Democrats are Obsessed with Normalizing Pedophilia

Every parent who is a normal person (i.e., not a Democrat) should be paying attention to this issue and fighting back against the left’s push to normalize child molesters. This issue is not a “slippery slope.” We’ve already slid down the slope, thanks to liberal Supreme Court Justices. Normalizing pedophilia is the cliff at the end of the slippery slope; a civilization that takes this last plunge is doomed. Period.

Democrats have been trying to have it both ways on this issue for decades now, usually in order to protect powerful Democrats who like to spend inordinate amounts of time around underage kids, sniffing their hair or doing things even worse. For years, they’ve argued that pedophiles and gay people are not the same.

Out of the other side of their mouths, Democrats have been claiming that pedophilia is a misunderstood but normal sexual orientation, and you are a bigot if you are opposed to their “perfectly natural” crimes.


Now Democrats want pedophiles to be added to the LGBTQ+LMNOP alphabet soup of orientations that deserve special protection from the law for their aberrant and abhorrent behavior. See how that trick works? It’s called “gaslighting.”

If you don’t think that this is a serious problem, then you should start paying closer attention. A lot of this issue is tied directly to Jeffrey Epstein and his friendship with Bill Clinton. Watch this excellent analysis of how and why the left is trying to normalize child molesters… to protect powerful Democrats.

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27 thoughts on “Democrats are Obsessed with Normalizing Pedophilia”

  1. The fact that we would even have to discuss any legitimacy of paedophilia shows how mad this world has gone. The brain warp happens ever so slowly, stoked by constant streaming of corrupt messaging created by demonic stooges working for Satanic masters. No matter how far the madness goes, the “Judgment” will wait, having the final motion to wipe out the offense. And wipe it out it will.

    1. This Wiener guy from California who says Pediphilia is a freedom act, no crime, no penalty, he must be related to Anthoney Weiner of New York City half way house.

    2. There is a justice system that is far higher than our justice system and the judge is 100% perfect in His judgments. And he never forgets a detail when it comes to judgment. No defense attorney can fool him. NO you pedophiles, you do not know Him, and you cannot bribe him. And when he passes sentence it can never be overturned by any other judge. And the sentence is for the rest of existence.

    3. This mother couldn’t have a girl so let’s make the child a girl. The boy is not old enough to know what sex he wants to be he hasn’t went through puberty yet so mommy will make the choice for the boy. America I told you most all politicians are pedophiles so were most of your presidents both father and son Bushes the Clinton both pedophiles and Obama a pedophile who also a child sex trafficker of new born baby’s and toddlers in Ethiopia Obama has a huge tent city I saw this stuff on line. I bet Google has erased it all by now it is time to put pedophiles down they are all out of control your military complex and our pentagon are also using us military Basses underground to trafficking children new borns up to toddlers and children teens to adults. President Trump is trying to save these children. Our government have Hostiles for children to be tortured slowly and then murdered. We have secret ware houses that take most of the children they have murdered as well as adults and teens kidnapped of the streets as well and murders the people and sales the humans as meat to be eaten by politicians and Hollywood. Do your research America we have human meat ware houses in every state of the country now and they are growing to put these ware houses all over the us and they are building more and more of these human meat ware houses many of your fast food restaurants mix human meat with soybean and human meat and human meat with real mixed beef do your research America. Our government has passed a bill that pedaphiles can now rape and molest your children legally if they are a 10 years difference in age and get away with it and by laws just passed the parents can not take legal action against it. Pretty sick isn’t it.America please do your research do not take my word for t this must be exposed if our pedophile politicians can rape your children and make it legal then every pedophile should be put down by parents for the sake and safety of all children.

    4. The King of kings & Lord of lords Statutes are absolute!! Terrible, devastating woe be to all who thumb their noses at Him. They won’t like their reward for such obscene conduct.

    5. I said it to my friends a few years ago, “Today calling someone a ‘fagot’ is supposedly a ‘Hateful-Term.’ You watch, pretty soon the term ‘Child-Molester’ will also be called a ‘Hateful-Term’. — I give it 10 – 20 yrs. tops! And it will start on the gay side with man on boy because they can get away with it! They can always cry “racism!” A luxury the straight community don’t have! Then the heterosexuals will be able to do it too! This world is going to Hell!
      When they passed the Gay Marriage (not Union, Marriage) Law, I thought to myself why did they stop there? Why didn’t they just pass a Caligula Law!? (You know, anything goes!!!) A guy could marry a guy, a girl can marry a girl, Farmer Brown can marry his cow, I can marry my dog, etc.! Why stop at just genders, let’s go inter species!? After all, 2 guys can’t have kids, and neither can 2 women! You desecrated the term “marriage” it really doesn’t matter at this point anyway!

  2. What’s next for the Communist Dem’s crimes against humanity now that they call for protective rights for CHILD RAPISTS? Suggest a poll be conducted by an unbiased polling/media outlet NOT part of their perverted WOKE Klan, IF THERE ARE ANY REMAINING in our formerly ” free society “. See what these prasites have done to our freedoms!
    Totally committed to our total subjecation under THEIR rule. (They have the guts to call MY President a “king”. F##K YOU!).
    Next group that gains the COMMUNIST Dem’s protected groups status:
    Collectors of baby parts bought through Plan Parenthood?
    Sexual activity with cadavours?
    Human traffickers?
    These comments are awful but illustrate just what this scum have forced us in their drive to play GOD .
    HE is going to bitch slap everyone of them as they enter hell. Sue me if this offends your perverted self.

      1. I have been telling people for decades that the government is forcing the people of America to accept the mentally deranged Queers as normal and acceptable people and that the next step will be doing the same with pedophiles, there is no person that can accept these demented actions accept a person with the same demented morals.

    1. These creatures the DemocRats and the commies and the Muslims(who rape not only girls but even boys under the age of 12) should be castrated

    2. Very well put. What’s next are military tribunals for those who have committed crimes against humanity. Life in prison or execution await these depraved, soulless scum.

    3. You are right however your choice of language is part of the down grading of our decency. It helps the perverted agenda of the left.

    4. Peter,
      You are so right. I heard from an extremely reliable source in CA that when Karmala Harris was District attorney, she gave those Hollywood BigWigs a slap on the wrist with a couple of months on house arrest for molestation of children, outright pedophilia and unlawful liberties with children. On the other hand she gave young black guys 5 years in prison for a $5.00 bag of weed. This is the type of “slop-jar” that is being selected for VPOUS. If I have to crawl to my polling place and stand out in the hot sun on Nov. 3 to vote for President Trump again, I will.

  3. There are a lot of sick perverts out there. I am disgusted by anyone trying to shove any of that garbage down our throats as being okay. The gays, lesbians, transgender, pedophiles. None of it is good healthy normal behavior. That carp goes against God, nature, and good moral values. Anyone who thinks this is okay is sick in the head. Those who are able need to fight to stop these sexual perversities. We need to fight to preserve the healthy heterosexual family units. There is nothing good about man on man or woman on woman. Sickening

  4. They want to normalize it so they don’t get thrown in jail for what they have been doing for the last 40yrs! Hollywood too!

  5. Figure it would have something to do with Billy boy Clinton. Beings that he has a testical in the ringer with his love doll from the island I wouldn’t expect anything but this from the democrats. WOW what a list of perverts from the dem party. Now Joey is being brought up again about his fondling the breast of one of his secrets service guys during a party, while he was VP. It has been reported that he got decked by the secret service agent, but somehow the report seems to have vanished into thin air. The agent got suspended, which leaves that trail, for investigation

  6. They are indeed. In California Newscum and crew are trying to legalize it. It’s time the trash are held accountable.

  7. What is wrong with the people in California that they keep electing these lawmakers who are perverted enough to even think about passing this kind of legislation? Have you people no morals? You keep voting these people in saying they represent your values- people like Newsome, Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer. It is on the shoulders of the voters.


  9. Democrats want to normalize all deviant sexual behavior because they don’t believe in personal responsibility. If it feels good, do it. If you have a problem, it is someone else’s fault, perhaps parents, or white people. Leftists believe that no one should be held accountable for his behavior.

  10. H&K USP 45 using Barnes 240 grain hollow points, .45” entrance hole & 13” exit hole!…Judge…. Jury…. & Executioner! DEATH TO ALL PEDOPHILES & SEXUAL DEVIANTS!

  11. Peter asked, ” What’s next for Democrats”? Well, Pete, I think I found out. Netflix!! Susan Rice and Mr & Mrs. Obama work for them and their new child pornography film “Cuties” is getting rave reviews from the “cultivated” and artistic crowd! To me, it is an abomination and something that Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein and the Clintons will probably love!! Sick flipping people!! Can’t believe it is allowed, altho’ it MAY have been filmed in France. Another bastion of moral high ground. Proven pedophiles should be given life sentences or lethal injections.

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