Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Get Ready for Big Changes if Biden Wins Next Month

Is anyone else getting the sense that Democrats really, really mean it when they tell us that they plan to completely upend our lives, junk the economy and murder our families if we disagree with them politically? Just this week, the Data Director for the Joe Biden campaign stated that religious people are the “dregs of society” and must be “driven from the public square.” When asked to clarify, she said yes, she really meant “Christians, Muslims, Jews and other religious groups.”

No wonder the Amish are having so many of those horse-and-buggy Trump parades!

More and more Democrats are now saying that this election really is the “big one” for America. If they keep control of the House, gain control of the Senate and oust President Trump from the White House, the “America” that we all know and love is all over. They won’t just stop with statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.


No one in the Democrat Party today embodies the sinister revolutionary undertones of their communist “movement” better than the idiot bartender, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). Since she is the new effective leader of the Democrat Party now that Nancy Pelosi has fallen from grace in liberal circles, we should pay very close attention to what this dimwit says.

One person paying close attention to her is the great Dinesh D’Souza, who was imprisoned by the Obama administration for making a movie about Hillary Clinton. Watch this video as D’Souza explains what Ocasio-Cortez really means when she delivers one of her “cutesy” threats to America. This should have every American running out to buy more ammo.

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160 thoughts on “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Get Ready for Big Changes if Biden Wins Next Month”

    1. This bitch is crazy,i understand she wasn;t a good barmaid and she is stupid ,and this is what the democrats have how scary is this

          1. That’s so true about her and so many of the other democratic people in office. You’ve got to wonder what was put in these voters koolaid.

          2. Her District, 14, is predominantly Latino. Racism put her in office, not her intelligence (little) or merit on experience. The uninformed Latino voter put her in there solely because she was Latino…purely racist!

        1. Very true Larry Outlaw, look where she is from, a city with an idiot for a Mayor, a state with the highest taxes in the nation that taxes the dead, taxes only railroads & new money billionaires while all other big businesses, old money billionaires that live in New York State are tax exempt. A state that is ranked next to last in education, only Arkansas is worse and is home to the very worst Figurehead our country has had, Draft Dodger, Coward, Bill Clinton & his damned B#tch wife who both have contaminated New York State even further.

          1. Mr. O’Rouke, Sir,


          1. I call them Demoncrats(Clintoncrats).. Devils Island would be & is the most perfect place for the Clintons, AOC & their pal George Soreass.

        1. It’s Trump or this country goes down the drain and will never recover. Biden/Harris is total destruction for our great country.

          1. That’s not true. The people with guns and the knowledge to use them will rise up and refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.

            Farmers will cut off the food supply, rural Americans will blockade and lay siege to the citys, the commies will be cut down in droves.

          2. Absolutely true. We CANNOT let the DEMS win or we will not have an America anymore.

        2. They are, but remember when they are in control we don’t have a choice but to follow. Remember that in Nov.

          1. There was, I believe, a statement that went something like this……”I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees”. The one I am truly in favor of is….”I will die in a pile of hot brass before I give up my country”. I really don’t want to see this come to light, but, I fought two tours in the ‘Nam for this country and older or not, I will not go to my knees! I have arms and ammo and know how to use both! I love America, with her faults, and will die for her …..

          2. Cortez has no power now, nor will she ever! We the people won’t stand for her stupidity. After November, the Democratic Party will be forever dismantled! True Anericans will never go along! Always resist tyranny!

        3. She is about the most stupid person I have seen lately. Lord knows we have our share of them in this country.

          1. Martin good name
            It would be ok if she was the only one in the House that is stupid but name one Democrat in the House that disagrees with her

        1. Vote republicans and vote for president Trump otherwise we will have to fight a war here in America and many will die but if we allow democrats to control everything many more people will die.

          1. Yes, we will vote straight Republicans President Donald Donald J Trump, Mayors, Councilor through the President. Let’s pray, vote and stand. All Republicans Congress, Republicans Senators, Republicans SCOTUS

          2. I’m locked and loaded. If war breaks out, I will stand against them even if I die in the process. May God have mercy on this nation and bring his grace upon us.


      1. Pray for your enemies!!!
        Hopefully she is crazy enough to scare the since into her own base to turn on themselves,
        The pide piper, whistling off the CLIFF!!!!

      2. I agree, but we need to change the minds of the younger set that had been indoctrinated not only in grade in high school but college to lean towards the Democratic thoughts and procedures. Of course there are those that their parents were Democrats they are Democrats and won’t change for anything and I know some of them I was a Democrat until 2015 at that time I began to understand what was happening and I changed my political standing to be Republican so that in 2016 in the primary in New Jersey I could vote for our president mr. Donald Trump! I am a staunch Republican but I don’t know if there’s enough of us to bring their selection to be in November 2020!

        1. Mary Anne, well said…so true that we have allowed the education system that we should have been able to trust, has quietly slanted our young to a thinking 180 deg away from what this country is and what it stands for. They only know free stuff and “Participation Trophies”.

        2. That’s the issue. Democrats are vote hunters and they prey on the uneducated, and when I say uneducated I mean no life education. When you haven’t even paid for your own tooth paste you don’t understand anything. Time is the teacher unfortunately when it comes to politics. There is no team, no color, no personality ,at least that’s the way it should be. People new to politics can easily be mislead by both sides but Democrats have been promising the same things for years and always free. The funny thing is I’ve never seen any of it. Bill Clinton was a rock star President just like Obama. He did some amazing work, he actually did not add to the deficit his entire presidency but w/one push of the pen he ruined this country w/the signing of NAFTA. The day that happened middle class as a whole fell apart. The same job my Dad had making $28hr is a $14 hr job to start w/a top out at $18. The bail out Obama made only dug the hole deeper an lead to more plants closing.
          You see the bail out put the power back in the owners hands to downsize , decrease pay whatever they felt was best for the company the US saved.
          I could go all day but one last thing. People please remember one thing about Democrats,,they were the ones who fought a war that killed hundreds of thousands of men over the right to keep slavery. You can tear down all the statues you want but you can’t hide from where you came from and who you really are……

      3. Take note to the Russian symbol behind her….don’t dismiss her as she has some very scary sick followers! She needs to be taken down with everyone that follows her and don’t forget Bernie Sanders….though he can be bought….the Muslim Brotherhood have backed them very quietly….

      4. All I can say if the Liberal, leftist democrats win, God help us all. God help our children right now who are slowly being indoctrinated in the schools. No homework books, so parents don’t even know anymore what their kids are learning. AOC is another crazy looking to end the freedoms we have and destroy our Constitution totally. All of them are greedy and are looking for total power. We have to squash them now! Vote Trump!

      5. You’re right about that she’s a piece of s*** and all the other Democrats to go behind her they’re out to cause nothing but chaos

      6. Why can’t she be arrested? She just threatened to murder every conservative in the nation. Maybe we should all call our local police departments and file a complaint that she just threatened our lives and the lives of our families and loved ones!!!


    2. Since she loves communism so much maybe we can send her to China or Russia for a few years so she can see first hand what she so believes in and then see if she still believes these are great governments. Now just imagine this was a communist government and she was talking the way she does about being against the government – well, she would simply disappear. Actually that wouldn’t be such a terrible thing in her case. I’m old enough to remember Tenamen Square when the students protested. Even today, as many years/decades it’s been, there is still a depressing arura in that square.

      1. I would love to send her to China Ginger, but remember she doesn’t want to live in China she wants to control where she lives. She wants to be the BOSS and you should be “in the cheap seats and watch”. It’s time we stopped the name calling and VOTE this trash out for the good of the country.

        1. This Bitch must Disappear and Be introduced to one of my Crematory’s. And then We’ll Finally be Rid of this Commie, Pinko, Marxist, Socialist Poor Excuse of a Vile, Digesting Human!!!

      2. Vote republicans and vote democrat out of power it’s about saving America.
        Vote like your life depends on it because it really does. Vote to save America because only you have the power to stop democrats tyranny

      3. No, See Needs to Go and Confront one of the 1% Bike GANGS With This Reteric and find out what happens to Women like that! She’d be turning Tricks and Get a Train Pulled on Her! Shoulda,stayed a Bartender Babe! Too Bad you Commie!

    3. AOC may talk big, but that info comes from a very tiny brain! What her BIG MOUTH/TINY BRAIN doesn’t get is that Patriotic Americans (who have topped the scales in gun buying this year over any other year) WILL NOT PUT UP WITH ANY CRAZY ANTICS PUT ON BY THE CLUELESS AND VERY DEMENTED DEMS…PERIOD. If AOC thinks this is a “shoe in” for her “Twisted Sister” party, she has another think coming!

      Why do you think ALL THOSE WEAPONS were purchased? It’s not for a parade folks! Americans are getting ready to “Rock N Roll” for their rights and putting a clueless Demorat in our Presidency WILL NOT BRING PEACE BUT INCITE A CIVIL WAR BEYOND WHAT YOU CAN CONTEMPLATE!

      SO, do not believe for one moment that Patriots (including our Military) would stand for Biden/Hartis EVER RUNNING OUR NATION!
      IT’S NOT HAPPENING from everything I have researched and noticed on the Web. Americans WILL STAND UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS, and in the end, Demorats will feel their wrath!

      If I were AOC/Biden/Harris/Pelosi, I would slowly back out of this race and disappear. But I am not. They are not Realists, but Fantasy Dwellers that would never see the hordes of angry Patriots coming for their scalps! It would be the Battle of the Century — and the Demorats WOULD NOT WIN!

      BEST for AOC to shut up and back away before her tiny brain gets her into trouble she cannot handle!

      1. Besides, President Trump will be the Victor in November and there is absolutely NOTHING any demonrat can do about it except rant and rave, have a temper tantrum and implode!

        Be sure to Pop some Popcorn and sell tickets to the Demonrat Implosion! It will be better than anything you could watch on Netflix, On Demand, NatGeo, etc.!

  1. Hey AOC, thank you for warning us — but did you HAVE to throw in that photo with the Article ?
    Damn, GIRL … you look really scary — perhaps it’s a preview of your Halloween outfit ????? YUCK !

  2. There is no way that woman has an economics degree or any degree….. She is one of the most stupid bitches alive.

    Just like Obama, there is a reason all his academic records are sealed and no other notable students who had the same major as him and attended school at the same time, ever remember seeing him on campus…… Because he is a fake and he was groomed by the communists several years in advance to come in and begin the destruction of the Republic.

    The public is armed and look where we are…… Imagine what the situation would be if we were unarmed….. we would already be experiencing slavery and genocide.

    The days of dealing with these people through passive legislation are over and the only solution going forward is armed resistance…… use your weapons for what they were originally intended.

    1. “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” Joseph Stalin

      1. Right now the liberals control the education of our children in the public schools. Many parents don’t know what their children are learning. They’re too busy earning money and whatever to actually visit the school and speak to the teachers to find out what their kids are learning. Wake up parents. Your children are already learning from the liberals. Our colleges are filled with liberal professors. That’s why a majority of young people say they would prefer socialism over Democracy. They don’t know what socialism will lead to or what that would mean in their lives. Talk to your children. Ask them what they are being taught.

    2. This is why our founding fathers didn’t want Political parties, they knew this would happen. The Marxist Democrats use the BLM and ANTIFA terrorists like Hitler used the Brown Shirts to burn, loot and riot to cause social unrest. The Democrats with money are buying left wing Attorney General and Governor’s, Mayor’s to control the citizens and not enforce our laws, even release criminals. They weaponize Government officials to further their agenda s. They tear down our history and brainwash our children. America is in decline and this is the most important election in our history. We need to Vote every Democrat out of office. This is our last chance to right the ship.

    3. She got her degree not using her brains more likely her knees that woman looks like MR ED every time she smiles

    4. Yes, people keep talking about the 2nd amendment, but they forget the 3rd, which goes hand in hand with 2nd.

  3. You are being warned America. So if Biden wins, and all this starts? Do not say you didn’t know. The warning is right here. Harris, AOC, Biden have been threatening this country for years.

  4. Well isn’t that special! AOC your an idiot, who allowed you to play politics? You will never go far with what comes from your mouth, let alone your brain! Trump will win by a landslide, this is America and the great President and American People love our Country and you and the likes of you will never be able to destroy our President and Country!!!

  5. This Bitch is as stupid as they can get,nothing that comes out of her mouth makes sense,she is a clown and doesn’t even need the make-up.

  6. The scary part of this is that there are plenty of lazy, complacent people who hear “not working” “free school and college” “free health care” “free child care” “free housing” and will jump at the chance to live out what they think will be paradise.
    We MUST prevail in this election!

    1. I agree. Too many people will only hear “FREE” and fall for it. Obama promised the same thing and what “free” things did he give? Nothing!

    2. you have just hit on all of AOC’s base. all 16,000 in her district, 99% being illegal, heard that exact tune when they elected her. no work, plenty of money, new cars, free stuff, 24/7. that is why she nearly pissed herself when there was talk of dismantling her district, as it was too small to have a representative. now, she has guaranteed salary for life when she leaves office. talk about feeding off the government tit.

  7. Wow, your Muslim friends in your squad must be really happy with you right now. It does not surprise me that you would have this sentiment since the communist people do not believe in religion of any kind, they only have time for their barbaric communist ideas. The good thing is, you are a very small minority in this country and communism will never take over as long as Old Glory flies high!

  8. People who are Democrats, ones who have been for years need to wake up and realize their party is non existent anymore. The days of JFK is long gone. Our constitutional freedoms are at stake here in a few weeks. Socialism & communism is why immigrants came to the USA to begin with, to get away from those regimes, the suffering it causes. We can’t let our country fall to the radical left, vote Red across the board for all the American people!

    1. The media and Congress has to starting calling it like it is! The left, far left, liberals, progressives, Antifa, across the aisle, rioters, abortionists, ALL vote DEMOCRAT. Start calling them what they are DEMOCRATS!
      Face the fact! ALL these mob groups ARE Democrats.
      Democrats are systematically ruining our great America. Vote them out.

    2. You are correct! But she isn’t a communist she is cutting heads off muslem.
      Their goal is the same for different reasons. their goal is to make the world a Moslem country and world. Their goal is to have the muslem flag waving over America in particular as the sun sets in the west .
      * muslem dosen’t have a capitol letter as it is a False religion. Not worthy of a capital Letter.

      Regards, A child of UNCLE SAM

      but this

    3. Truer words Sonja we must out vote the dems this Nov. at all costs. They win they take over. Can you imagine a day in this country with a leader like this. GOD help us.

  9. At last I read messages that encourage me
    , At last someone says the truth and tells what to do. If white Americans and sane Americans of all colours do not realize that in a few weeks they may be ruled by the regime of Nazi/Communists similar to China with trained Black/Muslims stormtroopers prepared by years of Obama/Hussein Nazi it will Indeed, happen. Worse than Hitler, worse than Stalin. It is very hard for true Americans to imagine that this can Happen in America, but it is happening in front of our eyes. Wake up and open your wife shut eyes!!!!

    1. To save America EVERY voter MUST VOTE a STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN ticket. NO exceptions from school board to POTUS and EVERY office in between…. learn from Minneapolis mayor and MN governor, WA and OR and CA and NY.
      learn what can and will be YOU.

  10. Should Biden win the election, the msm bears the responsibility for failing to report what is going on in the Democrat party. That is why they cannot be trusted. It is not so much that what they tell you is not true as it is that they do not tell you what is true.

  11. I listened to Harris talk last evening. Geeze, if we have Biden, Harris, Cortez and the entire “squad” in charge of our Nation, we truly are doomed. No religion, no right to defend ourselves even if we somehow keep a gun, more babies being killed, no jobs, food shortages – stand in line. (Maybe you will get a little.) More burning, history destroyed, kids taken and brainwashed. .Folks some or all this is on the table. Better think twice. Even if you don’t like Trump you better realize he does live America and is trying (against lies & dirty politics) to make & keep out country great.

    1. This is so frightening! How can this communist BS even be heard or thought about?? My grandfather fought in the first world war to stop the insanity! My father fought in the second world war! Two brothers fought Viet Nam and have died!! How stupid is all this communist BS?? Wake up, people!!!

    2. IF Harris/Biden are elected in 6 months there will be no more FOX NEWS or FOX radio or Public TV or radio.
      Think of Harris in charge of the media.
      Just last week she PROMISED again that she WILL send Donald Trump to prison one way or the other.

    3. You really think people won’t just start shooting them and just obey? None of that will happen, war will kick off immediately.

    4. Well, if Biden gets elected I foresee a lot of Americans leaving the country (if allowed even) and moving to other countries that may not be as free, but better than the America the democrats see for us. I foresee a mass migration. If not, then a new civil war. Of course my solution would be to break us up into 50 separate countries instead of states. People can move to the blue or red “country” of their choice. All federal reserved monies can be allocated to each of the new countries. All perks of politicians will be gone since no federal government anymore. New or reused constitutions for all the newly created countries. Federal programs will cease to exist. Politicians retirement funds will go into social security and that money will be divided and either give a one time payout or let each use their portion of the payout to develop a new system. New passports and voting rights however they want. Give everyone one year to pack up, sell out and move if they so choose to do so (after new laws go into effect so they know what to expect). So those who want socialism/communism can have it and those who don’t won’t have it. No need to shed blood. Don’t want police? Don’t have them – want law and order, hire them. Military can choose where they want to be and bases in foreign countries will be gone. Criminals will have to be aware of how they are treated in different places as the people may allow them treated anyway they see fit. Criminals might want to steer clear of conservative countries.

    1. The Durham report needs to come out before the election to stop the Democrats from screwing up the whole country big-time I am with you we are locked and loaded and believe in God

      1. doesn’t matter now, as people are already voting and getting their ballots harvested with impunity. this report should have been brought out prior to the start of voting. like willie’s favorite ho said last nite, this country hasn’t seen anything yet!. packed Supreme Court, new wars everywhere, except Drughunter’s China money machine. taxes raised so high a show horse couldn’t jump over them. Biden puts his tax evasion monies in two “S” corporations, then has it doled out as “advances” to him and his adulterer wife. they did not pay taxes on 3.5 million dollars this way. they did not pay payroll taxes on their employees also. then have the cojones to ridicule Trump. Trump overpaid his taxes by $5million, and the IRS did not refund the money. they KEPT to OFFSET any future taxes. but you won’t hear that from the DEMONRATS. also, none of the moderators(DEMONRATS) will say that the lies Trump supposedly said about our dead soldiers, being suckers and losers, has been proven a BOLDFACED LIE. even the guy that wrote it said it was FALSE. it must be quite a burden to be as stupid as the DEMONRAT voting base is. by the way, the state where I live has coined a new derogatory word for Trump supporters like myself. we are the KNOW-NOTHINGS, per a deranged woman with an upscale address here. me being without social filters, I had to tell her what she didn’t know about us KNOW_NOTHINGS. printed it in our LOCAL Biased newspaper too!!!! scored one for us Trumpers. go Trump, FOUR MORE YEARS OF SANITY…. MAGA. KAG. GOD BLESS THE USA.

  12. People you better wake up. The democrats sts hoi g to turn us in to a communist country. It is not fair for the young people coming up not have the kind of freedom you had growing up. So be careful when you vote.

  13. The questions at the debate were sourced with a viewpoint from the left without exception. Example, regarding climate change…the moderator asked with the increase in hurricanes in the South and the fires in California, blah, blah, blah. There is no increase of hurricanes in the South. I live here, and know for a fact, and so do meteorologists who say that the number or strength of hurricanes have remained the same since records have been kept. As far as the forest fires in California, there is basically no management of the forests there. They don’t think of it as a preventative measure until the fires start.

    1. but you remember, Uncle Sniffy said last week that if he is elected, he will STOP THE MIDWEST FLOODS, STOP ALL HURRICANES, AND ELIMINATE ALL WILDFIRES. no joke. look up and verify on google. this poor demented soul actually believes he can control the weather!!!!! I also was born and raised in the southernmost part of the eastern United States some many decades ago. we get hurricanes, but that is a fact of life here. we do what we need to keep safe. just like no one will bring up that the California wildfires are mostly due to bad practice, and are this year being set by arsonists. not to mention illiterate Californians and baby showers. I agree there is no attempt to clean up the forests there. the money is being funneled into Aunt pelosi and nephew Gavins pockets. please get out and vote in person this election. that way no way can tamper with your vote. you are perfectly safe to do this. you must wear a mask, and follow the guidelines, but it is worth it to save this country. vote republican as if your life depends on it. it does!!!!!

  14. there really are no words sufficient to describe the contempt I feel for that stupid bitch (and calling her a bitch is an insult to female dogs). She is a vile individual. Every time she opens her mouth shit pours out. Have you ever noticed how much she even looks mean and nasty even when she is smiling!? The reason she wants to eliminate guns is in fear for herself! I’m a firm believer that if dogs like her and Omar don’t like it here, fucken leave!

  15. This has nothing to do with making Americans lives better it’s all about greed and power and money better start stuffing your matress or burying money it stashing it because banks will not be able to stop them from taking your money because you will be a slave to the democrat party the party of slavery all your money will go to the government another Venezuela and Cuba

    1. look up the DODD_FRANK ACT. if banks fail, they can keep your money under this bill. no shit. buy a safe and keep it at home. don’t use storage sheds, as that is the first place the government will check when they come to confiscate our guns. be safe, not sorry.

  16. She could care less about you Americans ! Your a paycheck , and nothing more . Stupidity is her brand , her stance on global warming , there’s is scientist who say yes and scientist who say no . I’m giving this to God , this is his world and he’ll do with it as he wants . abortion , women know how pregnancy happens , protect yourself , don’t be a killer , what if your mom had this very same idea ?

  17. This will be bloody if Biden wins. This chick needs the methods of Vlad Dracule. “Vlad the inpailer” who impaiiled 10,000 to stop the Turks.

    1. Hitler was voted into office in 1933 with the promise of prosperity, just give your life over to the government.
      What he did first was to dismantle the local police in every city, put his own people in and you see what happened to Germany. He murdered Jews,Catholics , Gay people and anyone that didn’t conform.
      Since our schools don’t teach history anymore we are heading in the same direction. Don’t think it can’t happen here , it has happened to many great civilizations in the past.

  18. WHEW Terry! I was afraid of being called a sexist and “politically incorrect”! She does tend to bring out the worst in most people that have any semblance of a brain. Remember Mussolini & what the public did to him? instead of hanging upside down, a pole should be “inserted” in her and Omar and put up like scarecrows. That would stop them from procreating and bringing any more animals like them into the U.S.A.
    I can’t believe that those two animals can and have brought out such vile thoughts in myself, so you can tell just how TOTALLY upset and disgusted I am that people (animals) like that are given any kind of stage to talk such venomous shit. I am a veteran and I find there is a flaw in the Constitution. An amendment should be made that states, “free speech” applies only if someone doesn’t totally want to disregard the document that gave the vile idiots the rights and freedoms they are abusing!

  19. This IS the globalist push. Right now! They’re hungry to burn American cities & neighborhoods to the ground, defunding police to make it happen without consequences. MUST destroy the Constitution, and those who remember it, to make America disappear from their one-world stage. New feral will reassemble CHAZ/CHOP by “any means necessary”. “A summer of love.”
    Liberals will vote their way in. They’ll have to shoot their way out.

  20. It is simply amazing that the other Democractic politicians cannot see what the Squad is planning to do to our country. What the hell is wrong with them? Do they get a concussion every time they sit down on their head/ass?

    1. Very simply , many of those in public office are there because of soros and his multi billion influential gang are spending money channeled through there corrupt companies they set up and then it goes out to buy seats from local to state to federal officials and congress and even certain Presidents( even the ones from who were backed by the communist’s party, ( Especially Democrats ). So look at Washington, Oregon, Michigan, Chicago and California as examples.

    2. Here’s the thing, they are in the party that will rule so they deem themselves safe. They are not republicans so aoc will not bother them. But remember SHE will be in charge .

  21. The Democrats dont realize how close they to the next Civil War which will exterminate most of them due to their termidity and stupidity. AOC will be one of the first to get her just desserts. I have a .9mm with her intials on it. We were all created equally by a just righteous God,however some of us forgot that or dont give a rats butt. I for one believe our Republic will prevail over Liberalism

    1. I don’t think they realize how correct you are. We have been at war for 20 years now, imagine how many people walking around among us have been turned into soldiers over that time and hardened in Iraq or Afghanistan. There are literally millions of us and the vast majority won’t tolerate becoming commies.

  22. If this happens we will be just as Russia is now! Fighting for our FREEDOM AND LIBERTY from the DEMOCRAT CONTROL GOVERNMENT. United States with break into four or five section of different countries! All due to the stupid of the people who think they know how to run your life better! And to the STUPID PEOPLE who voted for them! We don’t need to fall for their bull crap! They are POWER HUNGRY AND MONEY HUNGRY! You will be a SLAVE to these RICH POLITICAN WHO YOU WERE STUPID ENOUGH TO VOTE FOR!

  23. She is sooooo damn stupid and ignorant. Where the hell did that little POS come from, she should be ashamed of showing her face anywhere. Her family should be so proud of their little dumbass.

    1. This Bitch must Disappear and Be introduced to one of my Crematory’s. And then We’ll Finally be Rid of this Commie, Pinko, Marxist, Socialist Poor Excuse of a Vile, Digesting Human!!!

  24. For one reason they are planning to DESTORY AMERICA. And destory the ECONOMY and Constitution laws. Their idea is hopeless to us who believe everyone is EQUAL! But not these POLITICAN who push SOCIALISM CONTROL. A country that is Divide is a COUNTRY that WILL FALL! AND under the DEMOCRAT PARTY that is their goal. You will lose more than you think! Because the DODDS AND FRANK ACT IS ALREADY IN PLACE. If you have more than five thousand dollars in your SAVING account the bank can take it away from you! Your IRA, 401K, AND OTHER RETIRED PENSION WILL NO LONGER BE YOUR! THIS IS THE FIRST STEPS OF SOCIALIST CONTROL. TAKE CONTROL OF THE BANK AND THE MONEY! RETIRING WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST!

  25. You gotta love D’Souza! So eloquent in his short talk about this DNC/Communist traitor! What the bartender and her communist associates to not realize is that these kind of hidden threats will be used against her in her trial! Oh yes! But not a court of law for her, no, she will get a Military Tribunal and a rope for treason! Once you turn on America and try to destroy the Constitution and all it’s Amendments, you become an ‘enemy combatant’ and lose your American rights! Those rights are stripped from traitors, because the are NO LONGER AMERICANS BUT ENEMIES OF THE COUNTRY! Too bad she’s so stupid she doesn’t even know what’s about to happen to her! All POTUS needs is time to WAKE UP AMERICA to these traitor’s true agenda. And it’s happening right now, the waking up part. Check out the new ‘declassified documents’ from the “Russian Investigation” lie cooked up by Hilary Clinton and O’Bama (THE GREAT TRAITOR). AOC won’t be the only resident of GITMO! TRUMP2020!

  26. The folks that put/voted AOC in the House of the brainless are just as brainless as her. Everybody wants to come to America until they find out that America made a wrong turn and turn from democratic to becoming communistic. I watched the debates and prayed for Americans to wake up before the left takes over. The media’s comments are just as painful to watch with their one sided biased opinion. Completely foolish trying to twist the what was said and who said it gets my mark a big fat F for Democracy. AOC said it right IF Biden gets the WH we will not recognize the America most of us die for willingly. Semper Fi.

  27. The interesting thing about this (now) openly communistic takeover of America is that the traitorous criminals are grossly underestimating their own personal safety! They appear to be absolutely oblivious to the fact that there are millions of dedicated American Constitutionalists who have never been more heavily armed and motivated, who will without doubt individually and as a group engage in the civil war that the democrats and RINO’s have been fostering for decades, to utterly destroy ANY and ALL threats to The American Constitution and America as a free country. Regardless of the personal security forces that these treasonous criminals of America and humanity could possibly muster, if they continue upon their traitorous path they will be completely overwhelmed by a vastly superior and VERY heavily armed & motivated force of Americans who will in fact be defending their country, families, and homes from this cowardly and dastardly attack from within! Any American who attempts to defend the lives of these criminals of humanity should they continue to destroy the very fabric of America and murder Americans in their continuing illegal and unlawful crime spree, will be killed should these communists attempt to follow through with their terroristic threats. As it is today, these high profile criminals have been tolerated way too long, and should the government continue to intentionally fail to do the most important thing that it is charged to do, to protect and defend America & Americans, then the American Constitutionalists will purge the government and society of ALL of these criminals, destroy their families, and remove their wealth to be returned to those victims who they have stolen from for many decades. Their time will come and they will never see it coming or understand that they are on the wrong side of history and always have been! Let them keep talking treason, because they are digging their own graves and sealing their own fate!!! Death to ALL tyrants!

  28. You want to know what is really scary. Remember when cortez was first elected and everyone talked about how crazy and stupid she was. She is still around and now has the complete backing of all democrats. She pushes socialism openly and speaks for all democrats. For the sake of humanity and to save our country people vote and vote straight Republican. Then grab your weapons because when the democrats loose in the voting they will try to take over by force. Just look at all the rioting across the country that is lead by the democrats.

  29. If Democratic that is heading to socialist with lies and this BITCH Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continue with this upscale by downgrading this great country, true American Citizens, the military who defends this nation from other hostile nations that does NOT believe in the freedom we fought for to maintain this freedom, lose jobs and manufacturers to other country’s, the 1st, 2nd and our religious Amendments and the list goes on and on. There going to be another revolution and the true Americans will prevail. People like her and others will be shot for treason, and I personally will be glad to be part of the firing squad with a smile. The founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, Reagan and the great respected man Martin Luther King is rolling in their graves on what is happening to our nation that is heading to socialism. If anyone out there can do a job as the President does and everyone agrees on all agenda topic issues in which that will never be done then get your damn name in the pot.

    1. I have that shirt!! bought it at my local gun show. afraid to wear it, unless am carrying. I am legal to do so since 2011. saw this hot mess coming then. I guess I shouldn’t worry too much, dont think the demon rats would get the meaning of the shirt.

  30. Sad but AOC is the product of a anti America backed by her dream leader Bernie the Socialist Bum who like he, really has indoctrinated her Is on the same train to communism only to her he is the Engineer. She gobbles his socialist BS Like a pup does mommas milk feeling it will make her grow in popularity with the likes of Russia and the CCP leading her to a becoming the Grand Dame of American Communism even over Bernie the Bum. She has at this point Boob Biden sliding her and Bernie’s way of treasonous thinking to turn us into a bigger version of Venezuela and the two will rule this country for life ,or until we all rise up . They want what Bernie was indoctrinated in Russia to edge our freedoms out to become tha faux leader, as the biggies in Communist countries will control him and now her. Both should be charged with Treason and Biden plus Ug Pelosi, the other power dreamer put into the padded cells for till hell freezes over.

  31. If the DemocRATS win in November it will be because they cheated. And if that happens your going to see a Civil War here that will make the first one look small.

  32. AOC was not a bartender in new york, she was a prostitute, that what women bartenders really are in new york city, prostitutes!! she was able to con democrat financers out of the money for a run for congress. otherwise where would a bartender/prostitute get the millions of dollars necessary for a congressional run in new york!! No Where! She’s a corrupt lying communist piece of shit, that never should have been seated in congress in the first place. Based on moral turpitude issues, anti constitutional issues. (example: wants to collectivise your rights, your rights are individual not collective. collective rights are for communist only. ) If anyone was doing their jobs, Which they were not!!! Congress needs to wake up and start doing their job, that includes not seating nut case reps. but sending them home for a new election of a real rep.that cares about America and it’s real problems. not the imaginary ones that, infect the minds of communist nut cases like AOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. she got the money from Soros. also her parents are rich. he figured no one would realize someone this stupid could be a threat to democracy.. boy did he fool us!!!

  33. GIVE A EVIL PERSON ENOUGH ROPE AND THEY WILL HANG THEMSELVES! Keep it up, AOC, and the more you open your stupid communist mouth, the more you show our country what a TRAITOR you are! These DNC/COMMUNIST operators are showing their TRUE FACE TO AMERICA! This is a good thing, it WAKES OUR COUNTRY UP! Pisses them off! I know I’m mad enough to chew ball bearings and spit nails! BUT I’M THINKING TOO! Looking up FACTS! Spreading the word! And here’s something to cheer all Americans writing comments in this post! These traitors are NOT Americans, but “enemy combatants”! And what happens to “enemy combatants” when evidence of their treason is available to the world? They LOSE THEIR RIGHTS TO A TRIAL BY JURY! They get a MILITARY TRIBUNAL AND A ROPE! POTUS has all the evidence, he’s just waiting for the American People to WAKE UP and DEMAND THESE TRAITORS BE ARRESTED! If America knows these ‘operatives’ are ‘enemy combatants’ that are traitors, there will be NO RIOTS, OR CIVIL WAR when these POSs are arrested! THINK! Spread the word, use FACTS! Wake up and VOTE TRUMP2020! Trump will win this election. But if he wins with a LANDSLIDE, the DNC/Communists will not be able to DELAY their arrests! I want justice for our people too, but I also want to GET THEM ALL! VOTE TRUMP2020! (and let the tribunals begin)



    1. To kill the snake you have to cut off the head…….it is so obvious the snakes here are One Big Ass Mistake America (Barrack Obama) and Killary Clinton and big money Soros.Obama wants a third term as dictator what better way to get there ,get Biden and the laughing hyena Harris in office and Obama will be calling all the shots

  35. This video of AOC grinnig in anticipation would make a FANTASTIC commercial for the re-election of Trump! Over top of the video they should run a list of facts:
    Open borders letting everyone across so we citizens pay for their “insurance” too while they take what few jobs are left with the money we won’t have due to jobs lost and no way to change that?
    Approximately $100 TRILLION to retrofit our country to meet the standards set by the climate control freaks!? Our planet’s temperature has risen .01 F degrees every year once 1880! . . .and then what do you do about all the other countries ignoring these standards?
    The “citizens” of this country will lose their right to vote since the electoral college will be GONE! YOU WILL NO LONGER HAVE A RIGHT TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HOW OUR ONCE GREAT NATION IS RUN, “Shut up or go to prison! That’s called third world!

  36. its a shame articles and pictures like this are only viewed on sites like this where mostly republicans are watching. Somehow we must get this information out on places where democrats will see them.maybe CBS MSNBC or others will show them LOL

  37. they need to put a bounty on these sob,s starting with pelosie then schumer aoc .waters that w itch from minn, then cuomo an pelosies nephew newtsen , they are all sick in the head.

  38. It doesn’t take a majority to rule a country. During WW ll, only 9% of the German population were Nazi’s. And we all know how that turned out.

  39. This has been scaring me for years. Obama a closet Marxist groomed to “change the face of America forever”
    two weeks before he took office stated this…now we know exactly what he meant. There has to be more of us American loving patriots’ that love this country, our freedom, and will fight to keep it! We cannot let it slip away. The one’s in power say they admire the Chinese CCP model for controlling citizen. If you are unaware of that do research immediately. Other countries are counting on us American citizen to keep Pres. Trump in office, such as the Alliance of Liberty countries, India, Australia, So. Korea, Japan, and the enslaved Chinese citizens needing the USA and Donald Trump to save millions! Many men living near me plan to fight to the death, they have told me they killed many communists in wars and it won’t bother them to kill off more! So to Hell with Marxism, Socialism, etc. and all their other “isms” !!

  40. Jackass, (a.o.c. = absence of cortex), is not just stupid, but stupid & crazy…she epitomizes the demonrats useless platform in NY to the lowly core of injustice…???

  41. but the real question is how do we get this on stations that democrats watch.They will never learn any of this if they never see it 111111

  42. The Democrats want mail- in balloting because this is how they plan on winning the election by stuffing it with Biden only. The integrity of the vote is in question. We should all go to the polls! We all know how to wear masks and social distance when we go to the grocery store. We are not stupid! They know we can be controlled. It’s been proven by the lock down last a March that was suppose to be two weeks and 7 months later it continues. If you vote by mail bring it to the board if elections rather than mailing it. I am. I don’t trust the bastards. GO TRUMP. He’s the greatest president ever. They hate him because he’s not a politician and speaks the truth about the swamp.

  43. It is amazing how low the demoncrats are to use a casting couch to net this little inconsequential little mouse and mind control her to cause all this confusion!! She NEEDS TO BE VOTED OUT!! Yesterday!


  45. We have pretty good idea what it would be like with BumblesBiden/and sycophant-Harris “large and in charge”…he’ll be out in short order and she’d be in the BigBoyChair-can almost guarantee that’s the ‘promise.’ And the world as we know it will disintegrate – we came close with the 8-year o-horror regime, but this one would do it–crush the country, create rubble from which to rebuild as a disastrous 3rd-world style setup.

    1. Thank you Charli_tuna for your service and sacrifice for our freedom loving families!!!
      God’s Word does not go void, and soon will bring those bumbling idiots in denial of TRUTH, face to face with the consequences of their “selfish, thankless, unwise,
      prideful, idolatrous, deceitful” = stupid ways!!!
      GOD speed His almighty Hand to close His fist tight on our enemies and continue to bless us and keep us safe from harm!!!

  46. She’s not insane. That’s way too easy. Saying she’s crazy is letting her off the hook. She is EVIL. You know: infamous, malicious, destructive, morally wicked, devoid of conscience . . .

  47. This is disgusting that these corrupt degenerate dems and leftists are corrupting every part of our country. We have to stand together to keep President Trump in and get rid of all dems. They cannot be allowed to continue and trash our country and ruin our lives. They are pieces of shit and belong in prison with the trash rioting in our streets that were just shown going into the suburbs and harassing innocent people because they are degenerate trash backed by kamalala and lying biden and the other shit dems. Civil war does look like it may be on the horizon and we cannot let them rule, it’s time to end it.

  48. That kamalala, aoc, piglosi, schmuckmer, lying biden, commie cuomo, schifty schiff and the rest of the scum buckets need to be defunded, removed, imprisoned. And for the idiot morons that vote for these corrupt, lying, pieces of shit, I hope your lives are hell because these degenerate dems are making America hell and we dont deserve it, will not stand for it and will make sure it is fixed, one way or another, like a civil war, patriotic americans against lowlife, corrupt, ignorant traitors. God bless America and God bless we the people and God help you dems.

  49. Since she is up for re-election this year why doesn’t the RNC pour $ into her opponent’s campaign and remove her? It has been reported that she is not very popular with her electoral base. It seems like she is one of the Congress members along with shifty Schiff that require an all out effort to be defeated instead of just crying and pontificating about how bad she is!!!!

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