Everything that the Democrats do in today’s day and age is all revolving around one thing: BUYING VOTES.
They have no real policy capable of convincing anybody with a brain to vote for them, so what do they do? Try and pay people off with policy driven bribes!
No matter how radical or unsustainable any given policy might seem to the average individual, Democrats will do EVERYTHING in their power to get it passed if it means that they can effectively use it to trick voters into backing them in the next election.
What they do is identify a group of individuals who need or want a particular thing (typically some form of government handout) and then promise them whatever radical solution comes to mind – even if it will destroy the country in the long run.
Take reparations for example, in which case Democrat Rep. Cori Bush is calling for $14 TRILLION worth of payments for Black Americans – a number which would be catastrophic for America.
Bush couldn’t care less about the long term ramifications because her job is to keep the Dems and power NOW – the future be damned!
And they’re doing the same thing with the student loan payments.
Dems are promising to wipe out people’s debt, hoping that it will be enough to earn their vote, and sadly, it just might be!
Watch the video here to see more of the shady programs Democrats run to buy votes!
These fraudulent elections must be rectified and changed to accomodate elections that are fair and honest!
“It is not the votes that count, but who counts the votes!” Old axiom, but certainly prevalent in our elections today!
The requirements of how the votes are counted should be by representatives of both parties until the last vote is counted! The Georgia vote was a good example and also I think Philadelphia the same thing. Leaving only one party in the counting room!
California is a good example of this. The Communist Democrats will lie, Cheat and steal to Stay in power as they are only interested in Power and money. Newsom destroyed San Francisco when he was The Mayor. Now he is Governor and has Destroyed the State! Yet twice he was up for impeachment and is still in office. He is a corrupt politician who only wants to Stay in power and certainly doesn’t care about the Constitution or the people. Twice the people of Californian voted for Capital Punishment. He doesn’t care he announced that he would not enforce it. Every person here that I have spoken to about him would not vote for him. It’s very Strange that the Democrats keep getting election!