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The President of Nigeria Alerts U.S. Officials that Weapons Meant for Ukraine are Ending Up in the Hands of Terrorists in Africa and Other Places

The Biden administration has been carelessly depleting America’s weapons reserves, sending Ukraine nearly $20 billion worth of our missiles, assault rifles, bombs, and other military equipment to fight Russia – and now it turns out many of the American armaments have actually been landing in the hands of African terrorists.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari is warning that the weapons sent to Ukraine are ending up on the black market, and subsequently being bought by terrorist groups in his region of Africa.

Buhari said that the war in Ukraine has served as a major source of weapons to “bolster the ranks of terrorists” in the Lake Chad region of Africa.

Apparently the American arms are not only ending up in Africa, however, with other governments having warned in the past that weapons meant for Ukraine have been found in criminal gangs in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands.


Meanwhile, the Democrats seem hellbent on continuing to spend billions of dollars to fund potential terrorist activity – branding any calls for increased oversight as “Russian propaganda.”

Democrat Rep. Adam Smith, head of the House Armed Services Committee, said that calls for more transparency on what exactly is happening with the U.S. dollars and money sent to Ukraine “make him a little crazy.”

Smith claims that “Ukraine is spending the money really well” suggesting Americans should simply look the other way.

To see why the Democrats are so obsessed with fueling terrorism and crime by pumping billions of your dollars into Ukraine, watch the video here.

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8 thoughts on “The President of Nigeria Alerts U.S. Officials that Weapons Meant for Ukraine are Ending Up in the Hands of Terrorists in Africa and Other Places”

  1. This fake administration has so many unqualified idiots in they can’t get anything right, but when it comes to helping terrorist some of this may be on purpose, Obama was known for this.

  2. The whole democratic party is a huge failure along with Rino republicans. The whole lot needs to be replaced with responsible adults.

  3. Two thoughts come to mind. Either the CIA is running an OP or the Ukraine is reselling the weapons for monetary gain (or big Joe kick-backs). Neither would surprise me a bit with this admin.

  4. Another example of Biden and his Commie Democrats efforts in destroying America. Make no mistake they are out to destroy America forever. Reckless spending. Destroying our Energy independence. Opening our borders and aiding and abetting illegal with Free food, education, housing transportation and lawyers along with other social services. They don’t enforce our laws and allow Marxist terrorist organizations like ANTIFA and BLM operative with impunity. They attack our Freedoms of Speech, Religion and Second Amendment rights. They brainwash our children and Military with CRT (a Marxist propaganda doctrine) and LGBQ agenda. They have destroyed jobs and businesses. They lie, cheat and steal to destroy our democracy and are only interested in Power and money for themselves. Wait until July 2023 when Biden institutes the Programable FED Coin and does away with Cash. If they don’t like what you buy or who you donate to they just push a button and you have no money! Like Canada did to the protesting Truckers in Canada only faster. This will also lead to “Equity Income” like China has. By allowing millions of illegals into our country this will cause a huge strain on our housing and homeless problem. Also we are already having food and water shortages, what do you think adding millions more people to the population will do? First it will increase prices on food, water, gas and electric. Then more shortages on all of them which will lead to rationing these items and complete loss of them. We will see complete breakdown of Society.Riots and violence will increase dramatically. This is where America heading.

    1. I completely agree with everything you said. #46 does not know how to be an AMERICAN president. He just loves China and anybody that can help him take America down. It seems that some of the artillery sent to Ukraine is now in the hands of terrorists in Africa, Sweden and a few other countries. WTH. This administration is taking us down.

    2. Spot on, We are facing the onslaught of inflation, crime waves, food and water shortages, intermittent power, violent protests and gangs. Everyone will be attempting to survive this madness. When the survival instinct kicks in, then complete lawlessness will reign. All I can say is buckle up and prepare because things will not be improving in the near-term.

  5. We are supplying that Oligarch puppet Zelensky with so many weapons while laundering money for members of the Democratic party Zelensky is selling those arms to the most putrid people on the planet, way to go emperor “Butt Pirate Bathhouse Barry the Obamanator” Obama.

  6. The only people in this country who could possibly be surprised are the most naive and gullible voters who put Obama, Hillary, and Biden in office.
    After Obama failed to accomplish total chaos by defunding the police, and instigating BLM and Antifa to constantly disrupt any sort of law and order, the O’Biden administration gives our country’s munitions to Zelenski to sell to criminal Africans and any other criminal organizations in the world. They split the profits from these munitions, all paid for by working-class peoples tax dollars, amonst the rinos in congress who sway the vote to enable these mobsters to racketeer this country’s defense. They turn our military into a band of unreliable fruitcake faggots that will hide under their skirts when they get shot at. Then they force the governors of the Border States to leave the mexican border wide open so all these criminal organizations of the world can freely cross into the United States and take whatever they want from anybody.
    Their devios plan is to persuade the American voters that the only way to regain law and order is to take everybody’s guns so the government has total control of the people in the United States.
    The BLM and Antifa plan didn’t work, so now the Obiden administration will try again with the worlds top criminals.
    It’s coming! Get ready!

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