It’s a well-known fact. The mainstream media carries water for the Democrat Party, and one of the worst offenders is CNN. But, as Biden’s public opinion polls sink in Titanic fashion, is the liberal media finally abandoning ship and turning on Joe?
While most conservative outlets are hooting and hollering in delight that that may be what’s happening, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. There’s more to it than that, according to Mark Levin. He says there’s another motive going on that you need to know about.
Even though the media won’t outright say it, the mainstream media is concerned Biden can’t win again in 2024. To change the scenario, more voices are pushing for the “Joe is too old” argument, suggesting who could run in his place.
Perhaps the biggest problem, however, is who would run in his place. Kamala Harris is polling even worse than Joe. Pete Buttigieg has been proposed but doesn’t have the numbers either. Some are even pushing for California’s draconian Governor Gavin Newsom, which only shows how desperate the left is in its search for a win in 2024.
Expect the tensions to grow even more as the midterms come in November where Democrats are expected to take a big hit that will return the House to Republicans and perhaps the Senate in a turn of events that will slow the left’s radical agenda.
There is more, so check out the video to discover the details behind the left’s about face on Biden and his plans to run for reelection.
It is incumbent upon any one, in any nation around the world, to stand up for freedom and stand against those who would, for wealth and power, enslave the entire world. Yet, here in America, which is the final bastion against the cabal of axis evil, the ruling elite globalist, marxist, islamist, and narcxist, and is on the cusp of falling- an internal implosion willingly and knowingly abetted by tyrants, tycoons, and terrorist throughout the world. Personally, even should the republican party win, the controlling faction led by globalist rino’s will not halt nor turn around the impending new world order – they are part of it. The truth is, the cabal of would-be world gods, lords, and masters have cinched the midterms, by hook and crook; all they need is some covering plausible deniability for their ongoing corruptions and frauds! YET, no matter what, and do what we who are for nation-states, lawfulness, order, real fair-play, and true individual and market equity, must vote, speak out, and do what we can to salvage the Republic of these United States; STILL, as a Christian, we must also be aware that the Word of God shall not fall empty upon the ground, but will come to pass- hell is real, heaven is true, and Jesus Christ is coming….