There are plenty of people in this country who don’t really understand why we have a 2nd Amendment. They’ll hear arguments that it’s for self-defense. Others will say it’s to resist an oppressive government. Yet more people will argue that it’s for the common defense in the face of foreign aggression.
Recent events have demystified the 2nd Amendment. A lot of people who never understood before suddenly came to their own revelation, and it’s pretty simple. The 2nd Amendment is to protect your ability to defend yourself against anyone who might mean to harm you. It doesn’t matter if it’s terrorists, invaders, rioting protestors or your own government. The 2nd Amendment is about empowering people with their own means of defense, and it’s particularly important when you have no faith in the government to protect you.
In the face of extraordinary turmoil right now, people who never before considered owning a gun have made their first purchase. In fact, gun sales are hitting records, and FBI statistics show that it’s not a case of hoarding. First-time gun ownership has hit a modern high, and we all now understand why. The 2nd Amendment is an acknowledgment that bad people will try to do bad things. We buy guns because we are capable of fearing the worst.
This video is going to go over some gun sales information with you. It’s going to show you how widespread gun ownership has suddenly become. While you’re watching, you might take encouragement from this change. The 2nd Amendment has rapidly gained massive support. Simultaneously, aspiring tyrants in our country suddenly have a lot more firepower to worry about. These are both good things.