Nobody thought Trump would get a fair jury in deep blue New York City but perhaps we didn’t realize how BAD the jurors really are.
However, one potential juror who was interviewed exposed how corrupt the entire thing is.
When asked to share her opinion about Donald Trump, the look on the woman’s face instantly told us everything we needed to know before she went on to make it even more clear – saying “Uh, I’m not a fan.”
She went on to say that his “handling of COVID-19 was abysmal” suggesting that she would have preferred to see him do things like mandate lockdowns on the federal level.
The deranged liberal added that she has a sister who was adopted from China and Trump’s comments about the communist nation made her sister “very anxious” and “therefore made [her] angry.”
Continuing down the list of baseless left-wing talking points against Trump, she claimed that he has supported policies regarding women’s reproductive health that she does not agree with – like supporting a state’s right to choose their own abortion laws.
Bizarrely enough, she expressed all of these things, showing her hatred for the former president while COMICALLY claiming that she could be “unbiased” in the event that she was chosen as a juror.
Thankfully, she was dismissed but not because of her open disdain for Trump, rather because of a SCHEDULING CONFLICT!
Watch the video here to see why the cards are stacked against Trump in the liberal hellhole that is New York City.
This lady was supposed to be a juror in Manhattan for the case against Trump.
She was dismissed… but only due to a scheduling conflict.
Does she sound impartial to you?
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 17, 2024