25 Year Old Madison Cawthorn Wins North Carolina’s Election, Replaces Mark Meadows

If you don’t closely follow North Carolina Congressional elections, that’s quite understandable. There are around 500 Congressional elections every 2 years. It’s a lot to track. So, most of us just look at the final tallies to decide how we feel about things.

This year, North Carolina had a special race. Madison Cawthorn ran against Moe Davis in the state’s 11th Congressional District. The seat had no incumbent because the previous representative is Mark Meadows; he left Congress to become President Trump’s chief of staff. With that absence, the race suddenly became wide open, and being in the extremely competitive state of North Carolina, there was a real chance for the Democrats to gain a House seat there.

In the primary leading up to this race, Madison Cawthorn ran a remarkable campaign. He was a longshot amongst Republicans, but he ultimately proved his worth and won the primary. He went into Tuesday’s election an underdog. Against all the odds, he won a landslide victory and became one of the most promising Republican freshman for the 2021 Congress.

This is an exciting story out of a mess of a national election. With this video, you can take a minute to get to know Mr. Cawthorn and revel in his success. If he’s the future of the Republican Party, there is a lot to look forward to in the coming years.

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18 thoughts on “25 Year Old Madison Cawthorn Wins North Carolina’s Election, Replaces Mark Meadows”

  1. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! May you serve Him, the great USA, and the state of North Carolina well and true.

    1. Amen to your thoughts Mr Hutchens. For without God we’re a democrat. Mr. Cawthorn: Damm the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

  2. During the “run off to determine who the republican nominee I got to know who he is and what he stand for. I was supporting the other guy. I met his mother and his father during that run-off. Two days before the run-off, I had a long conversation with him. I told him that if he won the run-off, I would be one of his hardest supporters in the general election. I saw him many times during that election and discovered that he works so hard that you tend to forget that he is confined to a wheel chair. He also kept a smile on his face, even when things didn’t go his way. I’m looking forward to see him sworn-in and will be watching in action. He will be the youngest member in the congress and confined to a wheel chair will not slow him down. HE WILL BE THE STRONGEST MEMBER OF THE CONGRESS . He may even run for president in a few years. He is a great American and he loves our country!

    1. Great statement Mr. Lack and congratulations and many blessings to Congressman Elect Mr. Madison Cawthorn. I’m a Florida resident and according to his statements he will represent the entire Country well and will have “America First” in his Agenda.

    2. Great statement Mr. Lack and congratulations and many blessings to Congressman Elect Mr. Madison Cawthorn. I’m a Florida resident and according to his statements he will represent the entire Country well and will have “America First” in his Agenda.

  3. So very glad this young man is going to Washington. Ironically considering his age he will be one of the few adults in the room!!

    1. Madison Cawthorn made me cry when he spoke and stood. He must have gone to a school which taught CIVICS and Government issues in order for him to be the opposite of the “squad”! For this, We the People have some hope.
      God Bless You, Madison. Live long and prosper!

  4. CONGRADULATIONS you are the future for your peers may god bless you in your constitutional laws against the corruption of any government SEAT
    God bless you

  5. I am so pleased someone so young is showing interest in the Gov’t., especially with him being a Republican! Unfortunately (even though i’m keeping my hopes up) I’m afraid we are going to have that TREASONOUS, LYING, CROOKED son of a bitch Biden (that will ultimately be that bitch Harris) as our President, it is imperative that we have a larger presence in the House & Senate so this Country, that I love, won’t become a socialist/communist country! EVERYONE that voted Dem that i’ve spoken to, & I live in a senior complex, cannot afford the premium cable packages (so they couldn’t watch Fox News to see the truth) and are limited to the basic channels for their censored news. Many seniors were also VERY confused so just voted on the bullshit they were hearing from the media masses. Most also don’t have access to the internet and if they do through a smart phone, they don’t understand or know how to access it.
    I am so disheartened about this election, but atleast this is a “beacon of hope”!
    What many/most people don’t understand is the repercussions of this country becoming socialist/communist/no longer free, is the fact we ARE the defenders of Democracy around the world & when that is lost, ALL the other counties that practice Democracy will one by one be taken over by the Socialists/Communists because they are unable to defend themselves alone!

    GOD BLESS YOU!!! Wishing you many many years in the government ~ and looking forward to one day when you could become president!!!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU are what we need in our government — honest, hard-working, fair and you actually know the rules. I am so pleased that you won! And, as someone ahead of me said, the youngest in Congress but one of the very few adults in the room. God bless you!

  8. Maybe with a lot of luck and God’s love help he could become speaker of the House! Wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants for Pelosi! I’ve seen the video of Kamala Harris and this country will never be the same again, unless they stop the count now. They’re have been saying for a long time that they are going to steal the election from Trump. We’re going to be a socialist country and they’re coming after your 2nd amendment, closing all churches. The United States of America as we know it will be no longer. If the American people would realize what is going to happen they would all vote Trump. But biden has said that Medicare,medicade, and social security checks will be stopping. They want to take everything away from everyone who has worked hard all their lives and they going to take it all away. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and George Soros has been paying fines for these antifa, BLM,anti- christ to get out of jail. God help the American people who have worked so hard to get a way to live comfortably and for them to come and take it all away. In democrat run cities,they have found a different places through the cities stacks of bricks even some close to the white house. Maybe it’s time for all the American people to fight for what we truly believe in freedom. I’m a double amuptee, but I don’t care about the bricks or anything but I do care about all the American people who are going to suffer at the hands of the Democrat. Nancy Pelosi is the one who didn’t want us to have the 1200 extra money that Trump was ready to sign. Everyone I talk to blames the Republican’s party. They’ve got blinders on or they could see that Pelosi stopped working for the American people yrs ago.

  9. Congratulations on your win………….keep company with Almighty God and you will outshine all those around you.

  10. God bless you son. Only He will show you the light. May you go far and live long and happy. I look forward to voting for you for President. If you can accomplish half of our great President, you will have set the world on fire. God Bless You.

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