Former Vice-President Biden is probably hoping no one goes rogue on the Democrat side and mentions his family’s name in connection with corruption.
Glenn Beck recently introduced Peter Schweizer’s new book, Profiles in Corruption, and it leaves no doubt there is plenty of corruption to go around regarding the Biden name.
In one instance Joe Biden’s brother, James, joined Hillstone before it won a contract to build 100,000 homes in Iraq. Hillstone also managed to land a $22 million contract with the US State Department to manage a construction project. All this, while Joe Biden was Vice President under Barack Obama.
Kevin D. Williamson of National Review said, “James Biden had about as much background in construction management as Hunter Biden did in Ukrainian natural-gas developments. But he had a brother in the White House … It is not obviously illegal, but that is a distinct question.”
Schweizer writes that no fewer than FIVE members of the Biden clan landed high-paying positions for a thing they had no skill to contribute while Joe was in power. They include son Hunter, brothers James and Frank, sister Valerie, and son-in-law Howard.
This is the swamp Donald Trump wants to clean up in Washington!
Watch the video as Glenn Beck reveals that Joe Biden has yet another close relative who profited off the former Vice President’s name and position – much of that while he was still in the White House.