Elon Musk Slams Joe Biden’s Build, Back, Better Bill: “Something Really Bad is Going to Happen”

Billionaire Elon Musk, who leads both Tesla and SpaceX, made a rare venture into political discussion this week as he sounded off on President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan. He recommended deleting the entire effort, claiming something really bad is going to happen.

Musk may not be a political expert, but he has to be a pretty smart guy to become a billionaire. When he looks at the bill, he only sees problems. And this is coming from a guy whose company Tesla will greatly benefit from some of the plan’s incentives.

One of his concerns was government overspending. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Musk warned against the reckless spending plan, arguing it doesn’t make sense.


He wants to cut off the support for charging stations, gas stations and much more, saying the whole effort is a waste.

The video notes, “That if you look at future obligations for social security, Medicare and so forth, we’re running this incredible deficit.”

There’s more, and it’s worth checking out now for the full details on the Build Back Better plan that’s destined to hurt more than help.

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31 thoughts on “Elon Musk Slams Joe Biden’s Build, Back, Better Bill: “Something Really Bad is Going to Happen””

  1. Wake up America….Crackhead Daddy is tyring to destroy the bascic fabric of country! Everything he has done in this past year has turned horribly bad. We have a poor excuse for a live body in the VP. Where,s Hunter? Why has he been untouchable? He is dirty, everyone knows it, the computer proves it. But daddy covers it all up!!! This shit show has too stop now!

    1. Hunter had been a MONEY delivery boy for his father – that is why he is untouchable .. and the n addition I am pretty sure there are PLENTY OF HUNTERS ( name is actually implies the activity ) doing same things for their fathers and mothers – the DC SLIME but they don’t leave their computers in the repair shops , therefore we don’t know who and how many are there doing exactly same things … that is why they all hated president Trump for shining a light into the swamp !

    2. That F**ck biden is to be crushed down like a cockroach that he
      is and son hunter may someone illegal or MS13 put him down today!!!

      The whole family of bidens are nothing but pure shit bags and may KARMA
      terminate them leave them poor no $$$$$ home perks,


      TODAY WE DO NOT HAVE A PRESIDENT BUT A WHITE TOILET BOWL OF SHIT NAMED president ??????? and the bit**h harris the urnine bowl both all
      of them live together in a new name for the white house is toilet
      bowl white house with all there dem. AND GAFFES SHIFF .

      MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION!!! same as you biden & harris
      MY FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND SPEECH!!! same as you biden & harris

      1. The vast majority of gop are just as corrupt as Brandon. They are deeply embedded in the swamp so they cannot nor are they interested in cleaning up anything as it would end their gravy train lives.

    3. We the American people need to stand up against the White House agenda with Father and Son for the criminals that they are. We can’t allow them to destroy this country with what they are trying to do with their socialist agenda..
      MAGA ..

    4. Your comments are spot-on with the Dirty White House we the American people need to stand up against the dirty Democrats and take America back..MAGA

  2. My thoughts on Elon is he is genius but one with common sense also. What he is saying here though, many of us see it. The reason for the Globalist push with Biden is that they know people are dissastfied and a day of pushback is coming, so they want to lock in and steal as much taxpayer money (for future endeavors) as they can to insure continuance of their goals in the future.

  3. Genocide Joan is a useless waste of flesh
    And Kamala Harris is a total moron. She couldn’t find a boater but both hands but then again she can’t find her ass in both hands. Build back better he’s going to kill America and for those young people who believe it’s going to help America yeah it’s like you can’t afford third-quarter Joel electric so do yourself a favor Baker act Joe Biden and Harris and let’s get back on track but we were supposed to be running if you would’ve voted for Trump would be there right now.

    1. You are spot-on with your comments and I have to agree ..we the American people need to stand up against these dirty Democrats and what they’re trying to do to America.. could you imagine if Donald Trump and his son were accused of the same thing that our president and his crackhead son I’ve been allowed to get away with

  4. I totally agree with Elon Musk. This BBB bill is bad. AMERiCANS Need to stand up and say NO to this Dictatorship party. Reason they don’t do anything about the rapid crime, getting young people back to work, stop pushing masking mandates, and the list goes on is to keep people in fear. FEAR is the first step of controlling someone. They want control forever. They want just one party.

  5. I keep telling everyone the Democratic Party is out of the closet, proclaiming their true identity–the American Socialist Party. They want total control of the American people and they have no reservations about destroying our Republic and enslaving the American people to get what they want. Vote the Democrats out of the House and Senate next November. I hope and pray it will not be too late by then. God bless and save the U.S.A.

      1. Amen. I feel Rhinos are really Democrats that purposely ran as Republicans to get elected and undermine the real Republicans. It was truly calculated!

      2. They are not worthless – they are actually the traitorous force to advance democrats agenda and undermine republicans party ! They are extremely useful for democrats as they proclaim VICTORY WITH BI- partisan effort as a result!

  6. Stand up America now or we will loose our country to the commie dems FIGHT BACK BETTER- lets get biden’s off shore account and put the whole family in gitmo and as for blm one arest and out you go no one needs this trash in the USA enough of these basterds. STAND UP BETTER AMERICA!!!

  7. Don’t re-elect anyone at the 2022 elections!!!! Time for new fresh young blood, not the decrepit old guys who have been in Congress forever and have done nothing useful!

  8. Let’s all make sure to give plenty of publicity to the RINOS that require removal. It would be a shame to retake the house while retaining the RINOS that we love to loath.

  9. Let’s all make sure to give plenty of publicity to the RINOS that require removal. It would be a shame to retake the house while retaining the RINOS that we love to loath.

    Including for i.e. that JA Jeff Van Drew who went in on that “infrastructure” fluff N stuff bill!!!!

  10. You don’t need to be a billionaire or a genius to see that whatever Dementia Joe does, or wants done, will be a failure for America. Everything he has done in his political career has only benefited him and his cohorts. Since becoming President the only people who have benefited are China, Russia, the Taliban and those who profit off of government corruption and “social programs”. Hopefully, this exploitation of the America will end in 2022! Happy New Year!

  11. It’s time to WAKE UP AMERICA!!! The Phoney BUILD BACK BETTER BILL IS ANOTHER PATH FOR THE DEMOCRATS TO TRY TO LEAD US DOWN THE ROAD TO SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM!!! Rumor has it that the present PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN IS AN IMPOSTER IF YOU HAVEN’T NOTICED HE DOESN’T STUTTER ANYMORE AND HE DOESN’T SHUFFLE HIS FEET WHEN HE WALKS.ALSO LOOK AT HIS FACE AND HAIRLINE IT CERTAINLY LEAVES SOME QUESTIONS!!!! If this is true then he definitely wasn’t elected and should be removed immediately from office along with the buffoon Vice President Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Nadler and SCHIFF for their involvement!!! This Administration is full of crime and corruption. When President Trump took office they made him divest himself from all of his family businesses and I fail to understand why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who I understand is the CEO OF JOE AND HUNTER BIDENS OFFSHORE BUSINESS AND BUSINESS IN THE UK WHICHEVER RUMORS HAVE IT THAT COMMUNIST CHINA FUNNELS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO HUNTER FOR CONSULTING OF WHICH RUMORS HAVE IT HE DOESNT HAVE QUALIFICATIONS. Seems like this is a shady way for Hunter to funnel foreign enemies money to Joe Biden. Joe Biden also told his Administration that the American people have no business whatsoever knowing what they are doing in Washington DC. Guess what this Administration has forgotten that the citizens of the United States of America are entitled to know about everything that goes on in Washington DC. This is why we need to Shut THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DOWN IMMEDIATELY AND REMOVE PRESIDENT BIDEN AND VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS AND NANCY PELOSI AND CHUCK SCHUMER AND MITCH MCCONNELL AND LIZ CHENEY AND DR.FAUCI AND EVERY ELECTED AND APPOINTED INDIVIDUALS AND TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK AND STOP ALL THE CRIME AND CORRUPTION AND BRING BACK ENERGY INDEPENDENCE BY PUTTING KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE BACK IN OPERATION!!! Let’s Go Brandon!!!

  12. Also Our so called President Biden stated on National television that All Trump Supporters were All Labeled as THUGS on January 6,2021!!! In My Opinion A Class Action Lawsuit Should be Filed against President Biden for his Slander against All Trump Supporters and all American Republican Citizens!!! It’s Time To Put A Huge Dent inHis Bank Accounts!!!

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