Arizona Not Necessarily Going to Biden, Considered Still ‘Up in the Air’

Fox News and the AP called the state of Arizona for Joe Biden very early on election night. Other media outlets like NBC, ABC and others still have it listed as a toss up even to this day, nearly a week after the election.

Turns out NBC and others were right to leave Arizona uncalled and list is as still up in the air. As more and more ballots are counted Joe Biden’s obvious win in the state becomes more and more doubtful.

Fully 48 hours after the polls closed saw Maricopa County, Arizona’s most populated county, finally releasing 140,000 more ballots. Trump won that batch of ballots by a roughly 57-40 margin over former Vice President Joe Biden.

Republican pollster Paul Bentz, who works with the consulting firm HighGround, said Trump needs to win 57.6% of the 470,000 votes that The Arizona Republic estimates remain to be counted. “That’s almost exactly what he got in the first batch,” said Bentz. “He could do it.”


Check out the data below that shows just how close this race is and why Biden shouldn’t count on winning the state quite yet.

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86 thoughts on “Arizona Not Necessarily Going to Biden, Considered Still ‘Up in the Air’”

    1. Trump shows more “I Love America” and proves it than any President in my lifetime(84yoa) and I have dedicated my life to making America Still Great since Trump became our President and I will back him to death if so be it. God Will Have The Final Word!

      1. I am also 84 yoa and a lifelong Republican. I agree that President Trump has done more for this country in 4 years than Biden did in 40+ years. we have known all along that the God be damned democrats would try to steal this election, just as they did in 2016 and succeeded in 2018. God help our Country now!

        1. In all of my 80+ yrs., I also have found our President Trump to be the best in my lifetime, more compassionate, all in FOR America, our troops, vets, 1st responders, helping people to make a better life for themselves, etc. etc. AGAINST, abortion, wars, interfering in other countries’ business, racism. There’s much more but memory doesn’t allow.

      2. Yes, I too pray that goodness will prevail. If you are able to, please consider making a donation to the NRSC so they can help in the Senate run offs. If this doesn’t go our way then the Senate is our last line of defense against the evilness.

        1. I just donated to both candidates and Georgia, we need to keep the Senate please donate! That’s our only saving grace!

      3. Well hey, Biden ran on absolutely nothing. He’d get rid of COVID. Really?? Okay, what’s he gonna do with everything else besides taking all that President Trump did and kill it? Life as we know it is over if he actually does win. We need to do some heavy-duty praying that Trump is still President!!! And AOC. She’s totally a socialist if not communist! Her and all her Muslim buddies need to go. Let’s ship those 3 to Venezuela!!!!

    2. Yes we are praying that you will the election. The Lord is using you as a tool to bring on righteousness and justice.

    3. Ask your president and Vice President to look into Hammer and Scorecard. Joe Biden used it to steal the presidency. A computer glitch switching Trump votes to Biden votes

    4. When one looks at Joe Biden’s record of all the years he spent in politics or decades , and done nothing for the working of our country , what dose one think or fell , he would do in changing ways , IF he was to become the winner in this election , And If people like you , along with all others like your ways thinking , really want to know how evil , and crooked those in their Democratic party are , when all one needs is eyes to see and ears to hear , and good common sense to know what is going on and taking place since Donald J. Trump gotten into race against Hillary R. Clinton , and how the news media came out against him with their fake news as Trump called it , and they have never let up , during the four years he became our president along with all their attacks by those in their scheming ,crooked doings by their leaders in the Democratic party , and we all know them by their names and faces , and those are the worse of worse types of people to ever to put their feet in the white house , and most been in power for many decades that where tearing our free country apart , from the inside where they work , within the white house alone , and those are the types of people that we the people of our country gotten to know , who are those that are our real and true enemies are within our country , and it is people like you , that need to wake the hell up.

    5. Trump has won this election by a landslide. We must all keep faith. God is doing a powerful thing here in America and He is usuing President Trump, his administration…and we the patriots to get His will done.

  1. I hope that President Trump can still be the winner of this election. He values are much better than Joe Biden. He believes that all of lives are important, supports the Gods rules on marriage, religious freedom, he values law and order, he is concerned about human trafficking, supports 2nd amendment and he fights for what is best for America. Joe Biden is a fake Catholic and does not follow the churches values. Our Country is also not following Gods Values and we as a county are starting to suffer for it. If the other party get in our values as a nation will not improve. President Trump and the GOP got a lot accomplished in the past 3.5 years. He also worked hard with drug companies to get thing moving for a vaccine for the covid virus. President Trump is a sinner just we are sinners but God has always worked through sinners to achieve results and change that person.

    1. I pray that all the truth comes out of this scandal and those that were dishonest in their actions, be punished accordingly!

    2. Look into Hammer and Scorecard, the Computer glitch that Biden used to steal the election. Biden cheated, Michigan is proving it, but I guess All’s Well That Ends Well. Joe honestly beat Trump right? Cheating is I guess okay to Joe?

  2. Trump already won! The Democrats cheated and put illegal votes in. The Democrats including Pedophile Joe should all go to prison for Treason!

      1. That would be too quick for them, Terry. I’d like them to die slow and in extreme agony!! Ever hear of IMPAILLING? Look up VLAID DRACULA / IMPAILLING!! I think I spelled everything correctley. Anyway you’ll get the idea Im sure.

    1. They cheated using Hammer and Scorecard a computer glitch Obama came up with to switch Trump votes to Biden votes. Bill Barr has been put on vacation. So nobody can prosecute I guess? Do we really need Bill Barr? No. We need someone who will prosecute them when they have the evidence and not sit on it? Look into Hammer and Scorecard and Michigan voter interference. 6000 Trump votes changed to Biden votes in 1 county alone, and they used it in 47 other counties in Michigan and 30 other states. Cheat Much Joe?

  3. We should do away with mail in ballots ,it should never been approved. Not secure! Go back to in person voting will solve all problems.?

    1. That is a very true statement. ID and walk in voting.
      I live in Oregon, how did they determine if a state was democratic or republic state. We in Oregon want to be considered a republican state but are unable to. Why don’t we have a choice. Can anyone answer that please.

      1. hey don i also live in southern oregon. we don’t have a choice because the willamette valley and portland area control most of the voting population. we are just there whipping boys. liberal governor who we can’t seem to get rid of. the rest of the state suffers from this. were supposed to pay are taxes and keep quiet. also believe we need to vote in person also.

        1. I agree with the voting in person, but what about all of us who can’t go to the polls because of disabilities

          1. Their is Absentee voting for that, which is nothing like this “mail-in” stuff. Your vote will have to be verified before you are sent a ballot. There is no tracking/verifying of these “write-in votes … thus all the fraud we are seeing.

          2. We had people with disabilities at our poll, we made exceptions for them. We could pick them up and give them a ride to and from the polls. We also did not make them wait in line. People were very friendly about it!

        2. All conservatives living in Oregon need to move to Florida, we need all the conservatives we can get, too many Democrats moving here trying to flip our state blue! Oregon doesn’t have a chance to ever flip red too many liberals!

      2. REPLACE VIA ELECTIONS….the crap Democraps that occupy MUCH OF OREGON’s ELECTED OFFICIALS!
        From the ‘governor’ ON DOWN to county dog catcher! Only VOTERS CAN SOLVE THIS DEMOCRAP FRAUD across America! WAY PAST time to change. I really thought IT WOULD HAPPEN THIS ELECTION…..BUT APPARENTLY FRAUDULENT VOTING AND OR HANDLING OF ACTUAL VOTES HAS/IS being done by the criminal democrats in office. Actually why we left the country over 8 years ago!

    2. We the American people demand a re Vote n person. Stand up America,we will not let democrats steal from us again. File charges on Nancy Pelosi send her to prison. Did anyone pay attention she alluded to the fact she will have a Joe Biden declared medically incompetent to be president, when she passed a new bill. How can one person have so much power over us. Jail pelosi

      1. Jail OBiden,along with all the rest of the so called democratic elite. Treasonous felons need to brought to justice

          1. Their announcing Biden is the President. No way, it’s a fraudulent & treasonable offense. Stand up American’s, join together & back our great President Donald JTrump !!!!!

      2. Joe Biden used Obama’s Hammer and Scorecard computer glitch that switches votes from Trump to Biden. In Michigan county alone 6000 Trump votes switched to Biden votes, and they used it in 47 more counties in Michigan and 30 other states. Obama came up with the program in 2008.

  4. If Joe Biden wins China will have America they will blackmail Biden and rule us these democrats have sold their souls to Satan.

    1. You forgot about Hilary Clinton .All this Trump hating started when “the fix is in” Hilary lost in 2016. The demoncrats have done nothing but strive to get rid of our president. They vowed to get rid of him any way they could. The fake ballots are why Biden didn’t get out and campaign. They had all this planned from the beginning. Trump warned everyone but the demoncrats and the fake news convinced a lot of people that there was no election fraud and that Trump was just wrong.

  5. Counting ballots , should go to grade school’s to count I would trust a child before I would trust some over anxious volunteer . And computerized ballot counters can be easily manipulated . As it has in past election’s

  6. Biden said that they had setup the best fraud system ever, What does that tell you self conviction.These people are Evil.

  7. Mr Trump has been a breath of fresh air for America since he took office … He had a helluva job on his hands, clearing the cesspit that was left by the Obummers, Clingons, etc … Poison Pelosi & Co, should be exiled, to the bottom of the sea … Biden ???, should be left to wander the streets of hopelessness, because that’s all he’s worth …

  8. Yes pray for trump he’s the only president that actually had a good faith with Israel!! God’s people and we the people will prevail ! The democratic’s will see gods power threw trump ! U can see the start ie: u can put all the money in u democratic’s want in campaign’s and you still didn’t win !!! 2nd have any of you watch Rudy Giuliani on TV exposing everything today !! It’s about to go down !!! There is more than Biden in this more democratic’s than u think know wonder they want to cheat !!!! They don’t want to be exposed !!!

    1. Please everyone donate to the senators in Georgia, we cannot afford to lose those two Senate seats both seats are going to a runoff. If we lose that , that’s our only saving grace!

  9. To have such a corrupted family in th White House like the Biden’s will bring our country to it’s knees. And these liberal socialists deserve it but the true Americans that love our country is who my heart go’s out to. NEVER give up. Stay in prayer.

  10. I don’t know about the rest of you but I can’t stand politicians and I love the fact that Donald Trump is a businessman and is able to fix the financial issues with America. We should not have any country owning any part of the United States. This is for Americans and we shouldn’t be giving anything to any illegal aliens. If you go to their country you’re an outsider. You must be able to support yourself and not take jobs from other people. The Democrats have been lying and fighting our president for a long time. They have held back stimulus checks when other Americans could use the help and fighting over things that could have helped business owners hire more employees to put more people to work including myself. I have never seen such of a political joke as we have with the Democratic party and Nancy pelosi and her little squad of friends need to be punished severely for what they’ve done to America. They’re in it for themselves and it’s about time people seen that. I loved reading your comments and I’m glad to see that there’s other Americans out there to see the same things we do over here on the West side of America. My question to everyone is, how are these people getting into office that are not American citizens and that can save mean and bad things about American and nothing is done about it. They don’t belong here and if they don’t like it here they need to go back to where they came from. I’m not being racist I’m being patriotic for the men and women who f*** in America and that protect us. Send them back to the country they think is so great and don’t let them back in. Maybe we ought to send the Democrats over to some of these countries and let them see what life really is like that they’re trying to promote. I am a huge president Trump fan because I like the way he’s not a politician and he says that the way it is and it’s about time we had somebody in office that does that. Thank you all for your comments.

    1. In my last post that is supposed to say fight for America. I’m not sure why it popped up that kind of word. I’m sure you all get the meaning of my post. I know we have a politician in a state that married her brother to bring him over from their country and the crazy thing is the state that she’s in elected her in a position and then allows her to say mean and hurtful things about America. How do we do that and why are those illiterate people voting somebody like that in to office. It doesn’t make sense. Thank you again

    1. And all of you are right. God has a huge plan and what unfolds is not going to look good for the evil people who is hurting the sleeping giant. You all watch and see that Hillary Clinton Nancy pelosi and all the little groups it’s together fighting against America is going to suffer some huge consequences. I think the ought to be stripped of their wealth and given to the public to help with all the devastation they’ve cost and then they should be whipped in the square in front of all the Americans they have Dishonored and hurt and then put in prison and forgotten about period and I’m not talking about a prison that gives you steak and eggs and whatever you want but I’m talking about a prison that’s over in other countries that don’t cater to the criminals. That’s what they need.

      1. Don, They should all be convicted of treason and I think the punishment for that is still hanging. I put that on twitter and they censored me and made me take it off. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised because that is what socialist’s/communists do . I pray for our country and for our president every day.

  11. Prior to election, the President tried to explain that mail ballots would be a mess & it is. I’m hoping that they find whomever responsible & arrest them. I’m still waiting on the Durham investigation results & Wray to clear up the Hunter situation. From the beginning, the President called his investigation & impeachment a witch hunt or hoax, he was correct. He informed us of fake news and was correct. Misinformed information from a network should have consequences. The President told us about the corrupt politicians and correct again. If for some reason Biden would win, he wouldn’t have to do anything because President Trump already done it. I’m praying that President Trump remains our President. We need him but he has done so much work to have it reversed. Team Trump

    1. Stand up Tammy,they stole our freedom. Do not let them put OBiden in office,only to have him declared medically unfit. The most radical of them all, Kamala will be President of the United States of America, and she will destroy us. Declare Marshall law Mr Trump !!!!!! All for Trump USA !!!!!

  12. Very simple solution to counting the votes honestly. One registered Democrat and One registered Republican at each counting table ,checking each vote then both initial it. Honesty in the count is all any of us want no matter what side of the fence you are on.

  13. I would just like to make a comment, All the states have a list of registered voters. That number should be checked with the total number of votes submitted by each state in this election. If massive fraud exists those numbers should give everyone clear indication as to that is what maybe happening or not.
    Balance the votes submitted against the states list of registered legal voters.
    Thank You

    1. Oh so agree. Also check death certificates with Social Security dept. to weed out the votes that came in under people who have already passed!

    2. Those registered voters (voters roll) in a lot of Democratic states are extensively flawed with dead voters, voters that have several ballots sent to several different addresses, etc… They don’t desire to keep their voter rolls clean and their processing is flawed. That’s why massive mail out is flawed and one of the MANY reasons why Trump fought against massive mail out.

  14. I agree with all of your comments. I love our president,he has been through so much with all of the stupid dems . I have a friend that said Pelosi and all of her followers should be put before a firing squad and shot. All of these people that are supposed to be Americans , but do and say all of the bad things about it, should be put on boat and shipped to these countries where they have to beg for food and water,then they might appreciate OUR GREAT OLD UNITED STATES. I love our country and I love our Lord. I have the faith that he will help us all by putting Mr.Trump back in as our President. Everyone that knows the Lord pray for all of AMERICA. God bless everyone.

  15. I feel very strongly in my HEART that God helped this to happen so there would ve investigations in to states and recounts to no end, he will also put Trump in office for four more years after the investigation is over no matter how long it take.

    Think about this 100’s of Thousand’s of supporters for Trump at every rally and none for Biden except for may a few so if that isn’t enough for any one to know that Trump wins the election then they just don’t want to except the fact.

    This will go to the supreme court and every thing will come to a head in the TRUTH NOT LIES also about the Pandemic this whole few years have been agonizing for Trump with all the lies and impeachments going on but, he prevailed through it all Trump is a very strong man almost like one of God’s Angels to get this country back on track again and he is doing it slow but sure it is a very big mess to clean but, with the help of God Trump is doing it and God will ;let him finish the job in the next four years that he will be President of The United States.

    God Bless America.

  16. There should be a recount on all the democratics states. The demococrats have cheated in all those states.

  17. Joe Biden used Obama’s Hammer and Scorecard computer glitch that switches votes from Trump to Biden. In Michigan county alone 6000 Trump votes switched to Biden votes, and they used it in 47 more counties in Michigan and 30 other states. Obama came up with the program in 2008.

  18. It looks like The Democrat’s and Biden’s, CROOKED, THIEVING ways didn’t WORK this time, something that will be BORNE out in the REST of the CONTESTED STATES . . . POTUS TRUMP won, and these DEMOCRATS responsible should be in FEDERAL PRISON – PERMANENTLY, with GITMO and Leavenworth being FINE with me, as would Jeff Epstein’s PRISON CELL. One Wary Patriot. Team Trump And his allies 2020.

  19. If Biden and the whore, win the election?
    He will need to close the border.
    Not because of illegal aliens coming in.
    But because honest American taxpayers leaving.
    BTW? Hollywood has been doing this for years.
    Taking up residency in the USA, in order to save tax dollars elsewhere.

  20. Our hope and trust must be in the Lord. The God of the Bible who abhors everything that the democrats stand for–killing babies, selling their organs, accepting and celebrating homosexuality, removing prayer from schools and saying that man is supreme/not dependent on their creator, God. The democrats also stand for lying, cheating, stealing and anything else nefarious as long as it is done FOR their own purposes. We must pray earnestly that God intercede on our behalf not just FOR us but for HIS Glory, that He will be shown to be supreme and not the god of this world, the devil and his demons.

    1. Is biden so dumb he doesn’t know nancy will have him declared medically unfit,so kamala can finish up what obama started & destroy our country ? Or is he willing to b a marter in his twisted mind ? We did not elect these bottom feeders,who can only win by cheating. Donald J Trump was elected for a second term & Americans will make sure he keeps his office. Not again obama!!!!!!!!!!

  21. If there is any way a Lie-beral DEMONocrat can cheat; they will- it’s their nature. They’ve had 4 years to plan this election coup; none of this should come as a surprise. Lie-beral DEMONocrats are fugitives from truth and President Trump exposed their bullshit and corruption. Of course, they hate him ! Pray for divine intervention. The demons are running amok. Domestic enemies are trying to take over and they will succeed if their evil spirit is not nullified. ‘Old school’ is forever !

  22. Yes, we need to keep President Trump in our prayers. Everyone knows including the world that the democratic’s cheated, however this rase in not over. The Lord has expose the fraud that the Democrats have done and He will not let them get away with it. WE have to stand in faith and believe that President Trump will be our President and he will win! The Lord’s right hand is upon him! His word will prevail! Pray! Pray! Pray!

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