Several Members of Congress are being described as “right-wing extremists” because they have attempted to get US troops pulled out of Syria and Somalia in the past few weeks. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) are of course leading the charge.
While the insane neocon policies of invading the world and inviting the world to move to the United States after we bombed them used to have the entire Republican Party captured, the anti-war position now appears to be a majority position. This, of course, is entirely thanks to the conservative policies of President Donald J. Trump.
Most people still don’t even know we have troops in Somalia. There are 900 troops there, facing off against approximately 7,000 El Shabaab fighters.
Oh, and Victoria Nuland and the Biden regime just launched a coup in Sudan, so they’re sending troops there as well, even though they don’t have an authorization from Congress and didn’t ask for one.
At what point is Congress going to listen to the American people and put an end to these stupid “forever wars?” If Trump-supporting Republicans and the anti-war wing of the Democrats are both opposed to keeping troops in almost every country on earth, then it’s clearly the majority position of the people.
But as soon as Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News, Speaker Kevin McCarthy went back to being 100% supportive of the war in Ukraine.
Here’s Aaron Maté filling in for comedian Jimmy Dore, and talking about how the “extremists” in the right wing of the Republican Party are now the ones, ironically, calling for peace…
DemonRats want WAR! This way they can stay in POWER. Act47 U.S. Code § 606 – War powers of President
And yet it is the Republicans who are sold as being “warmongers”. I guess this is the difference between MAGA Republicans and Establishment Republicans. DJT’s MAGA movement is really more of a mainstream/populist movement that is filled with commonsense! It is not establishment R or D… It is actually the true 3rd party that leans toward more traditional values and America 1st! Sounds very American to me and what I will always support! Screw the globalists!
Interesting how strange the truth can be made to sound MJB ! You are of course quite correct !
Irrational paranoia is what possesses democrats who insist that if we dont support Ukraine, Russia will take over the world.
Ukraine belongs to Russia. It borders Russia. The resources in Ukraine belong to Russia farmore than they belong to Europe or especially the US.
If California’s stupid Governor Newsom decided that CALIFORNIA’S produce strictly belongs to California, and Newsom decided he could rake in an enormous profit by selling California’s products to Russia, do you think the US should respect Newsom’s devious plan. Hell No!
Do you think Russia would have a right to give that POS Newsom military equipment to defend California from the US. PHUK NO!
Newsom has already proceeded to control all freight moving through California by forcing independent truckers to either join a truckers union or pay for the privilege to truck goods out of California.
The first thing that needs to happen is to completely defund any federal money towards California highways.
Newsom has no right to force California’s freight transportation into total union control that he collects commission from. It’s called racketeering!
But getting back to Ukraine.
Should Biden and other politicians collect a cut from any money or weapons sent to Ukraine . Fk No!
Last questions.
Can any of you stupid paranoid Democrats or Republicans explain why you feel the US has some sort of rights to Ukraine’s resources?
Can any of you stupid paranoid Democrats or Republicans give an example of Russia marching through Europe and forcing all the little European countries to become part of Russia.
WWll showed Russia in Germany, but it was in self defense. Russia didn’t march through all the other little European countries and force them all to become part of Russia, but Russia could have! Easily!
So whats all the paranoia about involved with protecting democracy from Russia’s takeover.
Ukraine is a criminal empire sucking taxpayers hard earned money out of propaganda paranoia spreading Democrats and some Republicans in Congress taking cuts from money generated by a needless war to fund the protection of the criminal empire of Ukraine.
Fk you war mongers!
US citizens have far more reason to fear The Biden-Obama New World Oder of Socialism, and the disarming of the American people, than we have reason to fear Russia invading us and forcing all of us to become Ruuussians.
We the people have more reason to Fear Obama-Biden’s New World Order than we have to fear China forcing us all to become slaves of the Chinese Communist party.
WE THE PEOPLE are feared by China! That’s why Chima has paid OBama-Biden tens of millions to convince the public that the 2nd amendment should be abolished.
Obama-Biden have instigated and promoted BLM, Antifa, Abortion freaks, LGBTQ activists, and anybody else they can recruit to cause chaos and destruction, and terrorism, in the US. just to convince the naive and gullible freeloading democrats that the 2nd amendment should be abolished
We the people need to take control of or own country before we have to all live like peasants paying high taxes to recover from Biden-Obama’s tyranical conspiracies with China.
I suppose that since Ukraine should belong to Russia, then Canada should belong to the USA. I don’t think so.
The problem with that argument Richard is that prior to the breakup of the Soviet Union, Ukraine ( and Crimea & other now “independant” countries ) DID “belong to Russia”, which is why so many folks living close to the Russian borders are “Russian-Speaking” – which is something the Ukraine present government made efforts to BAN – which allegedly brought about the Russian Invasion which the Russians still see as a “Rescue Mission”.
So – things are not quite so cosily pigeon-holed as some in the Senate and White House would have us all believe !
So far as the Canada situation is concerned, I think any attempts to “absorb that coutry into the USA” would be much more vigorously opposed than Ukraines’ rebuttal of “Mother Russia” – far too many cash reservoirs for Canadian ( and USA ) politicians would be exposed and “lost” to risk such an amusing enterprise.