Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is quietly trying to advance a dangerous new proposal that would give the Biden regime the same level of control that Communist China has over its people – enabling them to track every single move you make.
The proposal would mandate that every single commercial vehicle involved in interstate commerce be required to have an electronic tracking device which the government could monitor at any time, for any reason.
However, the plan wouldn’t stop at commercial vehicles and it could feed into Democrats lust for power and control by enabling leaders like Buttigieg to force every single passenger vehicle to be equipped with the tracking devices as well.
China has similar tracking technology and they use it to identify the location of any anti-government individuals in order to stymie dissent – which could be exactly what Pete wants for America.
During his time in office, Pete Buttigieg, has proven himself to be the epitome of a far-left elitist.
He has taken advantage of his position as transportation secretary to push climate activism while frequently using tax-payer funds to hop on private jets and fly all over the country.
He also famously said that Americans worried about historically high gas prices should shut up and go buy a Tesla.
Buttigieg and the Biden regime don’t care about you, and if allowed to move forward with this proposal, they could use it to ensure the American people remain subservient to them, trampling on the constitution in the process.
To learn why this proposal will be the absolute end of American’s freedom, watch the video here.
This sick queer needs to be hanged.
That’s a fact. He comes around me it just might be bad bad for that piece of crap
This Evil Sodomite needs to be impeached and Removed from office for Treason and Sedition against the American People and the Constitution
Tried for treason against America, and the people. Fricken Commie
The communist Government of the United States at its best. Suck they young in with free money and shaft them via other moves under the cover of Govt regulations.
Good luck with tracking me, fortunately the is something in your phone to stop all tracking and if that doesn’t work, I’ll go off grid! I’m almost there now!
If you piss off a Cop/Politician, you will be placed on a “Watch list”and you will be tracked. The people who are being elected , and on the Freemasons police force, will follow you like a little puppy following it’s mama. You will be placed on a point list like the Chinese use, and if you get out of line they can shut down your vehicle, or regulate the amount of food you can buy. This crap is happening in America today, and it seems like nobody cares, especially our Representatives.
The biden administration has gone too far. They are desttoying America and they just may live to regret it. Americans are just about full of this bullshit
Buttplug’s going to get his long needed Nap.
Wonder if he’s still breast feeding …..
Buttigieg desperately needs to be removed from office. Advocating for the tracking of American citizens is treasonous behavior.
He is just the tip of the iceberg. Biden is going to implement a programmable FED Coin next year and do away with cash! This will give him complete control of our money. If the Commie Democrats don’t like what you buy or who you donate to they will press a button and you won’t have any money! Like Canada did to the Protesting Truckers. Welcome to the United States of China.
How do we get these people out of office ? What do we need to do ….already been prayin… need an action plan !
Well, we have tried voting them out, that doesn’t seem to work these days. They have our election system so screwed up that a dictatorship is now entrenched into American politics. All they need now is our weapons, that will be the final nail in our coffin.
If we ever get back to fair election process and get rid of all the programed machines .and made up ballets .things would take care of themselves. but we are now past that stage .
NOOOO. They want us to act up! They are doing everything imaginable to piss us off. That is exactly what they want us to do so they can declare martial law and confiscate our guns. The ONLY thing we ALL must do is pray. Look at what is going on around us. The devil is having a field day. The Dear Lord Jesus is our only hope right now because He is really pissed off at us. Pray like there is n
o tomorrow. If enough of us pray to Jesus, He will listen to us and save the world. If not, then end times!!
Read the Declaration of Independence. It tells you what can be done, but you have to get a majority of people to go along with it.
So, these holier than Thou Butt heads want to track every penny we have, track every physical move we make while they do not disclose their life to the same degree. We must INSIST that we have the same degree of secrecy that they do. The Biden Administration members all sound like they went to the CCP University of society destruction and control. There is nothing they are proposing that has not already been implemented in China. Fraud Fauci proved it when he said he got the ideas of masks, lockdowns, school closing, etc. from CHINA.
I cannot print what I think of Sweetie Pete or his proposal or I will be banned for life.
Sign up with Rumble, you can say whatever you like about Sweet Cheeks ButtJudge. I wouldn’t mind hearing what you have to say about him or any of the multitude of other sexual perverts in our government. Every department of our local, city, county, state and federal governments is a rogues gallery of alcoholics, adulterers, fornicators, liars, sexual perverts, traitors, thieves and all sorts of other scumbags and reprobates to ever crawl out of a sewer or from under a rock.
Yes they are. SCUMBAGS sticking their f*****g noses in every facet of out lives. Time to bring back the gallows. Fudgepacker Pete 1st.
I never elected “Buttjudge” to anything, and I never voted to have my taxes raised over and over again. I never voted to have closed circuit TV cameras mounted on every pole, building, tree etc, to track my every movement, I never voted to have mentally deficient men dressed as women to hold story hours in for children in our public libraries or schools, I never voted to have America’s children brainwashed and indoctrinated in CRT, the transgender and the LGBTQ agenda in our schools, as a matter of fact I never voted to have our public education or health care system to be taken over by the government. I was brought up to believe that when we elect various individuals into office, be it on the local, county, state or federal level, they were being elected to do the will of the people who elected them. What a crock of BS that turned out to be, every bit of legislation they enact is NEVER for the benefit of WE THE PEOPLE, it is only for the benefit of those elected and the big international corporations and banking cartels. CONTROL and TRACK me! Up yours BUTTJUDGE! I bet you would even like to spy on men and boys in the bathroom and shower. NOBODY is going to put a track device in car, and if they do, I’ll go back to riding a bike
They put two tracking chips in my motorcycle and i took them out, so they blasted my electrical system and did $980.00 damage to it. With this new Super Computer system they can control anything that’s Electronic.
Give Buttplug a C4 Buttplug.
That will not only give him a thrill, it will give him explosive diarrhea which would make a mess all over the country.
But the queer would like that in his butt (and wouldn’t care after it goes off).
Good news! All things that are trackable can be disabled!!
The United States has facial recognition cameras with voice activation. Nazi Larry Hogan has 18 just around the governor’s mansion. We will have to revert to old school ” Kill a Commie For Momy”, this INCLUDES AMERICAN COMMIES.
Lets make this perfectly clear .. Buttguy is not a leader and no American wil comply.
Hate to have to disagree, Thomas, but I sadly believe that too many American citizens are so fed up with the growing levels of criminal corruption and greed at all levels and departments of government that they see no way out; so many have just rolled over and given up the fight. The old adage “You can’t fight city hall” is now writ large. In just a few short years we’ve become the laughing stock of the world.
It can be changed but it will take a majority of willing individuals.
Read the first several paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence. That is how this can be changed. Go back to a simple government and get rid of every cabinet, administration, and even military general Gen. Miller for example.
When we were kids and things didn’t turn out right we called “a do over”. That’s what we need now. Include that any and all elected after the do over, term limits, pay into social security because you can’t retire or leave office with a pension unless you have your own 401K plan.
You only have a 30 vacation after you’ve served a year like we had in the military.
You buy your own health and life insurance, no more free on our dime.
Lobbying is not allowed.
No more transportation unless you pay for it.
And last but definitely not least you only get paid wages for the work you actually do. No more staff doing the work for you.
Amen. Any such attempt to infringe on our Constitutional rights will be most assuredly met with diiscord and pushbaxk. WeThePeople are many. If this communist regime iccupying our White House thinks they can do this, our country will be at war. Civil war is on the horizon. Be watchful. All these unvetted illegals surging our country is only a beginning. They will be armed & made this regime’s new army. This coupled with the melenials getting “freebies” will learn they have new masters. Remember FREEDOM is not free. Much blood has been shed to preserve our liberties!
Pete needs to understand that he works for us the American people. Employees do not spy on their bosses. If they do they should be terminated immediately.
All you have to do is drive someone else’s car like a dead person’s. The government is so broken they couldn’t track 9/11 terrorists or the terrorists comming into the country now. There so much in debt if they stop paying just a little bit of the welfare states there will be rioets from hell. The will burn the 1% homes.
Yes, we definitely have a problem with the quality of people selected for various positions within the Biden administration. It’s no wonder that things are so messed up. But I suppose that “mayor Pete” thinks he’s doing a bang up job. Well he is, in a train wreck sort of a way! Question is this. How much can this country take???
Scumbag Fudge packer Pete Butt plug Queer.
Well, we want to track ALL government employees 24/7 including phoncons.
God made two ends. One to think with and the other to sit on. Butterkeg has his head far up inside his lower aperture that he speaks jibberish with foul odors emitting from his mouth. Anyway. It takes the act of congress to amend this into the Constitution. Butterkeg is a big dreamer harvesting maggots in his brain. Just a beanie boy that loves having his cheeks pinched.
For Pete Buttigieg: – Nothing but impeachment