Courts Are Striking Down Biden’s Discriminatory Policies

Does systematic racism exist in America, and are certain citizens being treated unfairly? It may sound counterintuitive to good people who judge others by the character of their heart and not the color of their skin…but…the answer is: Yes.

Although slavery was abolished after the Civil War, Jim Crow laws passed by Democrats were struck down, and the Civil Rights Act ensures equal treatment, Joe Biden and his handlers are instituting racial bias and unequal treatment at the federal level.

If that sounds impossible, watch this video as Dinesh D’Souza exposes the truth about the bigots running the White House.

D’Souza has been a powerful conservative voice of reason and filmmaker who draws fire from liberal elites on a routine basis. That’s largely because his insights unmask the fake news narratives that try to cover up the wrongs of Democrats such as Joe Biden.


Since Biden took office, his administration has tried to make discrimination a legitimate government practice. Thankfully, honest judges who were seated by former President Donald Trump and others are promptly striking down Biden Administration policies that violate the Civil Rights Act.

It’s no secret that the Democrats are actively working to pass laws and policies that send White Americans to the back of the bus. That’s why one hard-working restaurant owner sued Joe Biden and won after being denied pandemic relief funds based on the color of his skin. If you have the strength of character to stand forward the way Rosa Parks did, watch this report and get the facts about the new systematic racism in America.


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20 thoughts on “Courts Are Striking Down Biden’s Discriminatory Policies”

    1. There wasn’t any Racism in America before Obama came along and decided we needed Racism. I am 82. Wake up and smell the Coffee. There is Racism caused by Obama because he lost to Trump. The Muslim is a Racists. One of the Worst people of all. He wanted this Free Country to be overtaken by the Muslim Culture. I am lots older and wiser than you are. I didn’t want my Kids, my Grand Kids nor my Great Grands to be part of the Muslim Race. Obama almost succeeded in doing that. Do you realize that Trump never even took a Salary. He stopped doing his own Personal Business and became President . We needed a Business man to take over this Country. Obama is the one who got Joe Biden to Run for President. He was already in Dementia but not as bad. Its worse now and is going to get completely worse. Now we have a Dr. who says Joe needs to be tested to see if he is fit for being a President. Guess what? Joe wasn’t even fit to run for President. Who ever voted for him knew he wasn’t fit to be President. Of course Pelosi and Schumer don’t want Harris in there either. Obama wants to be President again to full fill his promise as a Muslim to destroy this Country. Why do you think that the People who went to Washington and tried to invade Congress the way they did. Because Pelosi and Schumer are the ones running the Country. They couldn’t do that before because Trump knew their scheme. I don’t know if Americans can wait until Joe is declared unfit to be the President. His Wife and Pelosi and Schumer want to be the ones running the Country and Trump wouldn’t let them. Oh you have not seen the worst of what is going to happen. No Jobs, No schools, no nothing. These Idiots are going to ruin the Country as quickly as possible. They think they are going to get away with this. I hope to hell they don’t. They all need to be run out of Washington DC on a rail and dumped in another Country before they get their way. This last Election was as crooked as it could be.

      1. Audrey ~ You are a highly intelligent woman &, at 82 years old , lead others in your wisdom. If you were/are a teacher, then I wish I had taken your classes. I agree with you 100% & continue to wonder if there truly is a huge segment of our society who are s-t-u-p-i-d. The Democrats have always been “shady”, but are out-&-out evil these days. Thank you for sharing your thoughts & please, please consider writing a book!

    2. It’s good to know that there is at least one person who believes that there is no racism in America! This person is obviously living in a world of her own and claims that there s no racism in America! Would that it were true!

  1. If you are a Democrat, liberal and support Joe Biden and the D’Rat Party you are among the most sleazy, low life crew that has ever existed on this earth. These misfits see everything good in the world as bad because it doesn’t suit them or their slimy immoral agenda.

  2. One primary difference between socialists and conservatives is that conservatives promoted equal opportunity. Socialists have promoted equal outcome. This has changed in that socialists now promote equity outcome no matter your life choices. If you drop out of school or join the drug culture you will fail in life no matter your race, but now socialists divide us with this false victimhood.

  3. It is kinda ironic that Biden being a white “person” (I can’t call him a man because he has no testes), is calling all white people racist! He thinks, (& I must correct myself to even say the word “thinks” when it pertains to him), he can win-over the “minority” vote. He is banking on the assumption that minorities are all gullible/stupid enough to believe his idiotic BS and vote for the Democratic party.

    1. I realize, of course, that Americans did NOT vote for Biden ~ they were all victims of voting fraud! As a white, patriot of this country, I knew how hard our original President worked to regain his position, & I supported him all the way. Everyone knew it was a shoo-in for Trump. I was amazed at how many Democrats were surprised at Biden’s success! BUT ~ this whole can of worms was about power, greed, & an ultimate desire to control ~ as many people & countries as possible. Nothing about the citizens & the country. While Democrats lie, bribe, & make major decisions based on their personal greed, they continue to distort the truth & hoodwink America!

  4. All of the above replies, except for one, have said it all, We totally agree with them. As for racism, we believe in respecting others no matter their Color, Religion, Age or Ethnic Background.
    Hoping things are changing a bit with the Dem.s getting caught & shut down on some of their projects. We hope they will continue to change for the GOOD OF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. These last six months haven’t felt that way though, felt more like we are in a different country, depressed & “hopeless felling” BUT, after reading about the Courts cracking down on, “Biden, Obama, Peloci, Schumer”, WE ARE GOING TO START FEELING HOPE & THINK POSITIVE & CONTINUE TO PRAY TO GOD.
    I’m 83 yrs young & want my Husband & I to live our lives with Piece of Mind, Freedom of RELIGION, Freedom of

    1. “change for the GOOD OF THE PEOPLE OF TEH UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”? Connie all I can say to that is, don’t hold your breath!!

  5. How can anyone born in this country want to destroy America? If you are not happy living here MOVE out of the country to where you think you can be happy.

  6. I whole heartily agree with Melinda if so many People in this Country hate this land then why are you here and choose to stay here , if i were a rich Man i would buy them a ticket to leave .

  7. ???CHRISTrumpOwensD’Souza and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2020-2024 Reelected Landslide
    Amen & Amen???

  8. CHRISTrumpOwensD’Souza and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2020-2024 Reelected Landslide
    Amen & Amen


    WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!

    Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action? How much more damage needs to be done?

    I urge everyone who reads this to PICK UP THE PHONE and call your REP AND SENATORS in DC and DEMAND IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT OF BIDEN AND HARRIS.

    BIDEN is completely UNFIT FOR OFFICE! Biden is guilty of 18 U.S. Code §2381 TREASON, 18 U.S. Code §2382 SEDITION, 18 U.S. Code §2384 Seditious Conspiracy Crimes against Humanity and Subversive Activities.

    HARRIS is guilty of violating 18 US Code §2381 Treason, 18 US Code §2382 Misprision of Treason, 18US Code §2383 Rebellion or Insurrection, 18 US Code §2384 Seditious Conspiracy and 18 US CODE §2385 Advocating Overthrow of Government!

    Democrats want to legalize anarchy and ban law and order.

    Then copy and paste this information into an E-Mail and send to friends and family asking them to make the calls, then forward on to their friends asking them to make the calls and forward on! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!

    Members of the House

    Members of the Senate


    Keep in mind: SILENCE = ACCEPTANCE

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