Even the most radical leftists are SICK AND TIRED of the disastrous Joe Biden presidency and some of them like Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur are going all in against him!
Uygur is a far-left socialist who SHOULD be proud of the Marxist changes Biden has introduced but even he can see one very simple fact – Biden is destroying this country.
After announcing that he will be directly challenging the senile old man in the 2024 election, running as a Democrat who will most certainly siphon away some of Joe’s far-left support, Uygur has not been holding back in his criticism of Biden.
“He is not going to win,” Uygur said during his announcement, adding “We have got to get Biden out of the race.”
During a recent interview on The Hill’s Rising, the socialist admitted that the majority of Americans HATE Joe Biden while accusing him of being “one of the most selfish politicians” he’s ever seen in his life.
He said that the Democratic party has turned into some kind of “weirdo authoritarian party” and they’re now going around the country trying to stop challengers like him and RFK Jr. from having a fair chance to defeat Joe.
Uygur goes on to admit that an incompetent Joe Biden is not the man for the job, and as long as he remains in power he’s destroying America!
Watch the video here to see this far-leftist absolutely torch Joe Biden and the DNC.