s deceased or moved, they are out there making sure every body that will vote Democrat is registered. Some towns have wised up and run them out of town but not all.
there is nothing the Rats in the WH Hood haven’t perpetrated on the Citizens of America but most are too stupid and like the Karens they are they swallowed the lie of Pandemic and Biden just a good ole boy.
These people are terrorists lying backstabbing throw you under the buss American haters
I agree with all of the above except with the jail time. Have you seen the type of jail they would be serving time in??? Can you say “country club”?.? I don’t want to pay with my taxes to house, feed and clothe them. I say, because they are all traitors to our country, hang them or line them up in front of a firing squad..although I would hate to waste all those bullets we could use to defend our once great country.