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Communist Defector Explains How America is Becoming North Korea Under Joe Biden

Joe Biden the wannabe dictator recently showed Third World banana republics how it’s done, by arresting his main political opponent in the 2024 election. Most of us who grew up in America never thought we’d see something as ominous as that in our lifetimes. But here we are. Things have gotten so bad under the wannabe dictator that communist defectors are now sounding the alarm bells.

Yeonmi Park is a young North Korean lady who defected to the US, and she’s authored a new book called “While Time Remains.” It’s a fascinating look at the parallels between communist North Korea, and what is happening to America under our unelected fascist dictator Joe Biden.

Comedian, radio and television host Jesse Kelly recently launched his bestselling book, “The Anti-Communist Manifesto.” He invited Yeonmi Park on his show to talk about life under Kim Jong Un and his scumbag father and grandfather.


Park explains the climate of fear that is used to control everyone in North Korea and draws parallels to the global warming lunatics here in America. People live in fear of some weather-related disaster that’s coming any minute now, except it never arrives. She also explains what a struggle session is, and how the schools are used to cement communist ideology and mistrust in every child.

Watch as she explains the similarities between living in America under Joe Biden, versus living in communist North Korea…

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2 thoughts on “Communist Defector Explains How America is Becoming North Korea Under Joe Biden”


  2. There are MANY who ESCAPED the clutches of socialism as in N. Korea, China, Russia, and satellite countries of Russia! These have given testimony about their experiences ther and as they escaped, I’m astounded there are STILL fools who believe all the lies, mis-statements, etc, extolled by the likes of Joe, Bernie, AOC,, etc!

    They want ‘equality’. THis translates into bringing ALL down to the lowest common denominator, and will NOT raise them. Well, except for those in socialist governments! This works until the socialists run out of other peoples money!

    And this is what happens each and every time, eventually! Not right away, so this gives those leaders time to salt away all the funds they can attain This continues until near the end. THEN those leaders vanish, along with all the funds they managed to glom onto! The lower castes are left with the rublble and ruin, and are forced to start over.

    Should they recover enough, here those socialists come, ready to spread MORE nightmares masquerading as ‘dreams’ promised by the socialists!

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