The Biden regime has changed the definition of a recession to trick the American people into thinking they’re doing a good job, pointing to a “strong” job market as “proof” the economy is “strong as hell” – but the TRUTH about the job market suggests we’re in big trouble.
One of the measures they have relied on to depict a healthy job market is the unemployment rate. While the unemployment rate IS at a historic low, there’s a significant issue with the way it’s being tracked that isn’t entirely honest.
The rate, as its currently tracked, is propped up by individuals who simply DON’T WANT to work!
This means that someone could be unemployed, and supported by other means, i.e. our socialist government, and as long as they’re not technically looking for a job it would reflect as an improvement to the unemployment number.
This is the current environment. Following the COVID handouts people no longer WANT to work, and Biden is misleading people into believing that’s somehow a sign of strength for his fledgling economy.
For the first time in American history, we have 7 million able-bodied males who are not looking for work even while we have more than 6 million job vacancies.
Make no mistake about it, however, our economy is certainly feeling the impact of this labor crisis even if the current administration wants you to believe otherwise.
America is facing a dangerous shift and this could have catastrophic long-lasting effects.
Watch the video here to understand how Americans who don’t want to work could DESTROY this country.
FJB (Puppet for the DemonRats) says nothing, knows nothing, only knows when there’s a lump in his depends.
Never will do anything but pack his bank acct with our hard earned taxes
IF Biden’s lips are moving he’s lying and it’s always been that way.
Got that right