Joe Biden is certainly no spring chicken – far from it – and his cognitive decline has helped leftists usher in the decline of America.
But unfortunately for the Democrats 2024 hopes, their voters have ACTUALLY been paying attention (sort of.)
A new focus group of key Democrat voters returned results that are certainly less than ideal for the left.
Many of the individuals surveyed made it clear they were not exactly enthusiastic about the prospect of a mentally fragile Joe Biden returning for a second term – breaking his own record to become the oldest president ever.
Several voters vocalized an explicit concern with Biden’s age moving forward, calling on him to “step aside” in 2024.
After admitting that Joe Biden is “frail” and “soft”, the Democrat voters suggested that Biden needs to hang it up and let some of the “young and bright stars” in the Democratic party have a shot at the White House.
Of course the bad news for the Democrats is that the party doesn’t exactly have many “young and bright stars” that are palatable to the masses.
As it stands, the second most popular Democrat for 2024 behind Biden would be California’s Governor Gavin Newsom – best known on the national stage for his draconian COVID lockdown measures and far-left policies that have driven California into the ground.
It’s clear Democrat voters don’t want to see Joe Biden be the guy in 2024, but if that happens, they’re completely SCREWED!
Watch the video here to see how left-wing voters really feel about Biden.
What did these people smoke. The Briben-Pedo Sniffer has accomplished absolutely NOTHING for the American people in the last 50 years! However, he is an accomplished CON-MAN & Criminal Racketeer. It is time for him & his family to be indicted for TREASON, VIA selling America out to China. Ukraine, Romania etc. A vote for the CLOWN, is a vote for the demise of the USA.
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There is still hope ,Democrat voters have opened their eyes to what they were forced to vote on.
” let some of the “young and bright stars” in the Democratic party…” – It’s “the Democrat party” to begin with and King Joe is their top banana. They don’t have anyone else as “bright” as Joe Biden – or as popular. Newsome? Buttigieg? Kamala Harris, the most disliked Vice President in history? Kennedy isn’t Progressive enough even to be considered – and he may tip the applecart by running as an independent. The Progressives would never nominate him.
This question is for everyone including illegals right now. Why is the swamp giving you everything free and let you in to our country? I will tell you, your vote. Swamp turned on the American people because they voted 3 to 1 in favor of President Trump in 2020 and they know they have to bring in illegals if they want to win in 2024. Why does the swamp never do for Americans until it’s time to vote? Why do you think they did what they did with giving us that virus? People who spoke up were silenced period. Why do you think they are going after President Trump. Two tier justice is meant to take out their opponents and those who don’t do what the swamp wants. DOJ would not go after you and your family if you lied about President Trump or they would pay you or give you a a really good job. If you wouldn’t lie for them then of course you would go through hell like President Trump. I really hope people are waking up to the swamps corruption. They have been selling us out to other countries including our own military. If anyone thinks it’s just Biden’s crime family involved guess again. All the democrat president’s for the last five have been so corrupt with the swamp, rhino’s and elite which includes big businesses in America. The woke idiots are just brats that need a hard lesson in life. I am also appalled at the businesses that have done nothing about their thefts. Don’t expect me to shop at your stores ever again. I am not paying for your stupidity. I would really like to know how much of my taxes paid out to all these idiots for doing the swamps dirty work. Yes they all got paid for what they did. They even posted it on media before swamp made them take it down. I am sick of the swamps lies and corruption. I can’t figure out who is stupidest the swamp and goons, those who vote for them or their paid thugs. I am not stupid or a deplorable like swamp says and I know their are more who aren’t also. Wake up and understand you all are being played by the swamp.