America is at a major inflection point, and Tucker Carlson warns that we are about to experience and “abrupt change.”
During a speech at the annual Daily Caller News Foundation Gala, Carlson suggested that the many issues plaguing the country are undoubtedly going to bring about change – the only question is whether it will be a positive or a negative one.
He suggested that many of the most simple things Americans used to strive for have become to expensive, and out of reach for most.
“If something really dramatic in your country happens — like young people can’t, I don’t know, get married, you know, or buy houses or have any hope for a future that approaches, you know, the middle class upbringing they had — then you’ve got a huge problem and someone should be responding to that,” Carlson said.
He went on to note that the economy is on the brink of complete collapse and the nation is bankrupt but the same people who are supposed to “care” about helping fix these problems are more obsessed with sending $100 billion away to other countries.
As Carlson pointed out, “the moral duty of the people running a country is to look out for the people in that country, period.” Our “leaders” have strayed TOO FAR from that duty.
He continued, adding that the entire country – all 350 million+ Americans can feel that things are about to change DRASTICALLY.
Watch the video here to see Carlson’s speech warning about what is coming our way.
Tucker is “right on” and our young have no clue what it means to love our country.
Too many today are ill informed and too lazy to do anything to wise up.
Only faith in God and a belief that the beyond can be good keeps many going.
We all need goodness, beauty and hope.
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Imagine that—all this destruction—just three years into 0bama’s third term!
Why in the name of Satan can’t young people, and more old people than I want to admit to, seem to catch on?
The “all records sealed” Manchurian Candidate has been pulling the strings of his puppet, the darling of stupid people, and Democrats, have contaminated the United States, and sent the nation into a negative spiral. This rapid accelleration to a handbasket in Hell is the “Hope and Change” horseshit that all the ignorant voters in the land bought hook, line and sinker.
I cannot even begin to understand, WHY the American people have allowed the Communist and Socialists, the Fascists and the Drug Cartels, and the Dumbassed of our society, to accept the infiltration to the highest positions in our government at all points.
* Our Inflation Rates are too great;
* Our national economy is deteriating at rates that are unsustainable, yet our office of Budget &
Management Director seems to be completely incapable of even understanding how to manage a
Bus Token, much less a National Budget that has rocketed upwards of 33 TRILLION dollars of
mismanagment of our taxpayers money. Joe Biden is responsible for that and he asks for even MORE
of what we have left (if any at all) to give away to only God knows where, and in the hands of ?.
Nobody has a clue who it will eventually end up with and the effort to find out seems to also be
* Our schools have become Sexual Gender Identification Centers for Kindergarteners, taught by
radical Socialism for Society Professors who often participate in rebellion on the streets of Downtown,
U.S.A., of Zip Code 1098765-4321
* Those children who actually do learn how to read and write and to understand rudimentary
mathmatics, at least well enough to attend colleges and universities (if Mom & Dad managed to save
at least a quarter of a $Million to afford it) will become, like their fathers before them – the next
generation of usinessOwners and CEO’s of Major Corporations. As projected, things will only
continue on its present course of internal destruction.
* I remember Nakita Kruschev saying loudly to Richard Nixon in 1956 – “We do not have to invade the
United States, we will destroy you from within !”
* Presidents Clinton, Obama, and Joe Biden have all contributed to the arrival of that day when Mr.
Kruschev’s prediction will have become reality, . . . and that day is all-too-quickly becoming a “turtle-
head” on our seeable horizon.
We have stood by and watched as our National Election Process, its equipment, and those who tabulate the results and who maintain security of our ballots and our voting polls, to become infiltrated, altered, contaminated and mis-reported. We have seen, but refuse to admit, nor condemn the fact that Joe Biden did extremely little if any mentionable effort toward campaigning for the office of the President of the United States. We heard conspirators, and saw nightly news reports and videos of corruption, intimidation, and other violations of protocal – AND NOTHING WAS DONE ABOUT IT.
* We ALL saw that “the FIX was IN.”
* We heard the “insider” predictions and overconfident statements that ignored illegal compromises
that were taking place.
Now that slow-witted, rather ignorant and completely incompetent Joe Biden (the dummy fall guy for Obama) was INSERTED by the renegade Democrats into the office of the Presidency. WHY? The third term of Barack OBAMA is the most obvious reason. They knew that Donald Trump was hot on the trail of political malfeasance on the parts of OBAMA/BIDEN and felt he must be prevented from serving another term to finish the job of exposing the massive corruption of the entire Federal Government, the CIA and the CIA, as well as both chambers of Congress. Corruption would be peeleed away. Years of wrongdoing and bribery, both offered and accepted, would exposed as well as criminal charges being leveled at many top-ranking members facing prison sentences. Your comment, Zeek, was right on point – “all this destruction—just three years into 0bama’s third term!”
Prepare your heart’s and your house! The worst is yet to come! ????