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Durham Report Exposes CORRUPT FBI – They Should Have Never Gone After Trump

Nearly 4 years later, special counsel John Durham has FINALLY released a report CONFIRMING that Russiagate was all just a massive hoax!

The report concluded that the FBI should have NEVER launched the Trump-Russia investigation and reveals for certain that the bureau knew it was garbage all along.

Durham reveals that the bureau rushed the Trump-Russia probe while lacking the proper justification to do so – even after one of their employees falsified documents to spy on the Trump campaign!

The document makes it CLEAR that this was a planned attempt supported by the FBI to remove Donald Trump from the White House – a complete act of treason.


Durham’s report further reveals that while the FBI was wrongfully investigating Donald Trump, they were covering up investigations into HILLARY CLINTON!

Hillary was facing potential investigations over her completely corrupt Clinton foundation, ON TOP OF investigations into illegal FOREIGN CONTRIBUTIONS to her presidential campaign – the FBI shut it all down

It could not be more painfully obvious than it is after this report, the Democrats OWN the DOJ and not only are they using it to attack political enemies, but also to protect themselves.

What’s worse is it doesn’t seem as though this issue is going to get any better anytime soon. This is a dangerous time for America!

Watch the video here to see all of the disturbing findings that Durham released.

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6 thoughts on “Durham Report Exposes CORRUPT FBI – They Should Have Never Gone After Trump”

  1. The report is damming, but without recommending prosecutions for the criminal conduct, has no teeth. Without true accountability & justice for the crimes against the U.S. citizens ( election interference) The criminal misconduct will not stop. The federales have more integrity than the DoJ. The Demonrat criminals were given a free pass.

    1. Nothing is going to happen The Republicans and Democrats do each other’s bidding as you can see no one is going to jail. No one is going to pay for any wrongdoing the fix is in Brother. Just ask yourself why why this all happening Just follow the money “The War”

  2. The report lacks clarity and 3 critical words..”prosecution..accountability..Justice”. Only the American public can bring the pressure needed to cause removal of these criminals…through lots of phone calls to Congress
    …peaceful demonstrations..demand that the Appropriations for DOJ..FBI..CIA BE DEFUNDED…CLEARANCES BE IMMEDIATELY STRIPPED…AND FLY THE USA FLAG..LOTS OF EM!!!

  3. This is a stepping stone for the Trump team in the 5G war being waged against the Left. Even CNN reported it, so the whole country heard that the President, the Vice-President, and the FBI Director sat with the failed candidate who announced she would pay to have a phony report written claiming ties between Russia & Trump. They pretended it was real to either 1) get to remove Trump from office, or 2) keep him from being re-elected. Last week a poll said 62% of Americans believe 2020 election was rigged, a new high. Poll it today, and that number will be higher. NO ONE ever allowed 2020 election evidence to be shown. Is it more likely now that Americans would tune in to see it? I think so. The punishment for 2020 election steal would be much greater as evidence will prove Left had help from abroad (Act of War). Think Space Force.

  4. Nothing to prosecute? Replace FBI/DOJ with ‘city police dept/prosecutors’ and Trump with ‘blacks’ and a week later they’d be operating under a consent decree, new leadership, possible fines. The departments would be almost unrecognizable. Happened in Ferguson even though the cop who shot Mike -Mike was cleared by obama’s DOJ.

  5. Every last one involved in the treasoneous act of the Russia hoax should be tried for treason, starting Clinton, Obama, Biden, congressmen, congresswoman, senators, governmental dept heads, and the defunding and dismantling of the FBI never to be rebuilt (we dont want a national police force run by the government), CIA, Justice Dept, and all employees of such government agency. Shiff should be put on trial for treason, Pelosi, etc., should go with him. And lastly, everyone involved should suffer loss of all government retirement and benefits. Reoublicans, the ball’s in your court.

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