Despite all the claims made by the Biden regime, the economy is in absolute shambles and it’s only getting worse!
The cost of living continues to rise as astronomically high inflation lingers and wages are CERTAINLY not keeping up. As a result, the average American is finding it FAR more difficult to make ends meet – so they’re getting desperate.
A massive amount of the middle-class have been forced to tap into their 401ks early just to survive this horrific economy. Bank of America data reveals that 401k accounts across the country are being DRAINED by people experiencing “financial distress.”
Their numbers show that the situation for the average American is getting much worse, RAPIDLY!
In the first quarter of 2022 the number of hardship withdrawals was unusually high, but by the second quarter that number had shot up 36%!
And at the same time, auto loan delinquencies – a good indicator of the economy’s true weakness – have been SKYROCKETTING!
Meanwhile, Joe Biden and his band of idiots are repeatedly peddling the falsehood that the economy is “strong as hell,” tricking the American people (that believe this lie) into a false sense of security which will only make it even HARDER for people to stay afloat in this Biden economy.
Watch the video here to see why this 401k stat is such a bad sign for the country both now AND in the long run.
A lot of seniors Now have to chose between affording their medications or groceries. Very SAD state of affairs.
2 1/2 years ago, this was NOT the case.
yep my savings went from $5,000 down to $700 and no end in site!!!While this POS and its admin keep stealing our tax money!
Bottom line, when the country goes woke we all go broke!
Bidenomics will be our downfall. He and his global handlers are seemingly getting their way. Is it time to impeach yet?
Sadly, that are far too many spineless Republicans in Congress, That, along with the weaponIzed DOJ will likely translate to no consequences for deep state actors such as Biden, Schiff, Pelosi, Brennan, Clapper, Wray, Clinton and on and on…
I agree
Don’t forget the Obama’s. BOTH !!!!!
Yes! IMPEACH again I say IMPEACH!
Spot On Pat! Buy more Ammo, too!
I say God Save America!!
Trump was on the right track, drain the swamp and save America
American Revolution Time
100 million members with ropes in hand
Hang The Traitor Or China takes over!!!
Why don’t the middle class stand up you keep telling how good Biden doing ion the polls really you need to do middle class stay away from Biden he’s killing us slowely ( if you got enough information he sold us out get some ba. S and impeach him now quite talking do something
If people don’t quit complying they are going to completely destroy America!
When they come out with mask mandates etc just refuse and walk on. I will not take this new jab sleepy creepy p doe joe wants to force on us..they’ll have to kill me to Vax me.
For 50 years, this was all being put in place by DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS! They knew how to get blacks people all round up about LIES! They use RACIST AND HATE TOWARD those that was NOT TRUTH! USE THE MEDIA to stir up those LIES! So today we see it in the YOUTH who were BRAINWASHED IN COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL! Yes, this was planned out since Bill Clinton made the comment that he hope to be —THE ONE WORLD PRESIDENT! That was the reason Bill put Hillary in charge of the HEALTH CARE DEPARTMENT! So she could place THEIR FRIENDS IN POSITIONS THAT ONLY THE PRESIDENT COULD FIRED THEM! So now it just gotten WORST EVEN WITH BUSH JR. WHO SIGN EVERYTHING INTO LAWS JUST TO GET HIS WAR! Under Obama who ran on ENDING THE WAR! But nothing was done accept he ” AIDING” THE ENEMIES WITH AMERICA MILITARY EQUIPMENT! That TREASONOUS! WAR END UNDER TRUMP! And that piss off the DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS WHO WHERE MAKING $$$$$ as long as the war was fighting! Even Republicans politicians had a foot in this war! They too were making $$$$ off our children death! Now here gone again BIDEN HAS VIOLATION THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! HE TO WAS ” AIDING” THE TALIBAN ! ACT OF TREASONOUS HERE AND 13 INNOCENT MILITARY TROOPS DIED FOR NOTHING!
That’s the intent of the commie world agenda.
…And no one is doing anything about it, but the continuous support of this POS admin. that is destroying America and its citizens.
We’ve depleted our savings as well. Just to pay everyday expenses.
We have a president responsible for getting soldiers killed in Afghanistan and this fool Biden looks at his watch instead of honoring the troops being unloaded. When they finally bury you Joe, there will be a big line waiting to piss on your grave while we check out our watches. We were drafted unlike like you Joe because your dad paid off the doctors so they would say your to sick to be drafted Joe. When the draft was over you were all of a sudden you were cured. My brother and our friends died in Vietnam. Put me in a ring with you Joe, payback is in order. Our mother hated your guts.
The thing wrong about this messthat is going on is we all suffer not just the idiots who voted for this senile old man. No matter what you think of Trump look at your monthly expenses and what you got for your money, it’s a lot less than pre-2020. Just think it will end in 2024 if we are lucky and all the illegals are kept from voting and other back room deals. Can we survive?
Desantis and Trump need to stop talking bad about each other and run together and get the dumb dems out of all positions and get Bidens Obamas Clits Pelosi where they belong behind bars. Just open up our oil productions and close the borders and deport all illegals. would bring back our economy real quick inflation would be gone just bring gas prices to half of what it is in Washington State would bring our economy. the woke idiots have got their heads so far up their asses they don’t see that America is not even even close to going to electric vehicles. there is so much that needs to be improved with the electric vehicles like how in the heck are people gonna even think that the electric car is ready shoot my nephew bought one and got a flat tire and you know what? how ready is the electric car when my nephew got a flat tire i busted a nut laughing so hard no spare tire no place to even put one if you bought a spare tire, what a joke,next thing batteries where are they gonna dispose of all the batteries when the whole world has batteries polluting our world because its will be hazardous to have batteries stock piled all over. shoot when the electric car can recharge itself and never need another battery and can carry spare tires and can be affordable by the poor then maybe, im saying maybe it may be a thing to talk about. the wokes don’t understand that just the United States suffering all the cut backs aren’t gonna save the world China is going full steam on making as much Weapons, Missiles,making new Islands for military,they are even making more coal mines massive pollution. Along with Russia. We need to get our economy under control we need to undo Biden economic bullshit thats exactly what it is bullshit. The Regime is what it is Obama is our downfall the Gay puppet master he started the weakening of America by he got Rich by selling out to the Asians now we pay dearly for all metals Obama sold all smelters now we depend on The Greedy Asians for metals democrats have no place in America Bidens selling all our fuel reserves to the Asians. Obamas Bidens Clitampons Pelosi. Have no place in America they have proved that they have no feelings for America or the Americans who deserve to be Proud like we once were and still are the wokes need to be awokened and need to be run out of America and striped of all the wealth they have gotten. they owe all the money they have they stole it from us Americans. No more Democrats no more theiving from Americans. GOD BLESS AMERICA OUR HOME SWEET HOME