Even as more information regarding just how dangerous the COVID vaccines continues to surface, the truth is still being HIDDEN from the public – but why?
A new study has been released which, like many before it, confirms a massive risk of Myocarditis following vaccination in 12-17 year old BOYS specifically.
However, the authors of that study do a couple of very misleading things to BURY that risk! They’re still hiding the truth!
Even though their data found clearly that 12-17 year aged males are the most at risk, the authors argue that the risk of contracting myocarditis is very low in kids aged 5-17.
Not only did they intentionally mix in the lower risk 5-11 age group, but they also comingled boys and girls.
Their reasoning? They’re still trying to distort the data either to sell MORE deadly vaccines or to cover their asses for already having done so.
Either way, the American people are being deliberately misled when it comes to the vaccines as these greedy scientists continue to play a VERY dangerous game.
They’re still treating us like we’re too dumb to do any research for ourselves and will simply accept whatever they tell us to be true!
This is why we can never just “trust the science!”
Watch the video here to learn more about this big Myocarditis coverup!
These people administering these DANGEROIS vaccines are akin to MURDERERS. LOCK them up . . . PERMANENTLY!