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The FBI Is Not Just Corrupt, THEY’RE INCOMPETENT – Here’s Proof!

As if it wasn’t already bad enough that our FBI is completely corrupt, working to keep the Democrats in power, it turns out they’re also completely inept and unable to carry out the most simple of training exercises.

During a recent training event, FBI agents stormed into a completely innocent man’s hotel room, threw him into the shower and interrogated him for more than an hour before eventually realizing they had entered the WRONG ROOM!

The agents in training were SUPPOSED to enter a room where a person role-playing as a suspect as part of the training exercise was staying.

The purpose of the training exercise was “to simulate a situation their personnel might encounter in a deployed environment,” the FBI said in a statement, adding that they received “inaccurate information” which caused them to barge into the wrong room!


Maybe this type of thing wouldn’t be happening if the FBI was a bit more focused on actually keeping this country safe from REAL threats rather than things such as the fabricated conservative threat which Director Christopher Wray always talks about!

Either way it’s massively concerning that woke morons have infected and handicapped the FBI, but the power to break in and arrest whoever they want!

Watch the video here to see what a complete JOKE the federal agency has become thanks to the woke mind virus which ruins everything it touches!

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14 thoughts on “The FBI Is Not Just Corrupt, THEY’RE INCOMPETENT – Here’s Proof!”

  1. False Arrest. Kidnapping. Criminal charges should be charged, “Mistakes” do NOT erase CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE.
    There is no “Immunity” from this crime. Nor is there immunity from a Civil suit.

  2. Five years ago I wouldn’t have said this. But today I cannot find anyone on the street who Trusts or Respects the DOJ, FBI, CIA, ATF or any other so-call Legal Depts. Disgusting.

    1. Democrats are dumb enough to trust them . Look who helped joe win the whitehouse . Yes they are all political and bought off . America is in a fast decay . Thanks cheating demonrats !!!!!

  3. The old saying it takes a computer to screw things up is or should be changed to a Democrat in place of computer. The thought and reasoning process section of the brain among Democrats gives me cause to think another virus has been released by the Chinese. This virus seems to cause even simple common sense to fail these people.

  4. This guy needs to sue these fools for a couple 2 or 3 million dollars just to show that they should maybe get their heads out of their backsides and makes sure they are knocking on the correct door. Do not settle for anything less than 2 or 3 million. It has to be a number that will shake someone out of their safety bubble. The man is a pilot. Those agents could have put lives in danger by not allowing this man to get the rest that is required to safely pilot a jumbo jet.

  5. The F***ing Bungling Idiots are the goon squad for the Dems and Deep State and the enemy of the American people. GOP needs to retake the Senate and White House to gut and dismantle this Gestapo. This pilot needs to sue these MFers! Had it been a red state, these clowns may have gotten shot. Wonder what the FBI will do to find who screwed this up and punish them? I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    1. DJT had 4 years to purge the poison from our government but failed, too many rotten recommendations from his daughter and son in-law.

  6. True Patriots (e.g.) parents concerned about deadly viral strand Indoctrinators infecting the minds of their children are categorized as Domestic Terrorists while true Domestic Terrorists such as members of Antifa/BLM are peaceful law abiding citizens practicing their 1st amendment rights.

    Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray are evil loyal Globalist marionettes and should be publically executed along with their Globalist Masters the rest of Globalist NWO Cabal and those who vote for those loyal Globalist marionette politicians.

  7. FBI= Federal bumbling idiots it took them years to take down the Costa Nostra in New York City because they sent Scandinavian red-haired look alikes and cheap Sears suits out on the street and they stood out like the dumb Scandinavians that they are only one in Italian or off the streets could show them how to take them down did they ever succeed they even had the RICO statuettes in their hands for years and could never figure out how to use it until someone had to sit them down at Cornell University to show them how they’re born stupid they’re going to die stupid

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