Democrats “Blue Wave” Failed, What This Means

If there ever was evidence that the projected Democrats “Blue Wave” failed, one needs to go no further than this quote from MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, “You’re not seeing — not only no wave, it’s like a pond where you drop in a rock and there’s no ripples.”

While the final tally for the presidential election most likely will not be known for at least a few more days, Democrats have had to scratch, and cheat, to make things as close as they are.

Most telling is that Maddow questioned what Democratic strategists, lawmakers, and pollsters predicted. The television anchor said during her live election coverage there were “no Democratic ripples in down-ballot races.”


Joe Biden may be claiming victory, but some key Democrats are voicing serious doubts about the party’s overall win. Rep. Gerald Connolly, a six-term Democratic lawmaker from Virginia, said, “The Trump coalition is more stubborn and resilient and capable than maybe we anticipated.”

Trying to stem the tide of internal grumblings, Dan Pfeiffer, a former aide to President Barack Obama, posted a message to Democrats on Medium entitled:

Biden is winning, act like it.

Rather than extending their control of the House, Democrats lost six seats to Republicans and their hopes of retaking the Senate appear dead.

Watch the video as Congressman Jim Jordan outlines the silver lining to this dreadful election.

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49 thoughts on “Democrats “Blue Wave” Failed, What This Means”

  1. The crooks were so busy pouring illegal ballots into Trumps election, they didn’t have time to do it for the rest of their “good ole boys”! May God give us a boat load of mercy!

    1. America needs to let it be known,we will not let Nancy & her lying Democratic Party rob American’s anymore. She needs to resign immediately & go to prison now !!! Donald Trump is the people of America’s President. How can Nancy Pelosi & her mob get by with this treasonous disrespect our President. Send Nancy to prison now !!!

      1. I agree Tammy.
        Not just Pelosi, Hillary, Harris, Biden & his son.
        Bill Clinton, Obama and the rest of the Democrats that are all crooks and thieves.
        And not some nice resort prison, one where they are in with the population.

        1. Amen to that. It is about time, America does its part, they are worse than the citizens that get thrown in jail for minor crimes. These scabs are out right dishonest, thugs. All their hoax, scams and now the actual election????

          1. Today is Saturday, Day 4, since Election Day. What has transpired since the polls closed is that we’ve learned of countless voter schemes, glitched software, unaccounted for late ballots emerging, etc… These, alone, are reasons to STOP the process and begin looking at each issue exhaustively. When hundreds of thousands of ballots appear in the wee hours of the morning following the election, it smacks of “ballot warehousing.” This election was not a “surprise.” There was ample time for the majority of ballots to be verifiably accounted. And yet, here we are with WI, MI, GA, AZ, PA, NC, all appearing to be in the Trump camp at midnight on Election Day turning blue before the sun rose on Wednesday. Issue 1: Except for military ballots, in large, it is unfathomable that so many hundreds of thousands of votes were still “in the system to be delivered.” They apparently were warehoused and dropped at a most specious time of day when the nation slept. Issue 2: The software now being found to automatically switch Trump votes to Biden votes! This, alone, is reason to void all data. Issue 3: Post office employees confessing that they were falsifying ballots by retro date-stamping. I recommend that an impartial committee (if one can even be found) review each and every one of these “late comers” to the party. If evidence emerges — and it will considering the mounting proofs from multiple states and at every level — then this election is invalid. The elephant in the room is that all the mounting evidence indicts the Democrat Party. If this bears out, these are crimes of treason and must be prosecuted as such, with imperative jail sentences served on the perpetrators.

      2. You said it Tammy. They all need to be charged with. Treasonous. They took an other to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights and they are selling it. They really think the American of this country is sleeping but not anymore. President Trump is the winner in this election.

    2. Americans will not let theses lying Democrats get away with this anymore. There’s no way Joe Biden is the president American’s voted in. He’s a joke & Pelosi will destroy American’s so she can lord over us like a narcissistic psychotic queen. Don’t let her do this to us. Pay attention American’s

    3. All this fraud, law violating treason started in 2008 or before by the #1 instigator of wannabe dictator bo with hilary as his #1 coup creator after 2016 loss ! Appears after 12 years of deceitfully created anarchy by the dem’s antifa, blm and islamic terror attacks on U.S. Citizens Constitutional Freedom & Rights the dem leaders also got election fraud totally controlled with illegal voters ballots & after 12 years of created treason they succeeded !

      1. Put Hillary Clinton in prison immediately. Put Obama in prison immediately. Don’t forget what they did and why Hillary resigned under the Obama administration. Who do these lying thieves think they are ? Stand up American’s, we can not let these democratic thieves steal our country anymore. Let them know about us hardworking law abiding citizens. We do not burn down & loot from innocent hardworking people. We unite & demand justice, & we know how to survive on our own. We do not depend on handouts or crumbs. We make America great. Us & President Donald Trump & his faithful family. # Ivanka 2020

    4. I haven’t heard anyone alleging that Republicans are cheating. All fingers seem to be pointing at the dem party.

    5. How many people remember the old saying , don’t count tour chickens , before they hatch , dose that not look like what is taking place with this election , and is what should be thrown into the faces of those who give us their made up propaganda and fake news .

  2. Wlith any luck, the Reps will win the election! I wholeheartedly believe that they will be better for America than the Dems, for whom I have far less respect or confidence!

        1. Yes…Moishe Pupik appears to be among the dregs of the earth. Incompetent, idiotic, and lacking any comprehensive communication!

    1. The wheels of justice grind slowly but eventually the truth surfaces and purvails. I believe we are in a new era and positive chances will occur with technology facilitating the process along with term limits. The forces of good and evil will never disappear but we have the mechanism for transparency so as make choices.

      1. I agree completely! If there were no opposition , we would have Heaven on Earth. I feel, it is our responsibility to change the things that need to be changed. God has given us that responsibility. He is in charge of this Kingdom and with His help we can! Walk with the Lord.

        1. Would help if the DOJ-AG & FBI would be culled of all bo appointed far left treasonous cronies, so a deserved justice of execution could be served to all dem leader traitors & U.S.A. returned to “One Nation Under GOD” !

    2. The damocraps have always been the biggest problem with United States. They are the ones that wanted SLAVERY NOT FREEDOM . And what is the damocraps problem with free speech??? I will tell you they don’t like being told to duck off and go to China if you don’t like a free country . biden Hillary and KAMALA just don’t want to go to prison for Obama and Hillary and Biden’s human trafficking in Mexico to United States. And BIDEN likes that money he is getting from Ukraine and China . greed and slavery is damocraps.way . And this communist tactic blocking communications should put all of their butts in prison and face treason charges and a firing squad. NO EXCEPTIONS !!! THIS IS A FREE CONTRY IF YOU DONT LIKE IT GET THE HELL OUT !!! 1619 IS ALL ABOUT SLAVERY NOT FREEDOM

  3. Look at the vote tallies in CA and NY. Without those 2 states Trump has an overwhelming win in votes, We had better pray that GA and NC select 3 Republican senators. Then McConnell can gum things up for the Dems like Pelosi has done it for the Reps. Just a thought, a wing and a prayer.

  4. Not in my whole life did I think our USA would faced with w demonic party like the democratic today. A very new and different Democratic Party. America should always be a democracy , not socialism leading to much worse.

  5. Nancy Pelosi wanted to be speaker to help Obama destroy our country! It’s time for those Democrats to go to prison for Treason! Donald Trump won the election fair and square! The Democrats made up millions of extra Ballots and gave them to illegals to vote! It’s time to put these people behind bars where they belong!

    1. American’s stand together & demand an honest election with in person voting only. How can we let them change the rules so Nancy & thugs can cheat & steal the election. We demand the truth

  6. If none of the young are smart enough today to read what 1619 is truly about , and by not being told the truth in school just be smart enough to read about it . Hillsdale College site can tell you the truth these ducked up schools won’t teach you. If you think being a slave is great leave American soil. And take the communist damocraps with you. I WILL NOT FOLLOW A COMMUNIST COUNTRY THERE WILL BE FIGHTING AND DIEING. I DONT GIVE ONE DAMN IF STUPID BASTARDS VOTE IT IN . OUR VETERANS AND ALOT OF THESE KIDS PARENTS FOUGHT RO KEEP THIS COUNTRY FREE AND I WILL DIE THE SAME WAY IF NEED BE. STICK THIS UP YOUR ASS BIDEN AND WHORE KAMALA.

  7. Where in the hell, they get all of these votes by the democrats. The democrats party is now called manipulator party.

  8. the dems are soooo crooked they lie to people to get their votes tell them whatever they want to hear and they play on it . In Jersey they hire senators in Congress people that had fraud brought up against them and voted them back in jersey real jersey people are afraid to vote against the Democrats for fear of retaliation you see it in small towns all over re vote electronically

  9. They are finally seeing the light. With God and Donald J Trump fighting for America and all its people WE WILL WIN. Hold on to faith and know we will return to the Great country we once were. President Trump you are in my prayers daily, along with the Republican Party and the Trump family. God bless america

  10. I agree Tammy.
    Not just Pelosi, Hillary, Harris, Biden & his son.
    Bill Clinton, Obama and the rest of the Democrats that are all crooks and thieves.
    And not some nice resort prison, one where they are in with the population.

  11. You said it Tammy. They all need to be charged with Treasonous. They took an oath to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights and they are selling it. They really think the American’s of this country is sleeping but not anymore. President Trump is the winner in this election.

    1. They will declare OBiden medically unfit & Kamala will lead us to a third world country hell where the few elitist Democrats war lord over us like were peasants. Declare martial law Mr. Donald Trump a.k.a. President of the United States. Throw them in prison for their treasonous fraudulent actions and a voting scam alone not to mention everything they’re doing to undermine our great country

  12. Pelosi, Biden- Harris, Obummer, Schummer and Schiff all are complete assholes.

    Obummer needs to get in his black head that he is no longer the President and all should be removed!

  13. Someone wrote “Biden’s only big point was not being Trump”. Which I would agree to be true.
    Our press and media, owned by the very rich 1% on top and their corporations were out on a lying and smearing campaign against “Trump the Creature from Hell”, as not seen since the “Anti-Jew”-Campaigns of Julius Streicher and Joseph Goebbels.
    At the same time, the man in favor of Rodney King beating, Police Laws 1994 and 1998, 3 Strikes Law, and deaths like in Ferguson -where Black Lives Matter was set up against Obama’s and Biden’s racist policies – that same man was praised as “Tribune of Black People”.
    And the worst thing: It works! But why? Because people choose what they know:
    They are like Jews or Moslems who would buy a pork chop if it was advertised as lamb cutlet.
    And Joseph Robinetta Biden is un-cured bacon: Nothing of him is kosher.
    Not his racism against the Black US citizens.
    Not his activities and Fascist Collaboration with “Our Yats” (the head of the Ukrainian Fascists:
    Yatseniuk) and his mass murder on the Maidan (It was NOT the police!),
    and the oppression of large minorities in Ukraine, about 40% who don’t speak the Ukrainian National Dialect.
    And even less halal is his and his family’s PROFITEERRING from newly conquered countries and -we must not forget that: doing exactly that “Blackmailing a country with US aid” which his friends tried to put up against President Trump as “Grounds for Impeachment”.
    It’s the old trick, isn’t it:Hitler had his SS do an attack on Radio Liegnitz (who even provided a few dead “terrorists” in Polish uniforms) – and that was is excuse for marching into Poland.
    US people (and everywhere) were fooled by CIA, press and media about “WMD”s – and Iraq was destroyed.Ms. Clinton shipped army supplies to insurgents and Jihadists Benghazi, and Ghadafi bombed these supply routes – and President Obama went to war to “protect civilians”.
    Ms. Clinton also sent army supplies to Northern Syria for “moderate opposition to Pres. Assad” – but they were really ISIS and, with these weapons, stormed into Iraq and. nearly, a victorious Chaliphate – with Obama’s help.
    And VP Biden went to Ukraine, where they speak a Russian dialect: Ukrainian, and the other near half Russian – and the had, since independence, always had utterly corrupt governments.
    Such internal quarrels were brought to “good” use by Mr. Biden and Ms. Nuland, Obama’s emissaries – and soon, a Fascist troop opened fire on the demonstrators on the Maidan – and “Our Yats”, chief of the Fascists yelled: “The Police shoots on you!” –
    We know the rest – but you didn’t know that the snipers had been trained in NATO Poland and had a GI instructor
    .Are you still surprised, the Biden campaign was so well-versed in Urban Warfare? And about the threats of “Civil War”, if he doesn’t get elected?
    Don’t be surprised! – Just hope it won’t be a Maidan!  
    Mind you – it might still be. Look at Portland:
    As in Kiev, Biden has all the forces he needs.

  14. With Biden being called elected by the Left Wing Fanatics, this means all corrupt criminals, Obama, Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary, Comey, and the rest, have nothing to worry about, all investigations are now totally over!

    1. Impeach Biden immediately. America did not elect this thief. I’m tired of this one sided democratic mess. Put pelosi n prison. How can we the people allow these thieves to steal our election. Nancy is used to bullying American people exactly as Obama did,we didn’t elect that liar either.

      1. Is Biden a marter knowing full well he will b declared unfit,as we all know he is. Or is he so dumb he doesn’t know Nancy will have him removed so Kamala can pick up where obama left off & try to finish destroying America ? Don’t let this happen American’s, the whole country knows we did not elect biden!!!!! Trump is our President ……….only Mr Donald J Trump……..

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