The Supreme Court has dealt a major blow to affirmative action and while leftists are completely losing their minds it’s been obvious for quite some time that this woke nonsense is actually hurting EVERYONE!
For at least a decade, Thomas Sowell has been dismantling the progressive’s narrative surrounding affirmative action.
When asked if affirmative action has “helped a lot of people” during an interview from roughly 10 years ago with Tucker Carlson Sowell responded, “It may have helped some people but on net balance I don’t believe it has.”
He went on to cite a study out of California which found that when affirmative action was BANNED, Black Americans began graduating at a much higher rate and with far better G.P.A.s.
On top of that students were actually ending up in fields that they were qualified to be in which benefited them even more in the long run!
Rather than being wrongfully propped up by a system which prioritizes skin color over actual ability, with affirmative action out of the way students were able to flourish!
With that in mind it’s no surprise the Democrats have fought for so long to keep this crippling policy around.
It has NOTHING to do with ‘equity’ and everything to do with ensuring that hardworking Americans are forced to be reliant on Democrat politicians in the long run!
Watch the video here to see Sowell dismantle affirmative action!
True words from a smart man. Affirmative Action should be dissolved. It is one of the Major causes of the demise of the USA along with the Demonic Demonrats.
Affirmative action was merely a way for the corrupt ploiticians in the Democratic party to control Black Americans. Remember what LBJ said about it? Just check it out. I would not dare to print it.
Waiting for Whoopie to say that man has no clue, just like she did with Judge Thomas…. lol
The only one who has no clue is Whoopi.
Equality, NOT Equity! THAT is what our country is based on, PERIOD!