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West Virginia Invites Virginia Counties Frustrated with New Gun Control Laws to Secede and Join West Virginia

Elie Mystal of The Nation was more honest than most leftist gun control advocates with the title of his article — “It’s Time to Repeal—and Replace—the Second Amendment.”

Prompting him to write his blatant call for the repeal of the Second Amendment was West Virginia’s invitation for bordering Virginia counties to change sides before their state makes it illegal to bear arms.

For Mystal, there is only one logical conclusion when you see law-abiding citizens take steps to protect their Second Amendment rights – “Repeal [it] and start over from the presumption that you do not need a gun unless you are going off to war or going off to train for war.”


Mystal blames everyone from President Trump to Republican judges. He writes:

Repealing the Second Amendment is the only way to disarm these conservative judges and justices. Otherwise, we’ll have to wrest gun reform from their cold dead hands.

According to progressives like Mystal, Republicans have “turned the Second Amendment into a Golem.” They’ve turned it into “a monster that is killing children.”

Watch the video and learn that while Tim Pool is not that opposed to reasonable gun control laws, he says it’s time for gun control proponents to be honest that there is only one way to achieve what they want. Watch here to learn what that is.

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