Biden’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, Gets Frustrated as Multiple Reporters SLAM Her Over Crisis at Border

White House press secretary Jen Psaki nearly had a meltdown complete with snowflake tears after multiple reporters blasted her over Biden’s border crisis. Despite the Biden administration’s promise to be transparent, the immigration issue has shown anything but openness to information.

Despite her attempts to redirect focus to care for children and compassion for immigrants, there was no circling back in this line of questions. Her demeanor clearly changed as reporters have had enough of the closed access treatment regarding migrant detention centers along the southern border and refusal to admit the truth: that Biden’s open border policy isn’t working.

She concluded with, “If we don’t take those steps now, we’re going to keep being on these cycles every year, year after year.” Psaki has moved from circling back to talking in circles to responding to reporters asking for answers she can’t give.


Psaki is just a messenger and there’s only so much she’s allowed to say. Biden’s lack of transparency and answers continues to place the press secretary into impossible conversations that only further highlight the nation’s immigration crisis and her outright lies.

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12 thoughts on “Biden’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, Gets Frustrated as Multiple Reporters SLAM Her Over Crisis at Border”

  1. Jen Psaki took the job and apparently one she can’t handle. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the damn kitchen!

  2. Quit PICKING on this little kid! . . . Jen doesn’t KNOW any better – like all the OTHER little kids. Tell her to go to the Playground and PLAY with the other children (on the swings, kickball, etc.). One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

  3. Watch closely and you’ll see she is nothing more than a female version of the android Data from Star Trek. Very cold, calculated, off-putting responses punctuated with those annoying hand/hair gestures. She’s provide SNL writer’s with yet another character to mercilessly lampoon. Look for a brief tenure.

    1. The problem is that SNL has become so left wing that they won’t lampoon her at all. Instead watch Greg Gutfeld’s show on Fox News. They have a red haired woman on there who constantly flips her hair and when they ask her a question, she answers in the most idiotic ways, sort of like Psaki really does during these press “conferences”.

  4. Every American should be irate and demand access to the border. In fact we should send a couple of hundred Americans to the border to “observe”.
    The oft repeated lie that the previous administration left no policy in effect is getting a bit tiresome

    1. Yes Jim, I too am quite frustrated about this Peppermint Patty and her unending lies concerning the border situation.
      They keep speaking about what they “inherited” from Trumps administration and as you stated….. it’s getting pretty old.

      It doesn’t matter what happens, these “transparent” imbeciles are going to go off course on questions presented and blame Trump for all of their inadequate solutions to this crisis.

      What’s so unnerving is that our brain dead CIC told the world he was going to open this border and let the masses in. I can’t wrap my head around ANY REASON that this would be a positive action to take amid this “ pandemic”. Why would a man who claims to be “ for the people” allow the first immigrant across this border when we have so many Americans on the precipice of disaster due to their inept practices. This is KILLING America and these legislators know this. The Republicans stand by and let these tyrants run rampant with this insane agenda, and they’re doing nothing ( that I’m aware of ) to stop it. Dictator Pelosi blames Trump too, of course, this deranged woman can’t let the Trump thing go.

      It sure seems odd that DJT had the border thing where it should have been decades ago, had the wall being built, and knowing it was a detriment to illegals, yet these idiot democrats want to let this tsunami of diseases, MS-13, drug traffickers and of course, all of the fun that goes with child trafficking and rape to these poor kids feeble at best, existence.

      Morally, this is probably, in my opinion, one of the worst situations any administration could put on a nation.

      Joe Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer are mentally ill. A sovereign nation should NEVER have to be subjected to a travesty such as this. Amazing that a small, insignificant handful of sick in the head individuals can control a perfectly legitimate nation to the extent that this is even occurring.

      Biden’s ilk are out to run this nation into the ground……….WHY?!

      It’s senseless. We, as a nation have worked relentlessly towards making our country the best in the world. Mr Trump did an outstanding job as our president and had to suffer the wrath of these kooks each and every day as he showed these reprobates just how a nation should be run. Hell, he’s still taking heat from these no account treasonous criminals that know no boundaries.

      We’re in DEEP SHIT!!!! Biden and Harris both need impeachment, and sooner than later. I’m still in awe of just how the democrats break the law and NEVER, NEVER are brought up on charges of criminality in any respect despite the crimes they commit constantly… every day. So many in DC that should be in prison for their actions but still they rule with an iron fist.

      I’m embarrassed to be an American any longer. We’re the laughing stock of the entire planet. China and Russia just salivating with desire to get their fingers into the American Dream, and with this “President” , they’ll most likely get that opportunity if we people don’t act… and fast.

  5. This administration is not doing its job correctly. Yes, I can see if there is struggle. We all go through it. But state your stance.

  6. She has a very hard job when there is only Democrate control no respect for America citizens and also for the illegals that have been in America for years and have slowly been climbing the ladder to citizenship. I think they are very unhappy and will now be kicked to the curb. So I hope they will remember NOT to be taken in by Biden and his insane agenda. Soros is getting what he paid for . Soros should be deported,he needs to pay for his crimes in Europe. The whole world now knows how the tricksters cheated America out of the great country it used to be. Yeah for the red states and their great gov.”s

  7. She needs to demand from “Sleepy Joe,” or his handlers, true/real answers to the questions being asked. If they won’t provide them, she needs to walk, maybe she should walk any way. She obviously is not able to handle the job. I guess if she needs a “crutch,” then here’s one: this administration is a total failure and can’t do the job required. I hope those who voted for it is happy with the results – socialism with the garbage it brings.

  8. All you have to remember is Madame Pelosi and her inane statement when Donald Trump was president ” I pray for him every day” She unfortunately didn’t finish the statement that she prays for him to fail. She is a typical liar of the first order.

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