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Censored Capitol Police Chief Exposes J6 – “Pelosi Set It Up”

January 6th was a deadly riot orchestrated by former President Donald Trump to overthrow the government – at least that’s what the Democrats want you to think.

Leftists have clung to this narrative for YEARS, spending millions of American tax-payer dollars on crap investigations and committees designed to amplify their claims.

Nobody bought their garbage story but they didn’t REALLY need us to, they just needed to follow the necessary steps in order to eventually send the DOJ after Trump over J6.

And that’s exactly what’s happening now.


If this all seems a little too convenient for the Democrats who have been trying to get rid of Trump since 2015, that’s because it is!

One former Capitol Police Chief who was on the ground for J6 revealed that the entire thing was a setup, and the Democrats were behind it.

Tucker Carlson sat for a lengthy interview with former Chief Steven Sund – the same man whose last interview was censored by Fox News because it revealed the truth about what happened on that day.

Sund suggested that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did everything in her power to ensure that the scene on the ground was as chaotic as possible.

When he requested in advance that National Guard be deployed to help keep the peace, Pelosi refused.

But how could we forget, the Democrat Speaker also just happened to have a camera crew with her on that day.

“…It just gets worse. It gets worse from there,” Sund said.

It was clear that the Democrats set the entire thing up from the start.

The full length interview can be seen here.

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28 thoughts on “Censored Capitol Police Chief Exposes J6 – “Pelosi Set It Up””

  1. Nancy Piglosi, should be the one on rail not Trump, She is the witch from hell but still she gets to shoot off her big
    mouth, Instead of her husband getting hit over the head with a hammer it should have been her the old sea hag,
    with her hard head it probably would not have made a dent, it might have broke a few of the marbles she has rolling around instead of brains. She has to be one of the most heartless bitches around,

    1. (I pledge, to the FLAG , of the United States of America: “One NATION under GOD, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all!”). With our Right handn over our HEARTS, in all serioiusness, each one of us made our Pledge to our flag! spme do it daily, others do it before ANY NATIONAL EVENTS!
      Pray ask: ” Why we live under GODLESS = ANTI GOD LAWS?”
      1. ABORTION = Satanic human sacrifce before birth!
      2. Birth Control not following Church Guidlines!
      3. Euthnasia= Satanic Self Sacrifice! (God is in control of each life, when to be born, and when to die!)
      4. Same Gender UNION = Sadomy = the cause of the sinking of Sodam and Gomorrah! THE Origian iof the aht word

      1. She (Nancy P) was put to death by White Hats at Gitmo some time ago…clones and doubles are still around…but she is in Hell!!

    1. The Jan 6 committee refused to allow testimony from previous employees. The chief had resigned following the
      1/6 incident and therefore his testimony was not heard. Deliberately I might add.

  2. This was all a set up to make Trump the fall guy. Nancy ( with her alcohol soaked brain) had her daughter there to film her exit from her office ahead of the so called storming of the capitol. She was all prepared for what happened and then claimed innocence for not bringing in extra help to prevent the brawl at the capitol. She can’t speak a full sentence and waves her hand around like that is a language that people are suppose to understand to get her point across. Talk about Biden’s gaffs, she can’t get the words out she just does hand waves and people are suppose to know what she is saying.

  3. No doubt, Pelosi and the Democrat communists pulled a “set-up” on Jan 6. The FBI and every other government agency were in one the “fix”. The Capital Police were nothing but little “soldiers” under the direction of Nancy Pelosi and the Deep State.

    The corrupt DOJ is now carrying the ball in trying to take Trump out.

    It’s time to throw down the plows and pick up the pitch forks. We have the most corrupt federal government in history.

    1. I agree its time for the people to remove this corrupt administration by force if necessary. They are using the com and FBI as its personal hit squad to remove anyone who disagrees with them

  4. They are clearly trying to run out the clock so they can get Hunter and Joe Biden off the hook.

    This cannot be allowed.

    It’s crystal clear that the MSM are nothing but whores for the Communist Dems.

    Joe and Ho Gotta Go!

  5. You are absolutely right & I, too, am sick to death of the Dems getting away with major criminal acts & getting away with them all. We have no justice, we have illegal, America-destroying acts, child molestation, rape, murder, ……….. Our National Security has been placed at dangerously high risk, of dissension, racism, rioting murders, property destruction, destruction of historical figures & monuments, religious beliefs being attacked, children being brainwashed, underaged sex being allowed & promoted, sex changes being encouraged, parents labeled as evil, Biden sleeping with enemy countries, putting millions of $$ in his hidden accts while committing treasonous acts against America. The list is horrifically long, evil, demonic, illegal, everything to tear America apart is being done by the current admin & the libs. Yes, get out the picks. Playing nice & lenient with these people does not work & is futile. It’s beyond time to get rough, touch, & strong; otherwise, we allow them to win & destroy us.

    1. In re-reading my post, I see grammatical & redundant errors. Unfortunately, the option to edit was not available to make the corrections. My apologies.

  6. Before the people visited the White House – which belongs to all of us who pay taxes – as the government owns nothing – Trump offered assistance and was turned down by Pelosi and the mayor of DC – Pelosi anticipated an unruly angry crowd – she expected to use this for exactly what happened and spent millions punishing Americans who were actually let into the areas by the guards employed by the Capitol Police – the blood from the young lady that was shot is directly on her hands – look at the disrespect she displayed when she tore up the speech made by Trump – she has been nothing more than a vicious person – bragging about her 28,000 dollar refrigerator which she bought with insider info on the Visa stock that made her millions – but she had a law in place that held members of Congress exempt from that law – how about the massive insurance members get but force other Americans to accept Obama Care or how about Martha Stewart being treated as a criminal having to go to jail because her broker did what Pelosi did – she claims to be a devote Catholic but pushed to kill babies up to and including birth – she will be judged for her actions one day and won’t be able to escape the judgement she deserves unless she repents She is no different with her lying tongue than the Pharahcies (sp) were when they stood in public loudly announcing what they had accomplished

    1. ASHLI BABBITT – Remember her name – MURDERED BY CAPITOL POLICE on Jan 6th.

  7. I pray that God will take charge of the evil in our leaders that have no respect for law and order of our country. Please lets pray that they will have there day of justice that America was founded on by God fearing believers in Jesus Christ that made the laws so that people would have to obey and follow. what happen to the people that had interigity and loved there Country and respected one another. What a circus of the people that are trying to destroy what our for Fathers put in place for us to live by. When are the people going to get on there knees and ask God to Grace our Country and get back to living by what God has laid out for Christians to follow on a dayly bases. God Loves us and we need to be indewled with the Holey Spirit

  8. I agree its time for the people to remove this corrupt administration by force if necessary. They are using the com and FBI as its personal hit squad to remove anyone who disagrees with them

  9. Hello Greetings Namaskaara
    EXCELLENT bestWISHES verySIMPLEfor ALL SPREADthe WORD DO YOUR SHARETELL YOUR FRIENDS PLEASEHELP YESoursons future POTUS sufferedtargeted world dramastage meFIRED jobsBLOCKED bigshock forALL,Shilpi ingoodrelationship seekingSUITABLEbridefor Kaviraj
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  10. Can you get an dumber that Creepy Joe the Pervert. I wouldn’t be surprised that he hasn’t sniffed their unwanted granddaughter like he has done with the children who were with people he met! He is a sick SOB.

  11. Yep the Democrats are at fault for everything and climbed into bed with the media to make President Trump out to be a tirant the Republicans have done nothing. President Trump he only spoke about how he was disappointed about the results to the election on January 6 and that that congress was going to ratify the election, he never told the people to go down to the Capitol Building and storm in to stop members of Congress. Its amazing how the media can photo chop the protester to look like they were crawling up the walls and forcing there way into the building when in reality the police stepped aside and let them in to walk the halls giving the protesters a guided tour, because Congress was taking a break and where not in the building. How dare Pelosi to orchestrate such a despicable act

  12. RIP the original “USA” – little remains to mourn now !

    The “End Times” may possibly not yet be here for the “Rest of the World”, but it sure looks and sounds like the proverbial plug has been pulled on “America” – May God help the Godly ! As for the rest – Hell has more than enough room to accommodate them ALL !

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