Biden Hides INSANE Vaccine Mandate Fees Inside his Trillion Dollar Spending Package

Glenn Beck shares Democrats want you to know that the president’s proposed reconciliation bill now is only $1.9 trillion. But Glenn says the price tag is just a ruse.

He explains exactly what’s inside, including insane vaccine mandate fees for noncompliant companies that would put every small business owners in jeopardy. “This cannot pass,” Glenn says.

Imagine being a business owner who chooses to not comply with the vaccine mandate. You could be fined $70,000 for single infractions and up to $700,000 for repeated violations, Glenn says.


What do you think that will do to business owners? The idea is to comply or be out of business. Most businesses can’t take one hit of $70,000 from the government, especially with inflation and other new Biden restrictions.

Glenn says his company is not doing the vaccine mandate. They will be fined. Then what? His answer is for every American to pick up their phone and call elected leaders to stop this thing.

It doesn’t matter if the Biden spending bill is $3.5 trillion or 50 cents, if there are fees for those who do not comply with vaccine mandates, we’re all in trouble. Check it out for even more details now in the latest commentary from Glenn Beck on Blaze TV.

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40 thoughts on “Biden Hides INSANE Vaccine Mandate Fees Inside his Trillion Dollar Spending Package”

  1. Joe Biden and these Commubistic democrats are total Ass-Holes, and should be rempoved by any means out of congress and the USA or either shot or Hung for high treason against the USA. USMC

    Just one Pissed off American and US Veteran

    1. Yes I to are very upset to see and hear all if what’s going on in this whit house and Biden who us suppose to be our leader surely has cognitive problems and before he blows up all we Americans fought hard please u rich Democrats so liberal a d rich seems like their life us going continue nothing is very every so the DEVIL was inserted in ur brain and has destroyed our way of life that god gave u

    2. For anyone who does not see this TOTAL FIXATION on vaccinating everyone, let me say this is about total domination of humanity. If you really want to see what to see what the REAL DEAL is, go to Bitchute EU Graphene mind control interface. Once this is in our brains, we can be controlled remotely by a multitude of electronic devices, even iphones, etc. Those who are still asleep better wake up soon.

    3. There are alot of us out here brother that are just as passed off about this president and the house and senate as you are. If they keep it up , Jan 6 won’t even get a mention in the history books. I get it they want to change the way the USA works. But the way they are trying to do it kills jobs, puts people on the streets, wrecks the economy and for what. It does me no good to call La Malfa, it does not appear he is in gaged in this. I wish he was.

      1. I’m beginning to think that’s the goal. How could things have gotten in such a mess in such a short time?
        They are all lying through their teeth and the lying mainstream media is aiding them.

    4. I have been saying that for years. I have never trusted a democrat, any of them. I think if people knew the vaccine was made from aborted babies fewer people would have take the vaccine.

    5. Biden can be impeached, if the Republicans enact the ‘WAR MEASURE ACT’ against him.
      With all the illegals he’s letting in, they are a threat to National Security!

    6. The problem is that Biden Harris, Pelosi and Schumer are Communist leading the Communist Democrat Party and they have corrupted the different departments. Therefore impeachment is out of the question. You would hope the military would arrest them all and try them for treason. They attack our Freedom of speech and Religion along with our 2nd Amendment rights. They have opened our borders so we are now not a country. They have defunded our police which greatly decreased our safety. They allow BLM and ANTIFA terrorist to burn, loot and destroy buildings. They intimidate and assault citizens and police at will. The Democrats use them like Hitler used the Brown Shirts for Social Unrest. They use Race and COVID as tools to destroy America. When you try to Attack our Democratic Republic with Socialist/Communist Dictatorship either by military or subversive policies, that is Treason and should be dealt with as such.

  2. The “ruse” is to forcibly selectively make every American put an unapproved substance into their body. OH! Except CDC, NIH, members of congress, the postal system employees, and who else is exonerated? We do not know. Thus in lies the deceit in their mad plan to kill everyone. It appears that if you do not die with the first shot, then we will continue forcing people to continue shooting up until they die, all while pharmaceuticals and I suspect Fauci, NIH, and perhaps even Biden will roll in the profits.
    The major surprise to me is “why” no one is attempting – really working to stop the insanity of unlawful mandates? I “suspect” that every member of the Republican congress and/or their families have been severely threatened so viciously they are frightened to speak out. If logic prevailed in congress, then those who have (hypothetically) been threatened should go public encase, expose the even deeper ugliness of evil. There is no doubt in my mind that evil personified is resident in those who are not intelligent enough to lead, except by force to attain their goals. America is our country of freedom.
    Added comment – do you REALLY believe that Biden took a real vaccine shot? Or if so, what was the actual intent that he take it?!!

      1. The whole Obumer team is all back to destroy America. They have the most evil people that has ever existed. They worship Satan and are going to go after all americans that love God and America. Because of our splinless republicans for many years the demoncrates have been able
        to break hundreds of federal laws with not even a slap in the hand. Jesus has asked us to pray but he also does want us so scaired that we will no fight back.
        It is our right to fight back the evil satan run government. Parents keep the pressure on the school boards, do not give up. Many Christians that this could never come to America, but hear we are. May God bless You. Bass

    1. Re: “The major surprise to me is “why” no one is attempting – really working to stop the insanity of unlawful mandates? I “suspect” that every member of the Republican congress and/or their families have been severely threatened so viciously they are frightened to speak out.”

      This would be true only of those who have not and could not be bribed to keep their mouths shut.

      And for the record, no, I do not believe Biden, Obama, Pelosi or any other “elite” member of this coup actually received what they insist upon calling the Covid-19 vaccine. (This is NOT a vaccine that prevents infection, it’s a shot that might lessen your symptoms at best, or kill you at worst.

  3. Calling and petitioning your representatives will do nothing. At this time if your Representative is Republican, they don’t have the numbers to fully stop the craziness. If your Representative is Democrat, people should know and realize by now, they don’t represent you anymore, they only Represent the ” Party ” If these insane spending bills can be held off until the Midterms the country has a slim chance to recover, if it is allowed to pass, bend over and kiss the country goodbye. It’s time to start flying the Flag upside down , let the world know we are a nation is distress!!!

    1. Totally agree. I have been flying my flag upside down (outside of legitimate federal holidays) since the election. We need a national movement to ensure these false representatives of “We The People” understand and see with their own eyes this is not about Trump or the Republican Party but about the “Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands”!
      AMEN, Brother.

    2. So true. Republican reps will at very least promptly acknowledge my letters (yes, I know, they have aides to do this for them), and a couple of them actually reply with what sounds like genuine concern and a willingness to stand-up to the commies. But the couple of Dems… if I get any response at all, it’s to “politely” explain how wrong I am and how they just can’t allow themselves to think like that’ obviously toeing the part line. Dem officials are so afraid of losing party support, that they can’t allow themselves to think rationally.

      As long as the left is in “control”, we will continue to spiral downward as a Republic. They have been working toward this goal since the early 1960s, gradually infiltrating and expanding every branch of our government at every level. The 1st 40 years or so, they kept their ultimate agenda and ideologies quiet. Then, as their numbers grew, they gradually became emboldened; now they don’t even try to hide what they’re planning for this country. This is why they hate Trump so much and why they spent every waking minute of his term trying to remove and discredit him. I don’t worship the man (or any man), but I do believe he held the best interests for this country in his heart.

      It’s like a challenge the Communists accepted after WWII, to defeat the greatest Republic that ever existed on this planet. If things don’t turn around – and soon – it appears they will win. During the 1940s through the early 1960s, the FBI actually hunted suspected communists in this country. Now it would seem they only aid and abet them.

  4. How about funding this socialist bill by forcing all illegals pay THEIR fair share? COVID positive illegals are let loose throughout the country without being forced to take the jab, let alone pay one cent towards their ongoing health/education & housing costs, unlike lawful US Citizens.

    1. Oh you can bet their day will come. Those are the people meant to replace American citizens. They need them to become their slaves when the true Americans are dead from the vaccine. So they’ll be nice to them….for awhile. In the end though I think they’ll “get it” worse than us if they stay in the US.
      Probably should go back while they still can.

  5. They are not going to stop until they have 100% jabbed. If there is one old hermit on a mountain top that has not been jabbed, they will not stop until the get him. They don’t care if there is no virus at this point.

    1. I’m not getting the “jab” until an antibody test shows that I have no immunity. They are not considering those who have natural immunity which protects better and is longer lasting than the vaccine. Why do you suppose they are not considering that?

      1. I paid out of pocket to get my natural antibody numbers checked before being forced by my employer (healthcare/hospital) to get the vaccine. My numbers were high and strong 1 and 1/2 years after getting Covid. Now my numbers and dropping all around from vaccine. The vaccine is depleting my immune system. My employer used my sick time to pay me 2 days after each vaccine because the vaccine made me so sick!

  6. Is not a socialist nation have centralized markets for food, clothes,cars, merchandise and other stuff? Their people can’t protest without grave repercussions. Religion is kept in check. Time to let the Congress and Senate know that we all live in The United States of America. Here, they represent The People of this nation. Not the Democratic party.

    1. Load up all these communist wantabees on airplanes and fly them to the nearest communist country’s in the middle of the night.

  7. The Demonrats are totally worthless for anything! I don’t think they have a mind between the whole lot of them ! They are hypnotized by the devil ! They have sold their souls to him for a mess of pottage!???

  8. Biden can take his mandates/fees and his assinine communist party and go to HELL. If anyone or any democrat thinks they can remove what I owe will be find themselfes in a coffin 6 feet under or burned USMC and a patroit for a FREE America

  9. Wake up Obama’s running the show Obama’s telling Biden what to do and buying and is going along with it if it is really biding up there you need to know that they want this country socialized their brainwashing kids and school their mandating these vaccines and God only knows what for read what’s in them it’s scary this country is being ran by a evil dictator and Obama I believe is the antichrist and he wants a one world money market system he wants control of the world Obama wants to be the leader of the world we need to stand up to all this because God help us this country is failing people are doing what they government once and we need to say no I for one I’m not getting that vaccine God help us

  10. Anything and everything that can be done to put this country on a patriotic course that people are proud to be a part of, WILL NOT be done by ANY ” elected official “. Because if they are a Republican they have NO BALLS NONE,
    And if they are a dem well it’s THEIR agenda so you can rule out any elected official doing anything that is good for this country or it’s citizens that actually care about this country.
    If people do not wake up and stand TOGETHER quick,the United States of America is a place our children will never see and that is a crime against every generation until the end of time.

  11. Yes, our “countrycan only be corrected to the right course when everyone voices that they well not put up with the new Presidential edicts which are unlawful.

    Where are the minds of our Senate &Congress letting this happen, of couse they have done no real work accomplishment in the last 10 yyears; they are only interest in getting reelected, then fail to even work on the will of the people and helping the tax payer. Dummp them all out that will not stand up for our constitutional rights.
    Pass term limits now before it is too late; and impeach Biden & Kamela Harris before any more distruction of out nation. WAKE UP FOLKS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. AK YOUR SENATORS AND CONGRESSMEN TO GET OFF THE STICK AND GET THEIR JOB DONE NOW. GET OFF THE GRAVY TRAIN AND GET TO WORK, OR GIVE UP YOUR POSITION AND PAYCHECK!
    bE A WORKER WORTHY OF HIS HIS HIRE…….government jobs seem to be great, but you must get back to work accomplishment.or steps down NOW!

  12. I agree with you. Satan has infiltrated their spirits and they now belong to him, the liar, the cheater and the killer.

    The devil comes to kill, steal destroy.

  13. Dr. Fauci is a high priest of the pandemic cult, and his Reign of Terror must come to an end.
    It’s time to pressure congress to begin a process of investigation that leads to the removal of the man who has used our tax dollars to torture helpless babies and dogs. Truth is, Fauci has been abusing animals for years before he helped orchestrate medical tyranny and censorship of opposition during the pandemic. The latest example is particular disgusting. Sadly, many of our fellow citizens will be more outraged by the dog experiments, while ignoring the NIH funded University of Pittsburgh research featuring the scalping of born-alive aborted babies for experiments with mice. Whatever your motivation, it’s time to pressure congress to begin a process of investigation that leads to the removal of the man who has used our tax dollars to torture helpless babies and dogs. It is time to take down the High Priest of the Pandemic Cult, and his reign of medical tyranny featuring totalitarian vaccine mandates.

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