Democrats Admit They’re Screwed in 2022 Midterms

Krystal and Saagar break down the comments made by a top Democrat campaign official about the party’s chances in 2022. They shared House leaders on the left are concerned regarding the poll data for the nation’s midterms.

We’re not talking about a little concern. A top Democrat strategist has flat-out told his leadership that if the midterm election was held today, they would lose the House—by A LOT.

From the left’s view, that means it’s time to course correct and make changes to win. For conservatives, the data comes as good news, as the Biden administration takes the nation deeper into a pit of inflation, debt, lockdowns and open borders on a daily basis.


But are Democrats really out? Not yet. A lot can happen between now and November 2022. That’s exactly what Democrats are counting on. They’re lining up candidates, raising funds and creating ads to take on the current situation to help put a stop to the resurgence of the right.

And, of course, propping up Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris while attacking Trump over Jan. 6.

Take a peak at the video below and get all the scrumptious details on how screwed Democrats are in the next election. Finally some good news!

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33 thoughts on “Democrats Admit They’re Screwed in 2022 Midterms”

  1. We don’t have to wait until 2024 to start repairing the damage caused by this illegitimate administration. Get the House, Senate and begin administering justice. A good start will be the Biden impeachment.
    God bless America.

      1. Yes, Gerald. He is going down and out within four months or less. He can leave peacefully or otherwise; but be assured it will happen.

    1. Right on John. To much time has been wasted and damage hhh&0done already.i really don’t have any faith in Harris and none in. Pelosi. The same crooks that been pulling Biden’s strings will still be there unless you wipe out ALL the crooks. Those behind the scenes are really dangerous “”

    2. Amen they stole the House we the people did not Vote them in, They are Over Spending and everything is wrong with the Democrats Against it’s own People and protecting it’s pwn Citixen’s they Cause Division and Promot Riots, Allowing the Antifa & BLM to Riot and tear down the Cities Now they want this money to rebuild them, and Defund the police more Riot’s they are CRAZY!

    3. I agree with you John but impeachment will take til after the November election. Can our country even wait that long before we start bailing the water from our life boat? Biden like Obama has laid so many mines that correction will be difficult. But, I agree, we must act now and not wait!

      1. Nancy, the constitution does not cover what happened this last election. Yes, I agree Biden in an outlaw but what, legally can be done?

    4. yes biden needs to be impeached he has done nothing for the American people.!! open borders inflation out of control,making covid restrictions for Americans but giving illegals the farm!!! Lets impeach him!!! He and his policies are worthless

  2. Adorable Hitler( Joe Biden) and the commander of SS troops ( Nancy Pelosi )) are doing to this country what Hitler did to Germany just before the Second World War.
    And the Democrat people are like the German people they are on band wagon with them
    I hope they wake up and stop it before it to late

    After this comments I look for the F B I to get after me

  3. Just a question.
    If Biden is an illegal President, then isn’t everything he has done to the country illegal also??
    Everything he has done since he got out of the basement should be returned to what it was. Just think of the savings to the taxpayers. Boggles the mind. Our decedents won’t be in debt all their lives, we will will have saved family farms, our costs for fuel will go down (that means that New England states that heat with oil won’t have to get a second job or freeze), the US will be the largest producer of coal and oil, the miners won’t have to learn computers in order to make a living, maybe bring back the peace in the Middle East……
    Do I have to come up with more?? O.K. Just one more. Finished the wall and defend our country, send back ALL illegals and that means the poor children that have been in limbo, strengthen ICE and enlarge their numbers. That is when they get well in our hospitals after being shuffled illegally to cities that never wanted them.
    More? That seems to be plenty. I am getting depressed.

  4. Each And Every Democrat Has To Go , Maybe If The True President Trump , Who Won This Election Was In Office Maybe He Can Fix This Broken USA OF AMERICA . Only God Almighty Knows


  5. What really needs to be gotten rid of and all in one sweep of We The People is to get rid of Joe B, Kamala H, and Nancy P. As they are dangerous. We also have to get Obama out of Joe’s back pocket as it seriously is Obama running what Joe thinks . . .

  6. Biden & Democrats have taken advantage beaten & brought Lady Liberty to her knees….embrace the 2022 election with the return of our great Lady.

  7. The establishment Republicans will continue to help the Democrats win regardless of all the damage done to the country. It can’t happen if all 100% of Republicans were on the right side, on the peoples’ side, with President Trump. What are the odds…0%.

  8. Although I’m Canadian I feel much compassion for my American relatives and friends. The mess that Joe and his administration have created is felt here in Canada in a big way. Socialist governments have never worked. God be with America. Ron…..

  9. We need to show these young voters the ugly truth about communism. They honestly believe that the CCP is utopia.

    1. They believe it because that is what they are being taught. Home schooling by patriots is an education!

  10. It is too late for Biden to change his policies, now. He has done enough damage to change now. No one will believe his evil mistakes. His evil empire will go down in history. His name is mud and will always be. Get out of office now. You will be shunned the rest of your life. Enjoy it!

  11. what will it take for true patriotes to say enough is enough.the dems are leading us like cattle to the slaughter. they lie about everything. they use covid to scare people and it seems to work for them. please america before its to late lets take back our country at any cost. freedom isnt free GOD BLESS AMERICA

    1. These Democrats in Office will be Gitmo! They need not worry about 2022! If not the Civil War will end them! Nobody will get away with what Biden, Pelosi, Hillary, Schumer, Nadler and many more Cheney did to our White Americans! WE WILL STOP THEM IN THEIR TRACKS! HARRIS IS GOING WITH THEM ALSO! HER CORNER IN LA IS BEING USED.


  13. Demoshits are PATHETIC LITTLE PEOPLE….You are going to lose BY A LOT…….There is NOTHING that demoshits can do about it……I can’t wait to see the NEW Republican leader walk up to Pelosi and RIPS THAT gavel out of her hands and then tells the SKANK to head back to that shithole you call home….Then Republicans ARE going to take your security away Nancy……

    1. John P. I truly believe that Obama must keep his “racist” mouth shut. Before this creep, we had bad race relations but now, we are in a quagmire! Only God can help us now.

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