A Warning: How Joe Biden and Democrats Plan to Ruin the Suburbs

Let’s get something right out front here: We refuse to pretend that Joe Biden is the “President-Elect” or that he somehow won the 2020 election.

But now that Joe Biden and the media are pretending that he’s the “President-Elect,” Biden is finally starting to explain some of his policy positions, much to the horror of some of the people who were foolish enough to vote for him. (Great job, Biden voters!)

For example, Biden has now stated that he will return America to the longstanding George W. Bush/Barack Obama traditions of wrecking the suburbs for people trying to live the American dream. The good news is that Biden is not yet offering zero-down mortgages to people on welfare, which Bush II did and which caused the 2009 housing crash.


The bad news: Biden is back to forcing local governments to change their zoning laws in order to construct slum apartment buildings in the suburbs, just like Obama wanted to do. That way, all of the Section 8 housing vouchers could be used to shuffle all of the single moms and welfare problems of the cities out into the suburbs.

The goal, of course, is to wreck your property values while simultaneously lowering the crime rates in the cities where Democrat politicians and city bureaucrats prefer to live. When Democrats say they want “equity” in society, what they always really mean is that they want your home equity.

Check out this video for famed conservative economist Thomas Sowell’s take on Joe Biden’s plan for your home equity. It’s worth understanding it now, in the unlikely event that Joe Biden someday becomes “President.”

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23 thoughts on “A Warning: How Joe Biden and Democrats Plan to Ruin the Suburbs”

  1. Please, do come. I have ball bats, chains, 2×4’s, pitch forks, all waiting for you. I’m not going to shoot you. That will end your misery to soon. A caved in head, skill fracture. Broken knee cap’s, broken legg’s, and arm’s. A pitch fork through your midsection. Now that’s what I’m talking about. I love hearing sissies cry, and scream.

    1. Lol hopefully we can eliminate this more peacefully, but I totally understand your frustration. I feel the same, Trump may still win and we can go back to a normal life.

      1. Yes but if not are you ready to protect your families neighbors and friends . we have to be ready . There is no compromise with commies. They want you to have NO RIGHTS OR SAY SO ABOUT ANYTHING. AND SLAVERY NO FREEDOM. They will demolish homes family’s rape women and children these son of a bitches are a civil group . AND do not like American’s and those fucked up DAMOCRAPS DONT give a shot about us either . Or they would not pull this shit.

  2. HA! HA! HA! HA!
    I am enjoying these comments immensely!
    Thank you to the good & decent American Patriots who are so well aware of the dire situation America has been so intentionally shoved into now for many decades! After more than 50 years of fighting this absolute assault upon The Constitution in the war from within America that few Americans really understand even today, it is nice to see so many good Americans who are standing up to do their sacred duty!!! Yes, there really is no doubt or question about it, President Trump did in fact win the 2020 election and unless the US legal system, and The SCOTUS, and congress are completely corrupted at this point, he will be announced the winner of a second term. While there is no medical/scientific study that can be found that “isolates” (has found) that this supposed Chinese flu even exists, America does in fact have the most deadly “disease” it has ever faced, and that is this oppressive big government communist totalitarian state that has all but destroyed the US today! ALL Americans must absolutely reject the oppressive government that SO criminally violates The Constitution at will, because there is NEVER a valid reason to violate Americans rights & individual freedoms!

    1. Question, if those DAMOCRAPS have control how many of the military members will we have to try and stop??? Are they going to assist the communist or America’s citizens ????

      1. I believe military personnel take an oath to protect the citizens. So, if that’s true, they will be having a picnic/cookout, while watching us take back the country, and dispatching the communist government, and these pansy ass terrorists who are only tough when they gang up on the weak and elderly.

        1. Our oath is to”… defend and protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and/or domestic…” Most of us who wear or who have worn the uniform, are conservatives. We also hold our oath quite seriously. We will tell you that it has no expiration date. I spent 12 years on active duty, between the Navy and the Coast Guard, and an additional 7 years in the Navy Reserve. I have raised my right hand and sworn the oath 7 times. I have never been released from it. Even if I had, I would still abide by it until my dying day, as would most of my brothers and sisters who have sworn that same oath.

          1. Amen, It took two “Oaths” during 5 years…. I was raised in the military, prepared me and backed everything
            stood for… Yes, we ad brothers and sisters can ready raise our voices quite high when we stand for our beliefs and our country….

    2. Well said. But I don’t think the comments are above are going to be true to life. I think most suburban people will just cower in their homes and let it happen like they have so far in Minneapolis, Portland, Los Angles, New York and the other large cites visited By ANTIFA and BLM. With the democrats running the city and the law, we would have no chance of getting away with protecting ourselves. We would be arrested, hauled in and prosecuted. The so called peaceful demonstrators would get away with anything they wanted, like they have been doing all along. And if they were arrested they would be bailed out as soon as possible. We saw that happen here in Minneapolis by way of Kamala Harris asking dems to contribute to a organization that helps ( I can’t remember the name) bail out people who cannot afford to pay the bail here in Minnesota.. So in essence they get a get out of jail free card paid for by the liberal left democrats. So people don’r shoot unless you have some witnesses to back you up and you can prove your life was in danger.

  3. My friend that’s all good to . But if there is a big mob we need to take em down fast hand to hand can end up leaving our friend families and neighbors exposed . get them loaded when get to a few we can ALWAY peel some skin a salt em up bust knees teeth skulls that does sound all fine.

  4. Yes but if not are you ready to protect your families neighbors and friends . we have to be ready . There is no compromise with commies. They want you to have NO RIGHTS OR SAY SO ABOUT ANYTHING. AND SLAVERY NO FREEDOM. They will demolish homes family’s rape women and children these son of a bitches are a civil group . AND do not like American’s and those fucked up DAMOCRAPS DONT give a shot about us either . Or they would not pull this shit.

  5. Question, if those DAMOCRAPS have control how many of the military members will we have to try and stop??? Are they going to assist the communist or America’s citizens ????

  6. There is a need to get to the bottom of what is going on during general election cycles if we are going to keep our Republic. Are you listening SCOTUS?

  7. Every day more madness is reported about what Joe Biden’s administration is going to do. Those that paid attention knew this. You fools that didn’t and voted for this socialist in sheep’s clothing will find out soon enough. We can only hope and pray that the Trump lawyers are building a bullet proof case for proving widespread fraud in this election to reverse the results.

    1. My thoughts exactly! Biden as president will be our worse nightmare. People didn’t pay attention to the red flags before the election, so now we may all have to suffer. And be careful what you say, remember AOC is making a list for revenge on those of us who were smart enough to reject all those evil people.

  8. We are experiencing lots of theft and drug activity in our small rural town and it started when Obama pushed the section 8 housing b.s. Basically our low income with pride neighborhoods are now blighted with pockets of ramshackled dwellings and people living in the woods or squatting in abandoned houses. We also had large communities of illegals. Since Trump took office, people had started to buy homes out here and fixing them up or buying property and building. If Biden gets in that trend will get reversed I’m sure.

  9. These people are FOOL! They think they are intelligent than the average dog! But a dog is more smarter than any liberal or DEMONcrat SUPPORTER! The difference between real people and dumb people is dumb people can’t think like a human being! Need the Government to hold their hands to cross a street without any travel on it! But we Patroit AMERICANS will rise up and fight if it means killing our own dumb kinfolk! Now to the black race who keeps hollowing RACIST AND HATE TOWARD WHITE PEOPLE! Just when are you going to check the mirror? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out YOU ARE YOUR WORST PROBLEM! You see these POLITICAN who are DEMOCRAT ONLY TALK ABOUT RACIST WHEN IT AN ELECT YEARS! DID YOU KNOW THAT? SO THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT YOU WHEN THEY ARE UP FOR RE- ELECT! AFTER YOU VOTE FOR THEM. THEY THROW YOU UNDER THE BUS! TIL THE NEXT ELECT SEASON!

  10. Go to Pennsburg and build your Slums. I tried to talk this person out of voting for Biden. I told them he wanted to destroy the Suburbs. Pennsburg is in Pa. Near Quakertown. She said Trump was a liar. I begged them to listen to the lies Biden told about his education. I pleaded almost on my knees and they just disregarded what I said.

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