Disney Uses Wokeness to Justify their Anti-White Racism

Disney seems to have a disturbing obsession with using wokeness as an excuse to justify their blatant anti-White racism.

The far-left company is committed to erasing Whiteness whenever they can, and that’s exactly what they’ve been doing with their latest remakes of classic films.

The Little Mermaid was an excellent example of that, with Disney choosing to replace the White main character with a Black actress to be “more inclusive.”

Of course, Americans saw this move for what it really was and the film turned out to be a major failure!

But now Disney is back at it, replacing “Snow White” with a LatinX actress under the guise – again – of being more inclusive.


While the left tries to hide behind inclusivity and equity, the reality is that these moves fall in line with a much longer string of normalizing hate-filled attacks against White Americans!

Leftists have been openly spewing anti-White racism for years and the issue has gotten progressively worse until the point where now companies like Disney are trying to make sure there are NO Whites allowed in movies.

Consider the fact that these films which go out of their way to exclude White Americans are intended for CHILDREN!

Disney and co are not only showing that they hate Whites, they’re brainwashing the next generation of youth into feeling the exact same way!

Watch the video here to see why this is about so much more than just a movie!

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38 thoughts on “Disney Uses Wokeness to Justify their Anti-White Racism”

  1. What happened to Disney. It used to be one of the biggest attractions in the country. Everybody watched Disney cartoons, young and old. Now it is nothing but junk. SAD.

    1. What happened? Uncle Walt passed away and the magnificent company which he founded and put so much heart and soul into was sold to DEVILS!!!

    2. One word to describe the destruction of Disney, LIBERALS. One thing for sure, kids are grown so no need for these parks or merchandise.

    3. Disney even hates white ducks. As Donald his nephews, Uncle Scrooge and Daisy are no longer white and do not have light blue eyes. They are now a dingy white/gray color with white eyes. Just check out the new Duck tales and then watch the Duck tales and see the difference.

    4. instead of making new movies which have blacks and hispanics as their main characters,they steal the already years opld roles of whites. the left commies dont realize you dont need to tear someone down in order to elevate someone else,that is your proof that what they are trying to do is eliminate the white race.

      1. R they going to say Walt Disney was a transgender. Turn off his Cryogenic machine he won’t want to come back ?? What a shame of the 556,000 soldiers that died in world war 2 to save the world how many do u think were White 540,000 I would tell every White Male no military no police in the inner cities because if u pull ur weapon ur guilty let them kill each like they are doing now . With woke in killing will increase 10 fold over a 1000 shootings every week in the Ghetto also over 50 million illegal guns

      2. Don’t some white people work at Disney any more? And saying hate whites. Good luck.I never intend to go to Disneyland nor hope to ever see anybody I know go there.

      3. I would never go to Disney again , I have two words for Disney and they aren’t ” FOREVER YOURS ” .

        1. I never went, nor did my children, grand kids & not even my great grand kids. Not only that they r not interested, but say, ” Papa it’s stupid to travel that far 2 c a bunch of idiots who r not interested in doing real work”. I am so grateful for their normal thinking. Amen.

    5. I can’t believe that DISNEY hates white people since the White people made Disney billions of dollars. The wokes are the most racist bunch of turds and should be outlawed in the USA. White people made the USA agreat nation until 2008 when the Democraps introduced racism and BLM.

    1. Nothing please we should have a white no work day everything would stop . Please be advised blacks have stated that being on time for anything is a white thing !! So planes, trains, stores, restaurants , nothing opens on time or people show up for work, party’s , Sporting Events, don’t need watches time is nothing But the best thing we can do is let them govern and apply the law to there own

  2. Why don’t they consider classifying “white” as Vanilla, and “brown” milk Chocolate, & “black” dark Chocolate but no Strawberry unless you are from a region where your skin gets sunburnt? I think it sounds better, even though i am not obsessed with making big deals out of real peoples’ beautiful skin colours; then you could be; purple pink & polka dotted! Too bad the POTUS made such a hideous demo out of CRT and his own hypocritical colours! Stupedoes at their worst! When they think they are now old enough to change the human configurations just by being older than FaceBook, Twitter, FlicFloc & Scooby Snackers! Whatever! We didn’t vote for the Bloke! Or Disneys’ TaTatooties for that matter!

    1. Walt Disney is turning over in his grave right now ! He could never have imagined the WOKE destruction caused by the IDIOTS running and ruining all things Disney !!!

      1. perfectly right. And going broke for going Woke. Following the president and his dem. party.Danna

    2. the left in general have sold their souls to the devil- get ready GOD is soon coming the USA under woke umbrella has gone to hell in a handbasket.

  3. The arrogant Disney management made the stupid decision to go after the non-White viewers thinking all the people who have loved Disney for years would not care.
    Well, we do care. A lot.
    These idiots never consider having a balance of characters that reflects the viewing population. They have to go all in to the extreme to make their point front and center, trying to appease the new viewers they hope to gain.
    Result, most everyone can clearly see their halfassed plan and don’t like it.
    Goodbye Disney, it was nice while it lasted.

    1. Plus they had all kinds of movies that celebrated different races. The have Aladdin, Mulan, Moana, Coco, Encanta and Princess and the Frog, why not continue making quality movies like that instead of replacing white characters?

  4. BOYCOTT THE BSs at DISNEY. MONEY TALKS AND WOKES NEED TO TAKE A WALK … PERMANENTLY !!! Whatever happened to “Majority Rules” ? WOKE is such a minority … about 2 percent !!!

  5. Disney,DeSantis, Florida, fake movies not worth the negative energy. It’s all about AI in this millennium!

    1. and now who did we see with Hunter??? the attnys from morgan. careful who you hire or give money to.

  6. Those NYC teachers or aspiring teachers only failed the tests or failed them on the 1st attempt was because they are Negroes which 98% of the time equals stupid.

  7. I’ve known for decades that the left hates white people. This is just the latest example. Too bad Disney was taken over by these same left wing racists and radicals. They deserve to go broke.

  8. I haven’t gone to Disney in decades and I will not go back again, ever! It’s nothing more than a liberal money bucket IMHO!


  9. I would not spend a nickel of my money visiting a Disney resort or purchasing any Disney products! You love da “Blacks”? Good, sell to them and we others will find other avenues to spend our money! Walt would have shitcanned every one of you friggen sickos!

  10. Biden’s WOKE/Diversity/LGBT changed America..Snow White & the seven dwarfs are now Snow the Ho and the Seven Thugs with a Rap Sheet.

  11. Read the ten stages of genocide and united nations article two of the UN convention of genocide.
    Look up the coudenhove-kalergi award and his full name is Richard coudenhove-kalergi the founder of the European union 1925.
    The federal government doing genocide of the white race and nobody is calling them out and plus the military commanders are allowing invasion and genocide.
    The number threat to America is the federal government along with Israel. Jews want white genocide.

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