Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders tore into the Democratic Party for losing minority support – visibly enraged by the fact that Latinos and Blacks are deserting the Democrat party.
Sanders raged about the fact that Republicans are gaining the edge in minority support over the left-wing party that has lied to minorities with empty promises and a dangerous victim-hood mentality.
Minority voters have finally realized that the Democrats don’t actually care about them, they only care about their vote, so they’ve been flocking to the GOP.
Sanders says, “that has got to change” but it doesn’t seem as though it will anytime soon.
Leftist policies have been crushing minorities -ESPECIALLY under Joe Biden and they have completely soured on a Democratic Party which does nothing but sell empty promises to try and stay in power.
No amount of Sanders’ socialist pandering can turn that around, minorities want results, and the democrats just don’t deliver that.
The sad part is, Sanders is not even mad about the fact that the Democrats are failing minorities, he’s only mad about what it means for their chances of retaining power.
Sanders knows that if the minorities abandon the Democratic party, they don’t stand a chance of winning a fair election, so of course he’s freaking out!
Watch the video here to see why minorities continue to leave the left-wing party, and why Democrats are losing their minds over it!
Maybe the various Minorities are. Leaving the Democratic Because the Democrats have really become the Demoncrats Since they have Embraced Satan and Rejected God!
Democrats have been assaulting minority communities for years…That assault started with the eugenic policies of the left in the 1920s; they have embraced atheism; and have been indoctrinating children in government schools for more than 100 years. This abandonment of the basic American belief in “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” by Democrats is and continues to cut minorities avenues to success in this nation.
Is this old hypocrite still driving his sports car and living high while still talking socialist trash?
Christian Watson is a very smart man ! Thank you for clearing it up for some, who are still confused !
How about presenting accurate reporting. First, Sanders is not a Socialist. In fact he represents the majority of the population which all, including Repubicans, support what you call socialism–government funded services like public education, good roads, health care like Medicaid and Medicare, etc. He is a dyed int he wool supporter of Capitalism which is the big problem as it is with Republicans. Second, he is rightfully frustrated with the Israeli policy and practice of genocide in Israel and is finally talking about a cease fire. Why aren’t Republicans doing the same. I could go on but you are promoting the very kind of propaganda that you rail against. Hypocritical?
Gee Bermie Democrats have been accepting fascist ideas plus some communist. Causeng people to wake up to what Biden is doingt tothe Republic.
What is right — what js wrong — all i know is the democrats are to me all wronge , look at the democrat control cities there looking at alot of homeless and they cut there police fund making them the most crime places to be — The democrats are for putting transgender identity in preschool age children– the president open the borders up letting millions upon millions of illegal aliens into our homeland for our tax dollars to care for not counting how many drug cartels and territories and human trafficking he let in all this is on the dam democrats and i don’t care at all for them– i want them voted out of office in 2024 am praying they don’t win cause four more years of democrats will finish the killing of America.