Democratic Senator John Fetterman Tells the Most Ironic Joke Ever

Democrat Senator John Fetterman has repeatedly proven himself to be one of the DUMBEST people in all of politics, and he may have accidentally admitted to that during a recent appearance on Late Night with Stephen Colbert.

Fetterman, perhaps best known for showing up to Congress in a hoodie and shorts, said that the American people need to know that the country is not exactly “sending its best and brightest to Washington D.C.”

“Sometimes you literally just can’t believe these people are making the decisions that are determining the government here, it’s actually scary,” he continued with his unironic remarks which describe HIM to a TEE!


Fetterman was “elected” as a Senator to represent the state of Pennsylvania while recovering from a stroke and, at the time, he couldn’t even form a complete sentence – let alone a coherent thought.

Then, when he was supposedly recovered and ready to work, the Democrat Senator had an apparent mental breakdown and checked into a mental facility which kept him away from Congress for MONTHS – while he was still collecting his government paycheck.

When he finally did come back, Democrats attempted to change the Senate dress code for him because he couldn’t even be bothered to put on pants to show up to work!

If anybody is the perfect example of D.C not having our “best and brightest” it’s Fetterman himself!

Watch the video here to see Fetterman’s hilarious accidental admission about himself!

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5 thoughts on “Democratic Senator John Fetterman Tells the Most Ironic Joke Ever”

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  3. Oh yel, its the big cry baby — I want to wear my baggy clothes boo boohoo boohoo. Pennsylvania sure send a dam good Senator to talk for them!! A big joke of A man. Oh well can’t say to much there sure is alot of other states who also send big ass jokes to represent them.All the ones who have democrats in for them — they are over run with illegal immigrants coming in, and crime so bad stores are closing down and leaving . Yep the democrats are good for nothing but lining there pockets with tax money and selling us out to china and others. Guess you folks our ready to vote them out . Sure hope so we have to get rid of brain dead.

  4. Fetterman is correct… they are sending the best and the brightest brain-dead people there.
    he should know, he is one of them.

  5. EGOR- Failure & fraud- Fetterman is a Demonrat loser-Scumbag. However, he is a shining example of what it takes to be a Demonrat.

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