You’ve probably noticed that the Democrat National Convention in Chicago looks more like Camp Rhino in Afghanistan this week than it does a convention center. They’ve built a wall around it to protect themselves (unlike the southern border) and the place looks like a fortified compound.
It’s no wonder when you realize how much the people outside the fence dislike the Democrats.
We’re not talking about the pro-Palestinian protesters that George Soros bused in for the 2024 riot season. We’re talking about the everyday Chicagoans whose votes are taken for granted by the Democrats.
The people know what’s going on here. No one voted for Kamala Harris to be the Democrat nominee. The Democrats want to stay in power and do away with voting entirely, so this whole Kamala coronation process has been just one more nail in the coffin of “democracy” in America.
People are furious with the Democrats. They were able to pawn off the mostly white Barack Obama as a “black” president in 2008 and 2012. The voters are not quite as thrilled at the idea of Kamala Harris, an Indian woman who checked “white” on every job application until she ran for president in 2020, being appointed as the next “black” president.
What is she even doing for black voters compared to Donald Trump?
Maybe the Democrats should step outside of their fortified bubble and see what real Chicagoans have to say about Kamala. Like these ladies:
Two black women in Chicago just TORCHED Kamala Harris outside of the DNC:
“She’s terrible, if she comes into office, it’ll be done… she tries to get the black vote because if you look at her past things, maybe 10-15 years ago when she’s in interviews, she identifies as West…
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) August 20, 2024