Since joining Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been upheld as the socialist darling of the left, and as a result she hasn’t faced any real media pushback from the absolutely ridiculous things that she’s said…until now.
AOC appeared for an interview with a CNN’s Dana Bash and the socialist congresswoman said something so absurd that Bash had no choice but to challenge her on it.
The Democrat Rep. has been suggesting that the Biden administration simply IGNORE a court ruling which orders that distribution of an abortion pill be halted.
AOC is claiming that the “legitimacy” of our courts cannot be trusted, urging one branch of government to ignore another – a move which could dismantle the America we know!
Bash pointed out that this was a pretty “stunning position” for AOC to be spreading and while Ocasio-Cortez appeared to be initially shocked by the pushback, she used the opportunity to double down – insisting that the executive branch should be able to do whatever it wants!
AOC is calling for a completely authoritative Biden regime to embrace the power grab and defy the Supreme Court.
“The interesting thing when it comes to a ruling is that it relies on enforcement,” Ocasio-Cortez said on CNN. “And it is up to the Biden administration to enforce, to choose whether or not to enforce a ruling.”
Watch the video here to see how dangerous it is that AOC is calling for this and why even CNN was forced to call here out!
Impeach the Criminal AOC she’s a Traitor to America and Americans she’s a Nazi Thug
Impeachment isn’t enough. The radical witch needs to fry at the stake on public television.
Yes you are correct !!!
she should be thrown out of congress suggesting that one branch of gov. (hers) should disregard the ruling of the supreme court which has the final say on cases. how do those people vote for a woman that cost her state thousands of good paying jobs-always has crazy ideas and remarks about our country and in her eyes she is Gods gift to men!!
How did she ever get elected in the first place, A bartender? Is NY that hard up for people to run for Congress? Get someone off of skid row, would probably be better, even if they never sobered up.
Probably cheated her way in. I can’t believe she keeps getting voted into her position. Of course I don’t understand how anyone would vote this regime into office that is taking down America today.
I would tend to agree with you. I think she drank too much while tending bar! This woman is an idiot in the least, and a complete traitor in any account. The left has pruned her to do their dirty work, and she’s too stupid to see what they are doing, and obviously deaf to the lies!
She’s a child. Just ignore her.
Actually she’s a moron educated by Boston University.
This woman is the most IGNORANT PERSON I’ve ever heard in an elected position. After costing 25K jobs in her district, she was elected again and again. Though she is the most IGNORANT in congress, her constituents are twice as IGNORANT. They keep electing someone with the brains of ?.
Now now now. Have you completely forgotten about mad maxine? aoc is just an immoral socialist shill and lied through her teeth just like xiden, and peelousy when they took the oath without any intention of honoring it or the Constitution.
I believe our government is broken they see themselves as our rulers and that’s what they want to be if we all don’t get out and vote and get rid of them the next four years is going to ruin this country anyone who votes for Democrats in the next election once this country to be ruled by dictators I believe unfortunately I don’t believe we can have a legal election or a fair one I believe the Democrats will cheat again
AOC is a certified idiot. She is drunk on
Ignorance and has a quart hid out!!
AOC is just playing a role. She was recruited and installed by the left to do exactly what she does….jam all the left’s idiotic and nefarious agendas down our throats while they use her diversions to keep the ignorant masses occupied while they enact their true intentions. Scary stuff for sure.
We had this little ditty when I was in grade school a loong time ago. If her brains were dynamite she wouldn’t have enough to blow the snot out of her nose.
All the previous remarks in-regards to AOC are correct with more as A FULL PLEDGED CERTIFIED IDIOT. She does not care about America and needs to be thrown out.
I think that she is inline with what a lot of her Democrats are actually thinking. She just says it. The Democrats want to completely dismantle our system of government. They want to pack the court, they don’t attempt to control the border and they illegally issued mandates that cost thousands their jobs including many in the military. These people, including AOC are Godless.
Asses of Clowns, AOC, Mentally Unfit, Mentally Unstable, Just Mental, Put me in front of a camera and watch me perform. Other clowns make more sense, Bozo, McDonald’s Emmet, Clarabelle, AOC belongs to The Killer Clowns from Outer Space, She is nothing more than a spacey broad,
I totally blame the people that voted this total ignoramus into office. This is total slap in the face of the people who fought for our beloved Country and gave the gift of our beautiful Constitution. I also blame the deaf, dumb and blind media for giving two seconds of media coverage on anything.