During her time in the Senate, Kamala Harris was rated as the most liberal senator – EVEN MORE SO than the socialist Bernie Sanders – and the reason for that is that she is a full-blown communist!
Harris has talked a lot about the term “equity” and according to her the goal of equity is to ensure that “everyone ends up in the same place” – AKA, communism.
Anytime that Kamala says the word “equity” she’s using it as a more palatable substitute for the word communism.
Notably – Harris believes that Black Americans start with a disadvantage, so in order to achieve “equity” they require more. But given that communism doesn’t create, it only takes, this means she supports taking from “privileged” White Americans and giving more to Black America.
With that in mind Harris has repeatedly said that she is “proud of the fact that equity (communism) is one of her guiding principles” and bragged about her plans to “put equity (communism) firmly at the center of her economic policy.”
And this is not merely an attempt by Kamala to pander to the leftists who support bringing communism to America – she is a TRUE BELIEVER.
Kamala’s dad, Donald Harris, was a MARXIST PROFESSOR who taught exactly the kind of crap that the Democrat candidate for the presidency now peddles the entire country. Clearly he instilled those radical beliefs in his daughter.
Make no mistake about it, If Kamala Harris gets into power she will create a communist system that is fueled by anti-White racism and America WILL be lost forever.
Watch the video here to see Kamala expose herself.
VP Kamala Harris explains her ideology: "Everyone ends up in the same place."
This is called communism. pic.twitter.com/tqw7J0E1Cu
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 25, 2024