We won’t know what happens until the votes are actually cast in November, but there are signs that black Americans—particularly black men—are surging in favor of Donald Trump. Will it be true this time? This video clip gives us good reason to believe that it is.
Most of you will be unfamiliar with the Cartier Family. They’re a group of track and field athletes who met at the University of Louisiana. When their 2020 track season was canceled because of the Chinese coronavirus from China, they decided to start a comedy podcast on YouTube and called themselves the Cartier Family.
The Cartiers are extremely influential with young black men. They have almost a million subscribers on their YouTube channel and their podcasts have been viewed more than 360 million times. On their shows, they typically watch viral video clips and offer up some commentary about them.
The truth is that Joe Biden’s devastation of the American economy has hurt everyone badly, but black Americans in particular. Many blacks are now waking up to just how evil the Democrat Party truly is. Black families are hurting, but the Democrats have shoved them aside for trannies and illegal aliens, while expecting them to continue voting for them.
When you watch the truth bombs in this clip, you’ll start to sense that blacks truly are starting to “get it,” and that Democrats may be in for a big surprise this November.