What’s going on in America today is about MUCH MORE than just red versus blue or conservatives vs liberals – It’s about GOOD fighting EVIL and these two stories are proof of just that.
As evil tends to do, the Democrats are constantly claiming that what they’re doing is not evil by any means, trying to convince us that they’re actually doing the ‘right’ thing but it doesn’t get much more obvious than these two instances.
In the first example, a parent started up an after school SATAN WORSHIPPING club while saying they just wanted somewhere that their explicitly non-Christian child would be “safe.”
A Federal judge then ruled that the school district MUST allow it to happen.
The Satanic Temple then went on to apply for the ability to use the school’s facilities, stating that this club of Satan worshippers is open to “all students” to help them learn “Satanic virtues.”
And while the left is trying to convince people to get more comfortable with viewing Satan as their savior, the FBI seems to be doing their dirty work – targeting Catholic Americans!
The Federal Agency has been claiming that “radical-traditionalist Catholics” pose some sort of “violent extremist threat,” and that message seems to be coming directly from atop the Democratic party who view Catholicism as a major obstacle standing in their way of unleashing on demand abortions.
This is a very troubling time in America and sadly, we truly are fighting PURE EVIL masquerading as a political party!
Watch the video here to see why this is all so sickening and to get an idea of how you could fight back!
The Dem’s. are all evil thus the proper title DEMONRATS. Liberalism is a Demonic, Mental Disease that takes over the souls of the Liberal scumbags.
DemonRats allowed themselves to become corrupt. No Patriots, just Traitors & the Devils disciples. And, they will do “ANYTHING” to remain in POWER.