CNN’s Jim Acosta Gets Spanked After Trying to Blame Afghanistan Debacle on Trump

If the fake news media handed out awards for pathological liars, CNN’s Jim Acosta would be the most decorated journalist in history. His open hatred for former President Donald Trump and conservative Americans are only rivaled by his willingness to promote the false and misleading propaganda of Democrats and the Biden administration.

On this Dronetek exclusive, Acosta tries to blame former President Trump for the catastrophic collapse of Afghanistan and the international humiliation Joe Biden caused. To say it doesn’t go well for the fake news celebrity would be something of an understatement.

In an interview with Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA), who sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee, Acosta desperately tries to lay the blame for the Taliban overrunning Afghanistan, trapping military personnel at the Kabul airport, and dictating the terms of the U.S. retreat at President Trump’s feet.

Decrying a “conditional” deal the former president negotiated, Acosta pretends the descent into chaos didn’t begin in January. People across the world acknowledge that the Taliban — in no way, shape, or from — feared weak Joe Biden. That’s why they rolled across the country for months while the the Biden administration sat back and did nothing.

What Jim Acosta didn’t bank on when interviewing the Republican Congressman was someone unwilling to perpetuate the left’s crazy spin that Joe Biden isn’t at fault, despite him saying he bears “zero responsibility.” The leader in fake news also didn’t anticipate getting lambasted with facts. Watch this Dronetek exclusive and witness “journalist” Jim Acosta take the beat-down he deserves.

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27 thoughts on “CNN’s Jim Acosta Gets Spanked After Trying to Blame Afghanistan Debacle on Trump”

  1. Jim Acosta needs to be strung up on a light pole . What I think is disgusting is the fact he has a job in the first place. But then what you expect from a station which hired Rick Sanchez , a known killer .


      1. Acosta is just like Don Lemon & Chris Cuomo, a LIAR extrordinaire. They don’t know a thing about reporting the truth so they LIE about every thing and their bosses are just like them, so they consider it “job security”. Acosta is the rudest person on TV and I’m surprised somebody hasn’t beat the crap out of him yet. Maybe tomorrow!

        1. I feel the exact same way about Acosta! The only thing I think differently on is the fact that he apparently IS a reporter that people listen too, regrettably!! CNN is known for their LIES and any reporter working for them are WELL KNOWN for their LIES!! When will people turn off their televisions and just simply REFUSE to LISTEN to the LIES? I did!! I got SICK from being LIED too even on the Fox Channel!! It’s time that American’s TURN OFF THE NEWS and realize they do not SERVE OUR BEST INTEREST’S!! NO ONE IS GOVERNMENT DOES!! They HATE US for wanting to have a life!! They HATE our Dreams of FREEDOM!! They HATE our Willingness to SHUT THEM OUT!! Pick up your BIBLE’S and SEEK TRUTH!! It ONLY EXIST’S THERE!!

  2. The news was a source of the truth , but the Democratic liers has invented a new meaning of news , corruption , fraudulent , accusations , in a liers world , unrealistic garbage that they think your a joke if you believe it . Stupidity has a new meaning , insult your intelligence , as America declines you democrates in joy there un-American ideas of a communist and hate , you not only lost your freedoms but contribute to it . Insane asylum’s are full of your kind ( the squad ) un-American politician’s are your downfall you loose .

  3. He needed this smack down in a huge way. President Trump isn’t around to give it to him anymore, so Issa had to be the one. He did a great job of pointing out the facts to this corrupt, DNC paid, Idiot.

    1. Dont worry, President Trump hasn’t left. He is very much working behind the scenes. Something tells me we will get the truth soon

  4. JACK ASS commie Acosta the un-American Cuban COCKROACH is a waste of skin excrement. The P.O.S. wouldn’t have a job if it wasn’t for Commie NO NEWS. The coward had to tuck his yellow tale & run when the truth slapped him across his DUNG eating face.

    1. Be careful what you wish for. You want the crooked Harris in office? I say impeach both. Get rid of Polosi, Vote Red in all future elections.

  5. Jim Acosta is lower than cow dung and almost as smart. The 10 idiots that still believe all of his lies should demand CNN fire his sorry butt.

  6. His hate for Trump overrides any kind of logical brain cells he might have had. A conditional pullout means just that. The Taliban didn’t meet the conditions, yet chicken joe pulls out anyway, leaving the civilians and equipment like a scared rabbit. Gave up the airbase that was leverage. He and his admin were just too busy trying to ruin the nation from within to pay attention to the terrorists in afghanistan. Now people are dead. This is impeachable and criminal. But then we knew Joe was a criminal already. He also has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision for 47 years. They all know it.

    1. I sincerely doubt he was ever blessed with any brain cells to begin with. I have never seen any signs of them. I find it appalling that he is still allowed to be on the air. He has no credibility and is nothing more than an anti American, socialist tool. Just looking at him makes me nauseous.

  7. Pretty ironic that every mistake this dog and pony administration makes is Donald Trumps fault. Its not the Biden admin or the Harris admin, its the dog ate my homework admin and its ruining our beautiful USA!!

  8. We’ll never know if President Trump’s withdrawal plan would have worked, because Joe Biden didn’t follow the plan. At least with Trump, as the situation changed, so would have his plan. Biden, who thinks he’s a genius, but in reality he’s an Idiot, and always has been, didn’t have a plan. He just pulled the troops out, not giving a thought to the American Citizens, SIV’s Hardware and Intelligence gear they left sitting right there for the Talis to pick up. That action by Biden directly led to this Fustercluck. Biden and his advisors own this catastrophe.

    The Chinese and the Russians are wetting themselves over the unrestricted access to sensitive military and intelligence gear Biden “gave” away.
    To the 81,000,000 Idiots that supposedly voted for Biden/Harris, those deaths are your fault too. You own them.

  9. all of this fiasco was really controlled by odummer, who is chnajoe’s boss and odummer’s boss is chna and globalist. we need to get rid of the group from obiden, woketard generals, the ho, pukepelosi, shcmuckschumer and of course the bitches with aoc wackodoodle. The hard part is who will be able to pull this Country back from the hands of chna/globalist??????????? they about have us lock stock and barrel, our money will be crashed and for all the retards who took the bioweapon death shot, will be dead or dying within 3 years according to the REAL scientist. We have got together and be on the page of SAVE OUR COUNTRY, it doesn’t matter who or what you are as long as you are a PATRIOT. Who is going to be smart and tuff enough to lead us thru this mess??????? Say your prayers people, because hell is going to be unleashed, with death, starvation and a chna takeover……. unless Americans become Americans again and we become UNITED…. then they we may be able to turn this around. the cracker heads in the house and so called senate (except for a few) are with the globalist. WAKE UP AMERICAN OR BE READY FOR SLAVERY…. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY WITH NOTHING TO EAT AND LIVING AS A SLAVE.

  10. Acosta should lose his so called credentials as a mouth piece for the Nation. He doesn’t represent anyone but himself and just shows his absolute lack of any real intelligence or should I san ANY intelligence of any kind. Whe it comes to saying anything with real truth. President Trump has more intelligence and common sense in his Big Toe than Acosta has in his empty head or body. I think Acosta needs a new assignment like maybe get a job working for the enemies of this country. OOPs, He already has one, and he excels on job His title would be chief editor of the JIhad group We certainly don’t need his BS here. Better just deport him to a asylum.

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