In case you thought you had seen every possible bogus excuse the globalist left could use to promote their “climate change” agenda – think again because this one might be the most bizarre yet!
According to those evil liberals over at the World Economic Forum the climate can now affect… gender?
That’s right, if we don’t all switch to electric vehicles and user paper straws, pretty soon we’ll start thinking we’re the opposite gender!
Any rational human being can see how incredibly ridiculous that is but these are certainly not rational individuals.
This is exactly the type of climate propaganda we’ve come to expect from the WEF elitists who want to use the green agenda to control every aspect of our lives.
After all, these are the same people who last year tried to make a similar claim that “climate change affects gender equality” by arguing that the effects of climate change somehow impacts women far more than men.
In a piece on their website, the WEF claimed that “gender inequality coupled with the climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time”
Clearly, these people are deranged and they’re hoping to appeal to other delusional people by no claiming that the “climate crisis” is a threat to gender entirely!
Watch the video here to see how this new WEF claim is pure comedy!