Joe Biden continues to prove that he’s weirdly OBSESSED with children, once again claiming that other people’s kids belong to “everyone.”
During a “Pride” event at the White House, the senile old man argued that preventing kids from making permanent life altering sex changes was a “wrong.”
Joe, speaking before a crowd of fellow leftists, suggests that Republican officials trying to PROTECT children from the radical left are “terrifying families.”
The old man with a well-documented affinity for sniffing women and young girls then goes on to say, these are “our kids … not somebody else’s kids they’re all of our kids.”
Back in April he claimed “there is no such thing as some else’s child. No such thing as some else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.”
For some reason Joe holds true to the belief that the children of American families belong to the government and seems to think that stopping them from mutilating their genitals as minors is “cruel.”
He attempts to use this “shared ownership” idea as an excuse to push the most radical of ideologies onto other people’s children!
Biden and the sick left are not contempt with corrupting their own kids – they want to destroy the entire next generation of American youth in a rather twisted way!
Watch the video here to see Biden double down on this radical push!
This clown doesn’t deserve to be the President . He should be fitted with one of those custom made jackets that ties in the back. He is not fit to be the leader of this great nation.
Unfortunately there are too many sickos operating under the big Democrat tent no matter their ideas, gender preferences, criminal histories and other oddball characteristics. The deranged democrats welcome them all.
He’s the one who’s genitals need to be removed.!
And with a dull knife.!
Contaminated with gang green bacteria. !
And performed by a class of junior high students.!
And broadcasted on public television!
What happened to America? This all got promoted by the so-called president obama. Wake up America!
He is NOT president;
EVEN the left, or PARTIVCULARLY the left, know that this caricature is NOT president because they put him there.. He is not only senile, he insane
GEEEEEEZ…One sick perverted White House Criminal.
This is so stupid, it is so crazy nobody should believe this garbage. There is no such thing as a transgender. God made 2 genders, Male abd Female. Nothing, medicine or surgury will change that. If you are born a male, you will remain a male, if you were born a female, you will remain a female.
If you really think you are something else, you have a mental problem. Surgury or medicine will not cure you. If you promote this kind of garbage, you are not much better than the one with the mental problem.
The fact that this went on at the White House is unbelievable. It makes you wonder what is coming next. It looks like we have a President with absolutely no morals what-so-ever. Anything goes, no matter ifnit it does away with all the thing we have been taught all our lives.
Does Biden and the Democrats think this will get them some more votes? Probably. They will sell the whole country for a few votes, if it means they might get re-elected for it.
God help us.
BOZO-BUFFON bribing-Biden. Space Cadet & Pedo Sniffer Extraordinaire. Leader of the Freaks, Sodomites & border invaders. A complete Parasite Excrement to Real Patriots.
All the immoral things they come up with are abominations. Wake up people. Vote them all out. It is time.
God introduced the rainbow in Genesis 9. It was a part of a promise He made. A whole twisted movement hijacked it. The truth that the way of sin is the way of death (Luke 13:5). The path of sexual immorality that our culture insists is so wonderful, is actually a path to destruction. Revelation 4:3). That reminds us that the rainbow belongs to God, not a sinful sexual culture. The rainbow is God’s. He is going to take it back. The truth is, he really never lost it. It is our job to point a confused culture to God and a pure life. Book of Romans Chapter 1 verses 17-32.
I think ee need to be honest with ourselves. We need to inform children that God Is Supreme, He loves us beyond measure, He provides healing grace to those who seek his face. Just ask and believe. SEEK THE LORD. THAT IS IT TO PUT OUR TRUST IN HIM. HE NEVER FAILS. Reach out in love to others in God’s love. Jesus eats to change our hearts. God Bless
God must be about to the end of HIS patience with us. We seem to invent new ways each day to provoke HIM. How often can we spit in HIS face or poke HIM in the eye before HE has had enough. HE created us, HE sustains us but we think we are God. HE breathed into man to give him life. HE can take it all away. HE created the rainbow, man mocks HIM with it. GOD FORGIVE US AND HELP US!
Biden and the rest of the Communist Democrats are out to destroy America. They are brainwashing our children and military with CRT a Marxist ideology that is meant to destroy the family values. They attack our Freedom of Speech, religion and 2nd Amendment rights. Notice they have ramped up their attacks on our 2nd Amendment rights. They lie about the reason telling Americans they are doing it for safety. The real reason is they want to take away our ability to protect ourselves against a tyrannical government which is what we have now. Biden is implementing the Fed Coin in July. It will give the government complete control over all of us. It’s electronic money that gives them complete control over your money. If they don’t like what you buy or who you donate to they can press a button and you have no money! Like what Canada did to the protesting Truckers only faster. It will also lead to Equity Income and the confiscation of cash. Make no mistake they are destroying our country and want to turn it into a Marxist dictatorship! They should all be arrested and tried for treason! Look at what Fauci did, look what Garland did ! Also Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer. General Milley for implementing CRT into the Military along with LGBQT agenda. These people are a bunch of Narcissists, perverts and power hungry Criminals. They like to lie to us and say No one is above the law…that only applies to any one who opposes them, they have weaponized every Department in the government.